Slightly on topic is the observation that experts are useless, or
worse than useless, in managing big, chaotic systems. They do big
things they don\'t understand, mess things up, and then over-compensate
in panic. Not good dynamics.
In other news, Biden shut down pipelines, and is now dumping oil from
the US strategic reserve, because $5 gasoline turns out to be bad
politics. Same idea, bang-bang control.
Father Brown\'s figure remained quite dark and still;
but in that instant he had lost his head. His head was
always most valuable when he had lost it.
Slightly on topic is the observation that experts are useless, or
worse than useless, in managing big, chaotic systems. They do big
things they don\'t understand, mess things up, and then over-compensate
in panic. Not good dynamics.
In other news, Biden shut down pipelines, and is now dumping oil from
the US strategic reserve, because $5 gasoline turns out to be bad
politics. Same idea, bang-bang control.
Father Brown\'s figure remained quite dark and still;
but in that instant he had lost his head. His head was
always most valuable when he had lost it.