Since there has been all this hype about removing carbon emissions,
Why hasn't anyone come up with the concept of totally banning soft
drinks, since these are all made with
carbon dioxide (for the carbonated water) and unlike electricity and
transport fuels are definitely not an
essential item to humanity (Debatably quite the opposite) and would
cause relatively small disruption to society if banned.
This kind of struck me today when i walked past a bar and saw large
cylinders marked carbon dioxide being unloaded for use in drinks.
Why hasn't anyone come up with the concept of totally banning soft
drinks, since these are all made with
carbon dioxide (for the carbonated water) and unlike electricity and
transport fuels are definitely not an
essential item to humanity (Debatably quite the opposite) and would
cause relatively small disruption to society if banned.
This kind of struck me today when i walked past a bar and saw large
cylinders marked carbon dioxide being unloaded for use in drinks.