OT: Bin Laden Dead?

On 4/05/2011 4:05 AM, Rod Speed wrote:
terryc wrote just the puerile shit it always has to resort to
when its got done like a fucking dinner, as it always is.

Roddles flogging the dead horse just like he always does.
keithr wrote just the puerile shit it you'd expect from a fuckwit pom.

No surprise that even the poms gave it the bums rush out of their country.
F Murtz wrote:
Don McKenzie wrote:

In the last few minutes:


Was first reported that Obama would address the US nation Sunday
night, and the speculation was that they got Gaddaffi.
Latest reports now is that it is Bin Laden they got.

Having trouble with very slow comms out of OZ right now, so it is a
little hard to verify.

Cheers Don...


And now where is nuke that was promised if he was killed?
With the WMD's in Iraq.

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