OT Auckland drivers can not drive for nuts

"Terry Given" <my_name@ieee.org> wrote in message
Ken Taylor wrote:
"Bob Parker" <bobpdeletethis@despammed.com> wrote in message

I totally agree! Using turn signals and headlight low beam seem to
be something which many Sydney drivers do if they happen to feel like
it. Weaving from lane to lane and even giving opposite turn
indications to what they're really going to do are routine down here
south of the harbour.
If the coppers actually started booking some of these fools instead
of only enforcing the speed limit to make revenue, things might
And returning the speed limits on arterial roads to their original
60-70km/h from the ludicrous 50 they've slapped onto a lot of them now
as nothing more than another blatant revenue-making exercise would
ease driver frustration (especially mine)
But this is nothing to do with electronics, not directly anyway. :)


The best one over here is indicating on roundabouts. The law was recently
changed so that you have to indicate left when about to leave the
roundabout, even if you were going straight ahead. Now it's not like
people were indicating correctly before anyway (I think the change was to
make the law reflect what people usually do, coz it sure as hell makes no
practical sense!). Now plenty of people indicate left when approaching a
roundabout, maybe indicate right as they get on, then left again as they
leave. Or they indicate left only, even if they're going right. But it's
a great law change apparently as you (may) know that you can proceed into
the roundabout a few milliseconds before you could have if they didn't
indicate their exit.


Dont forget you still have to indicate for 3 seconds....

My favourite trick is backwards round a corner thru a red light.

I once stopped a yank who was slowly driving onto the Symonds St.
off-ramp - we were both stopped at the lights going up Symonds st, and he
turned left. So I rode up beside him and banged on his window, then
explained he was about to kill his entire family. 1988 or so.

Try driving in Massachussetts, where jaywalking is illegal but pedestrians
have right of way ?! Seriously crazy driving.
I am not sure what the rule In canberra is but I have driven through
Canberra at night and found that pedstrians walk up to the kerb, look you in
the eye and then step out in front of you - maybe it is just a suicidal
thing from living in Canberra.

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