OT: Americans... \"40 billion to Ukraine is BULLSHIT\"...

Actually anyone who knows anything about history knows better than to jump
on the side of Ukraine. Sooner or later, aggressive NATO expansion will
cause Russia to launch nukes. That will be a \"shocking abhorrent\" surprise
to armchair warmongers. Will Washington DC politicians have the balls to
respond with World War III? Maybe.

Most Americans strongly oppose sending billions to Ukraine. But
congratulations to Deep State imperialist warmongers. The military-
industrial complex, its stockholders, and its bribe takers, just made out
like bandits at American taxpayers\' expense.

Doesn\'t matter how much of that military aid gets destroyed or confiscated
by Russia. Taxpayers foot the bill while the military-industrial complex and
its allies make big profits. Who cares!

Americans care.

Fox News videos...


\"$40 billion to Ukraine ‘indefensible’\"

94% Likes


\"US committed to helping Ukraine\"

77.4% Dislikes

Sample comments...

\"Of course we are! The US Is committed to help EVERYONE ELSE but

\"Committed to giving wealth to arms manufacturers. Kirby is disgusting.\"

\"Armchair Generals in the defense industry are rolling in dough, President
Eisenhower warned us about MIC.\"

\"\"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the
problem.\" — Ronald Reagan\"

\"To bad the government isnt this excited to help AMERICANS!\"

Left out comments mentioning Joe Biden since it\'s nothing to do with party

CBS News video...


\"Pentagon on Senate passing Ukraine aid bill...\"

77% Dislikes

Sample comments...

\"It\'s amazing how bills for other countries pass so fast, but when it comes
to our own they\'re fought tooth and nail just to not get passed.\"

\"But we cannot pass an infrastructure bill to save ourselves.\"

\"But they took forever to sign off a stimulus package for us. This is just

\"People can\'t even afford gas to goto work and we can just print another 40

Even NBC news (sister station of ultra-radical anti-Trump MSNBC)...


\"Senate Passes New $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Bill\"

58.1 Dislikes

Sample comments, WOW...

\"454 members of congress should be ashamed of themselves, disgusting\"

\"WOW! That $40B could feed a lot of hungry Americans, provide housing to a
lot of homeless vets, support a lot of sick seniors and minors, disabled,

\"Money for Ukraine\'s border 40 thousand million dollars...
Money for the US border, 000000 dollars\"

\"40 Billion could help aid the Senior Citizens,disabled Veterans,regular
folks that are disabled and low income people earning less than 30 grand a
year due to inflation and the pandemic..Going to be a lot of changes coming
in the 2024 elections..\"

Unless the establishment starts World War III before then.

\"All these politicians are getting a piece of that money\"


That\'s the pulse of the American people. Google needs to shut it down lest
it conflict with their propaganda. But there are no telltale signs of Google
propaganda, like with some other issues. Maybe Google knows better. They
probably can prohibit comments without too much uproar. Knowing what
Americans think on such issues is bad for the propaganda machine.
On Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 11:30:41 PM UTC+10, John Doe wrote:
Actually anyone who knows anything about history knows better than to jump
on the side of Ukraine.

As if John Doe knew anything about history.

> Sooner or later, aggressive NATO expan>sion will cause Russia to launch nukes.

Quite how the expansion of a purely defensive alliance can be \"aggressive\" is a mystery.
Why it would provoke Russia into launching nukes and getting nuked back into the stone age in consequence is equally mysterious, but John Doe is the kind of idiot who will believe anything.

That will be a \"shocking abhorrent\" surprise to armchair warmongers.

More an exceedingly improbable outcome for anybody with a better grasp of reality than John Doe.

> Will Washington DC politicians have the balls to respond with World War III? Maybe.

If Russia launches nuclear missiles, they will have started WW3. The appropriate response is dropping enough nukes on them to make sure that they can\'t launch any more. That won\'t take any balls at all.

<snipped the rest of the equally fatuous nonsense>

Bill Sloman, sydney

That\'s an understatement. Huge divide between Washington and America.

We are already wasting 50 billion in Ukraine. The military-industrial
complex, its shareholders, and its bribe takers get a fix, at American
taxpayers\' expense.

I wrote:

Most Americans strongly oppose sending billions to Ukraine at the same
time they don\'t even know details of why military aid to Ukraine is a
horrible idea.

Congratulations to Deep State imperialist warmongers. The military-
industrial complex, its stockholders, and its bribe takers, just made
out like bandits at American taxpayers\' expense.

Doesn\'t matter how much of that military aid gets destroyed or
confiscated by Russia. Taxpayers foot the bill while the
military-industrial complex and its allies make big profits. Who cares!

The scent of war in a distant country surrounds our politicians and
penetrates them, it binds them together. Nothing else is more alluring.

While they ignore the American people.

Fox News videos...


\"$40 billion to Ukraine \'indefensible\'\"

94% Likes


\"US committed to helping Ukraine\"

77.4% Dislikes

Sample comments...

\"Of course we are! The US Is committed to help EVERYONE ELSE but

\"Committed to giving wealth to arms manufacturers. Kirby is disgusting.\"

\"Armchair Generals in the defense industry are rolling in dough,
President Eisenhower warned us about MIC.\"

\"\"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the
problem.\" - Ronald Reagan\"

\"To bad the government isnt this excited to help AMERICANS!\"

Left out comments mentioning Joe Biden since it\'s nothing to do with
party affiliation.

CBS News video...


\"Pentagon on Senate passing Ukraine aid bill...\"

77% Dislikes

Sample comments...

\"It\'s amazing how bills for other countries pass so fast, but when it
comes to our own they\'re fought tooth and nail just to not get passed.\"

\"But we cannot pass an infrastructure bill to save ourselves.\"

\"But they took forever to sign off a stimulus package for us. This is
just Insane.\"

\"People can\'t even afford gas to goto work and we can just print another
40 billion\"

Even NBC news (sister station of ultra-radical anti-Trump MSNBC)...


\"Senate Passes New $40 Billion Ukraine Aid Bill\"

58.1 Dislikes

Sample comments, WOW...

\"454 members of congress should be ashamed of themselves, disgusting\"

\"WOW! That $40B could feed a lot of hungry Americans, provide housing
to a lot of homeless vets, support a lot of sick seniors and minors,
disabled, etc.\"

\"Money for Ukraine\'s border 40 thousand million dollars... Money for the
US border, 000000 dollars\"

\"40 Billion could help aid the Senior Citizens,disabled Veterans,regular
folks that are disabled and low income people earning less than 30 grand
a year due to inflation and the pandemic..Going to be a lot of changes
coming in the 2024 elections..\"

Unless the establishment starts World War III before then.

\"All these politicians are getting a piece of that money\"


That\'s the pulse of the American people. Google needs to shut it down
lest it conflict with their propaganda. But there are no telltale signs
of Google propaganda, like with some other issues. Maybe Google knows
better. They probably can prohibit comments without too much uproar.
Knowing what Americans think on such issues is bad for the propaganda
On Monday, May 30, 2022 at 11:22:21 AM UTC-7, John Doe wrote:
> https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/27/mitch-mcconnells-media-tour...

Hey, it\'s Mitch\'s chance to get publicity, and he went for it.

> That\'s an understatement. Huge divide between Washington and America.

No, we elect new America-representing folk into seats in Washington every
couple of years. The divide isn\'t geographic, it\'s rhetorical. Without
some division between candidate A and candidate B, you don\'t get impressive
crowds at rallies.

We are already wasting 50 billion in Ukraine. The military-industrial

What a load of blather THAT is. John Doe wants to create a divide and widen
it, so he can gather his own crowd, divided out against other Americans.
I recall historically, there was a CSA crowd that tried major, big-time division: the idea
didn\'t fly then. I\'d prefer not to tread that path again; my old home town burned last time.

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