Pooh Bear
"James T. White" wrote:
than perfect, although it didn't bother me especially.
One of flight crew came on the PA to apologise on account of " ....we were
trying to miss the dog crossing the runway ".
On another flight there ( also with BA as it happens ) we were held in the
'pattern' for about an hour before landing. Very unusual. Upon landing the Capt
came on the PA to advise us ( wisely after the event ) that the delay was due to
the radar being out !
On the subject of hard landings, on one BA flight to Bombay our arrival was lessAn airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his
ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a policy which required
the first officer to stand at the door while the Passengers exited, smile,
and give them a "Thanks for flying XYZ airline." He said that in light of
his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye,
thinking that someone would have a smart comment. Finally everyone had
gotten off except for this little old lady walking with a cane. She said,
"Sonny, mind if I ask you a question?" "Why no Ma'am," said the pilot, "what
is it?" The little old lady said, "Did we land or were we shot down?"
than perfect, although it didn't bother me especially.
One of flight crew came on the PA to apologise on account of " ....we were
trying to miss the dog crossing the runway ".
On another flight there ( also with BA as it happens ) we were held in the
'pattern' for about an hour before landing. Very unusual. Upon landing the Capt
came on the PA to advise us ( wisely after the event ) that the delay was due to
the radar being out !