Op amps problem Gain Calculation

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 16:02:23 -0500, PeterD <peter2@hipson.net>

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:52:04 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 01:46:52 -0800 (PST), lou <Lou717@gmail.com

Would appreciate some help.

Was thinking of using a car radio at home. Specs read current
consumption 1.5A (at .5W).

Something's wrong there.

Power is equal to the product of voltage and current, so:

P = IE = 12V * 1.5A = 18 watts

or, for 0.5W:

P 0.5W
I = --- = ------ ~ 0.042A
E 12V

I think the OP's specificatins rate current at .5W of audio output...

The fuse is 5A.

DC power supply should be at least 1.5A but can I go up to 4A without
harming the radio?

Yes; the radio will only draw the current it needs.

Assuming the power supply is regulated and doesn't allow the voltage
to rise significantly as current drops.
See "As long as the power supply looks like a voltage source"...

Not sure if I would gain any improvement in sound.

As long as the power supply looks like a voltage source the quality
of the sound won't suffer.

Assuming the power supply is regulated and doesn't allow the voltage
to change significantly as audio levels change.
What do you think a voltage source does?

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 15:42:14 -0600, John Fields
<jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 16:02:23 -0500, PeterD <peter2@hipson.net

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:52:04 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 01:46:52 -0800 (PST), lou <Lou717@gmail.com

Would appreciate some help.

Was thinking of using a car radio at home. Specs read current
consumption 1.5A (at .5W).

Something's wrong there.

Power is equal to the product of voltage and current, so:

P = IE = 12V * 1.5A = 18 watts

or, for 0.5W:

P 0.5W
I = --- = ------ ~ 0.042A
E 12V

I think the OP's specificatins rate current at .5W of audio output...


The fuse is 5A.

DC power supply should be at least 1.5A but can I go up to 4A without
harming the radio?

Yes; the radio will only draw the current it needs.

Assuming the power supply is regulated and doesn't allow the voltage
to rise significantly as current drops.

See "As long as the power supply looks like a voltage source"...

Not sure if I would gain any improvement in sound.

As long as the power supply looks like a voltage source the quality
of the sound won't suffer.

Assuming the power supply is regulated and doesn't allow the voltage
to change significantly as audio levels change.

What do you think a voltage source does?

You know, I know, but does the OP know? <g>
On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 19:41:38 -0500, PeterD <peter2@hipson.net>

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 15:42:14 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 16:02:23 -0500, PeterD <peter2@hipson.net

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 09:52:04 -0600, John Fields
jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008 01:46:52 -0800 (PST), lou <Lou717@gmail.com

Would appreciate some help.

Was thinking of using a car radio at home. Specs read current
consumption 1.5A (at .5W).

Something's wrong there.

Power is equal to the product of voltage and current, so:

P = IE = 12V * 1.5A = 18 watts

or, for 0.5W:

P 0.5W
I = --- = ------ ~ 0.042A
E 12V

I think the OP's specificatins rate current at .5W of audio output...


The fuse is 5A.

DC power supply should be at least 1.5A but can I go up to 4A without
harming the radio?

Yes; the radio will only draw the current it needs.

Assuming the power supply is regulated and doesn't allow the voltage
to rise significantly as current drops.

See "As long as the power supply looks like a voltage source"...

Not sure if I would gain any improvement in sound.

As long as the power supply looks like a voltage source the quality
of the sound won't suffer.

Assuming the power supply is regulated and doesn't allow the voltage
to change significantly as audio levels change.

What do you think a voltage source does?

You know, I know, but does the OP know? <g
Dunno, but he will if he reads and understands this:


Jerry wrote:
Will be listing mint, never used HRO-500 parts soon.
Don't do that. This is NOT a forsale group.

Groups where advertisements are welcome are not hard to spot.
They have in their names words like
ads forsale marketplace biz
The sellers told me to tell you "You can always turn off your computer"


"JeffM" <jeffm_@email.com> wrote in message news:21319773-b0a9-4dfb-8b56-f38d5ddb7205@i12g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
Jerry wrote:
[SPAM]auctions on eBay[SPAM]
Will be listing mint, never used HRO-500 parts soon.

Don't do that. This is NOT a forsale group.

Groups where advertisements are welcome are not hard to spot.
They have in their names words like
ads forsale marketplace biz
Nykyään panikointi ydinvoimaa vastaan on niin suurta, että suorastaan
hämmästyttää!?Tulee eittämättä mieleen taannoinen keskustelu, jossa
kyseltiin mm. Heiniluomalta ja Kataiselta mielipiteitään siitä mitä mieltä
ovat ydinvoiman "lähelleenrakentamisesta?" Vastaus tulee kuin tykin suusta
kuorossa: "sulaa HULLUUTTA!.".. ..Öö just joo ja nyt tätä samaa kiteytetään
lehdet mustina vakuuttamalla, ettei kukaan selväjärkinen siedä ydinvoimaa
enää edes 100km säteelleen itsestään, vaan nyt pitää saada välimatkaa
satoja, jollei jo tuhansia kilometrejä!!

Aika hurjaa muutosta muuten. Kun luvin miten vielä esim 80-luvulla esim.
Ruotsissa haluttiin aivan yleisesti jopa Tukholmaan ydinvoimaa! Siis ihan
simppeli kysymys. Mikä on maassamme herättänyt tämän massiivisen ja
maankattavan kammon ydinvoimaan. Vastavaa en ole IKINÄ nähnyt! Miksi
ihmeessä lehdet pursuavat tätä samaa viestiä:" Mitä kauemmas sen
vähäkalmaisempaa mulle ydinvoimaa?!"

Toki Antti vahtera 1978 kirjoittamassa kirjassaan kertoi muutoksen johtuneen
ruotsalaisten Ĺgastan voimalan vuotokatastrofiin kaatumisista ja myös esim
Marvikenin ydinvoimalakatastrofin jo 1970-luvulla vaikuttaneen, kun ei
täyttänyt kansainvälisiä ydinturvanormeja laitos alasajettiin vähin äänin.
Itse asiassa plasmafyysikko professori Hannes Alfven lopulta
ydintuhovaarasta vetosi suoraan Ruotsin pääministeriin tulppaillen maan
silloisen ydinintoilukiiman. Ydinhallinto katkaisi kostotyyliiin tiedon
ydinvaaroista antaneen professorin rahoitukset (,vertaa Aranda/Oulun
mehiläistutkimusalasajoon mm. -08 alussa!). Valtiopainostus Hannesta vastaan
päätyi tästä teollisuustutkijasta valtiopäiville. Kuten ydinalalla on tapana
ollut totuuden puhuja ajettiin maanpakoon USA:han! Asia sai niin kiusallista
julkisuutta, että myös Ruotsin uraanikaivos Rantadissa päätettiin myös
sulkea ydinvaarojensa tultua julki laajalti. Antti Vahtera; (ydinenergian
uhkapeli) kipakoituu: "Silloisia ydinhankkeista kuvastui edelleen joksenkin
täydellinen tietämättömyys ydinenergian riskeistä, mm.
Tukholmaydinvoimalahankkeissa, Vätanin sataman, ja esim. Haningenin
ydinkaukolämpö-, sähkölaitoshankkeissa!"

Niin tulee tosiaan mieleen, että vastako nyt aletaan ydinvaaroja ymmärtämään
vaivoin Suomessa, kun aiempaa edes 100km ei pidetä turvarajana? On aivan
ILMEISTÄ , että nämä esittämäni loisteliaat uudenkertovat beettasoihtufaktat
ja muut mekanismireaalini siitä miten LAAJALLE ydintuhot ohi mittausten
leviää alkavat purra huimasti nähtyä paniikkia päättäjiimme tuoden. Jopa
sadasti rajumin, kun edes ikinä alkujaan arvelin! Hianoa siltä osin, että
turvaharhat karisevat. Olemme kuin kala kultakalamaljassa, jossa turvaa EI
OLE ydinpäästöiltä omilta ydinpäästöiltä enää MISSÄÄN(!!
On Fri, 4 Jul 2008 23:08:58 -0700, dplatt@radagast.org (Dave Platt)

I have a need to control a light fixture in my home. At a certain time I
need the light to come on and later on the light should go out. The problem
is that I need it to change states slowly. Load could be anything between
100 and 600 watts.

I believe that some of the professional-grade X10 light-dimmer control
circuits have this basic capability, and there are probably some
variations that can handle up to 600 watts.
FWIW, the "regular" X10 controllers can dim from 100% to 0% but they
don't want to go the other way; a lamp that's off can only be set to a
dimmed brightness by first turning it on (=100%) and then dimming it.
Once it's on, of course, the dimming setting can be adjusted up and
down; just can't go directly from off to, say, 10%.

Note that the controllers I'm running are pretty old and the newer ones
(or other models) may not have this limitation.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
MYRTYNEITÄ ydinherraskaisia.

YLE 8.5.2008. Haastateltavan energiaherran suusta: "Olemme joutuneet
huomaamaan, ettemme kovista yrityksistämme huolimatta kyenneet vakuuttamaan
Suomen kansalle ydinvoiman tarpeellisuutta lainkaan!" .. ..

Ja melkein itkua vääntävää ydinlobbariherraa yksi toisensa perään
kuvaruutuun enemmän kuin harminsa kiukkua nieleskellen. Eikä mairitteluun
todella ole syytä. Suomen kansa oli pannut karut faktat esiin. Gallupin
mukaan vain 20 % oli ylipäätään edes yhtä ydinvoimalaa halukas rakentamaan.
Teollisuuspiirien himoitseman triplan ydinhankke- emieliin peilaili 4 %
kannatus! Eikä edes ydinalan OL-3 plutoniumpoltolle ja
isotooppiuraanikaivoshankkeille uraanirikastamoineen välttämättömän
NATO-jäsenyyden suosio ole ylittänyt 20 % pöyristyttävän pientä
kannatusnyanssiaan kovasta, megalomaanisesta painostuksesta piittaamatta.
Toki jo Niinistön pitämän nuorisoparlamentin 80 % ydinvastaisuuden kanssa
kaikki kivasti stemmaa.

Ehkä silti kaikkein tärkein on yhä sanomatta. Nimittäin tuollaisilla
ydinprojektiensa tahkoamilla kannatusluvuilla on päivän selvä viesti niin
ydinintoisille puolueille yleensä, kun erityisesti ydinryvettyneelle
Kokoomukselle, KTM:lle kuin ihan koko tulevan hallituskuvion varmennukseksi.
Jokainen joka tällaisiin lukuihin luo ydinhankkeitaan tietää tarkoin, että
kansa viskaa vaaleissa oppositioon takuuvarmasti JOKAISEN
ydinkannatuspuolueen ministeriöineen!..

Ei siis mikään ihme, että ydinherrojen rasvaiset hikivanat kasvavat vaalien
lähetessä. Ei lupaa muuten jatkossa ruusutarhoja yhdelle sun muille
ydinyhtiömonopoleillemme. Ja HYVÄ NIIN!)
Your Two AC3 inputs are probably "Digital Coax" inputs, They use the same
RCA input connector as analog inputs do.
For AC3 you can use a Digital Coax cable from your DVD player or other
source or fibre optic "Toslink".

Also note that you can't use standard audio patch cables for Digital Coax,
you'll need to get a special cable for that. Radio Shack used to sell
inexpesive digital coax cables, check there.


"Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com> wrote in message
The things that confused me are:

1) There are TWO inputs.

2) The AC3 inputs accept analog.

The cable is now in the post, I'll soon find out....

On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 08:52:28 -0000, Dutchie <Dutchie@dutchie.com> wrote:

Technically AC3 is 6 inputs (5.1), but usually one connector.
I don't see anything wrong, really.
Just hook it up and see if it works !

Peter Hucker wrote:
Skytronic SV-2803 Digital Kareoke Amplifier.


Mine is similar to the silver one shown under SV-2803, but mine is
black, and the LED display is a litttle redesigned.

I see that other models on that page actually mention "AC3" and "dolby
surround" but mine doesn't, I'm getting more confused by the minute!

When I get the TOSLINK cable, I'll be sending it back if it doesn't

The Skytronic page doesn't have it:

It has 5 speaker outputs makred "centre", "main left", "main right",
"surround left", and "surround right".

I can't see why there would be 5 outputs marked as such if it was just a
stereo amp.

The instructions are very cheaply printed and contradict themselves and
the back of the amp in several places.

The outputs for example are either 6 ohms, 4-8 ohms, or 8-16 ohms,
depending on what you read.

But that doesn't concern me, what's annoying is the instructions refer
to SIX AC3 inputs suggesting to connect them to a DVD player.

There are TWO on the back, not six.

And I thought AC3 was ONE input, digital all channels on one phono
socket or TOSLINK connector?

I've got an adaptor to take the toslink from my sky box, and the output
of that adaptor is ONE phono socket.

Looks like either my amp is not dolby at all, or the AC3 input doubles
s analog aswell?

Would this be possible?

I still don't managed to get hold of a TOSLINK cable, so I can't try it

On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 11:54:20 -0000, Dutchie <Dutchie@dutchie.com> wrote:

Perhaps you have a brand and type of the amp ?

Peter Hucker wrote:
I've bought a cheap amp that said "AC3 input" in the manual.

On the back are 4 sets of inputs. 3 of them are standard dual phonos,
marked tape, cd, and tuner (left and right of each). The other is
marked AC3, and also has two phono sockets (marked left and right). I
was under the impression that AC3 was the bitstream format of dolby
surround sound and required only ONE phono connector (or an optical
toslink connector). Why do I have two phonos? I don't have the ability
to give it a dolby bitstream yet to test it (waiting on a part), but I
did try connecting a standard stereo analog input to the AC3 phono
connectors, and it worked. Should it have? Could it be an
analog/digital input?

http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com

Amanpreet was bragging that in HIS country there is 79 different ways to
make mad passionate love.
Ray listened patiently. "That's amazing. Where I come from there's
really only one."
"Oh," sniffed Amanpreet, "just one? And which way is that?"
"Well, there's a man and there's a woman . . . "
"Praise Allah!" Amanpreet exclaims, "Number 80!"
If they are digital, then why do they accept analog left and analog right like the other inputs? Is it possible they do both?

I have tried taking a TOSLINK cable from my Sky HD box into an adaptor then an RCA phono lead from that adaptor to one of the AC3 inputs. Nothing happened.

I've also spoken to the supplier, who says it is not a Dolby surround system, and recommended another model which I've purchased.

It's weird that the system has 5 speaker outputs but doesn't actually do anything but stereo. Apart from maybe some echo effects on the mic? It's got a kareoke mic input with a couple of effects knobs.

On Sat, 14 Feb 2009 23:42:55 -0000, Shaun <scepp@shaw.ca> wrote:

Your Two AC3 inputs are probably "Digital Coax" inputs, They use the same
RCA input connector as analog inputs do.
For AC3 you can use a Digital Coax cable from your DVD player or other
source or fibre optic "Toslink".

Also note that you can't use standard audio patch cables for Digital Coax,
you'll need to get a special cable for that. Radio Shack used to sell
inexpesive digital coax cables, check there.


"Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com> wrote in message
The things that confused me are:

1) There are TWO inputs.

2) The AC3 inputs accept analog.

The cable is now in the post, I'll soon find out....

On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 08:52:28 -0000, Dutchie <Dutchie@dutchie.com> wrote:

Technically AC3 is 6 inputs (5.1), but usually one connector.
I don't see anything wrong, really.
Just hook it up and see if it works !

Peter Hucker wrote:
Skytronic SV-2803 Digital Kareoke Amplifier.


Mine is similar to the silver one shown under SV-2803, but mine is
black, and the LED display is a litttle redesigned.

I see that other models on that page actually mention "AC3" and "dolby
surround" but mine doesn't, I'm getting more confused by the minute!

When I get the TOSLINK cable, I'll be sending it back if it doesn't

The Skytronic page doesn't have it:

It has 5 speaker outputs makred "centre", "main left", "main right",
"surround left", and "surround right".

I can't see why there would be 5 outputs marked as such if it was just a
stereo amp.

The instructions are very cheaply printed and contradict themselves and
the back of the amp in several places.

The outputs for example are either 6 ohms, 4-8 ohms, or 8-16 ohms,
depending on what you read.

But that doesn't concern me, what's annoying is the instructions refer
to SIX AC3 inputs suggesting to connect them to a DVD player.

There are TWO on the back, not six.

And I thought AC3 was ONE input, digital all channels on one phono
socket or TOSLINK connector?

I've got an adaptor to take the toslink from my sky box, and the output
of that adaptor is ONE phono socket.

Looks like either my amp is not dolby at all, or the AC3 input doubles
s analog aswell?

Would this be possible?

I still don't managed to get hold of a TOSLINK cable, so I can't try it

On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 11:54:20 -0000, Dutchie <Dutchie@dutchie.com> wrote:

Perhaps you have a brand and type of the amp ?

Peter Hucker wrote:
I've bought a cheap amp that said "AC3 input" in the manual.

On the back are 4 sets of inputs. 3 of them are standard dual phonos,
marked tape, cd, and tuner (left and right of each). The other is
marked AC3, and also has two phono sockets (marked left and right). I
was under the impression that AC3 was the bitstream format of dolby
surround sound and required only ONE phono connector (or an optical
toslink connector). Why do I have two phonos? I don't have the ability
to give it a dolby bitstream yet to test it (waiting on a part), but I
did try connecting a standard stereo analog input to the AC3 phono
connectors, and it worked. Should it have? Could it be an
analog/digital input?

http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com

Amanpreet was bragging that in HIS country there is 79 different ways to
make mad passionate love.
Ray listened patiently. "That's amazing. Where I come from there's
really only one."
"Oh," sniffed Amanpreet, "just one? And which way is that?"
"Well, there's a man and there's a woman . . . "
"Praise Allah!" Amanpreet exclaims, "Number 80!"

http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com http://www.petersphotos.com

Two men dressed in pilots’ uniforms walk up the aisle. Both are wearing dark glasses, one is using a guide dog, and the other is tapping his way along the aisle with a cane. Nervous laughter spreads through the cabin, but the men enter the cockpit, the door closes, and the engines start up. The passengers begin glancing nervously around, searching for some sign that this is just a little practical joke. None is forthcoming. The plane moves faster and faster down the runway, and the people sitting in the window seats realize they’re headed straight for the water at the edge of the airport territory. As it begins to look as though the plane will plough into the water, panicked screams fill the cabin. At that moment, the plane lifts smoothly into the air. The passengers relax and laugh a little sheepishly, and soon all retreat into their magazines, secure in the knowledge that the plane is in good hands.
In the cockpit, one of the blind pilots turns to the other and says, “You know, Bob, one of these days, they’re gonna scream too late and we’re all gonna die.”
scada wrote:

"athenanews" <us@gillsteve.giointernet.co.uk> wrote in message

Please can anybody suggest the best route for doing this. Ideally we would
like a simple flag to let us know if we lose any phases. The flag would

Two relays rated at the phase to phase voltage. Wire the coil of relay1
across phases A-B. Wire the coil of relay2 across phases B-C. Wire the NO
contacts of each relay in series with both relays, and DC power supply
(5-12V). Now you will loose the 5-12V upon phase loss.
You should check that the relays drop out with only two legs
active. There might still be enough to hold them in.

-- glen
It's a MaJoR SCaM..................

"robert" <techlord63@comcast.net> wrote in message

This is not a scam, I have done it myself! Can you really make money so
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are not giving your address to anyone you do not know.. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY

pyra_mid_man@yahoo.ca - ati_wonderful@yahoo.ca - dreem_speed@yahoo.ca -
jetta_jdx@yahoo.ca robert_s61@yahoo.com globart3dco@comcast.net

STEP 2: Now take the 1st email off the list that you see above, move the
other addresses up (6 becomes 5, 5 becomes 4, etc?.) and add YOUR email
address (the one used on the paypal account) as number 6 on the list. STEP
3: Change anything you need to, but try to keep this article as close to
original as possible. Now, post your amended article to at least 200
newsgroups and message boards. (I think there are close to 32,000 groups)
All you need is 200, but remember, the more you post, the more money you
make - as well as everyone else on the list! ---- DIRECTIONS---- HOW TO
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this entire letter to do your own posting. Simply put your cursor at the
beginning of this letter and drag your cursor to the bottom of this
document, and select 'copy' from the edit menu. This will copy the entire
letter into the computer memory. Step 2) Open a blank 'notepad' file and
place your cursor at the top of the blank page. From the 'edit' menu
'paste'. This will paste a copy of the letter into notepad so that you can
add your name to the list. Step 3) save your new notepad file as a .txt
file. If you want to do your postings in different sittings, you'll always
have this file to go back to. Step 4) Use Netscape or Internet explorer
try searching for various newsgroups (on-line forums, message boards, chat
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subject millionaire message board? or money making message board? or
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forum? or business message board? etc. You will find thousand & thousand
message board. Click one by one then you will find the option post a new
message. Step 5) Visit these message boards and post this article as a new
message by highlighting the text of this letter and selecting paste from
edit menu. Fill in the Subject, this will be the header that everyone sees
as they scroll through the list of postings in a particular group, click
post message button. You're done with your first one!. Please Be Honest
it will truely work for you: Congrats!
On 2009-04-04, DEAU <starfire151@cableone.net> wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find some of the interface adapter chips used
in those USB-to-SD card adpaters? This looks like it transparently converts
USB data into SD (or possibly SPI) protocol to write/read to/from the SD

Does anyone know more about these chips?
they convert SD (either serial or parallel) to "usb-storage"
they can probably not be used as generic SPI interfaces.
"Jasen Betts" <jasen@xnet.co.nz> wrote in message
On 2009-04-04, DEAU <starfire151@cableone.net> wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find some of the interface adapter chips
in those USB-to-SD card adpaters? This looks like it transparently
USB data into SD (or possibly SPI) protocol to write/read to/from the SD

Does anyone know more about these chips?

they convert SD (either serial or parallel) to "usb-storage"
they can probably not be used as generic SPI interfaces.
I really don't need to have them do any more (or less) than they already do,
though. We have an application which needs a USB to microSD interface.
We've been using the standard USB SD Card Reader (basically the USB <--> SD
card module) with a Sandisk SD to microSD adapter card and putting the
microSD card into the adapter. That works. We're just trying to reduce the
number of mechanical connection points by implementing the USB to microSD
card socket directly.

I found one of the chips on my adpater module (the Alcor AU6331). Are there
other chips available?


hi, didntr silicon chip magazine do one ??
mark k

"Peter Hucker" <none@spam.com> wrote in message
I've had zero success in finding a MASSIVE digital clock. I'm after
something with digits about 8 inches tall, preferably LED not LCD.
Perhaps there is a clock circuit I can buy or build and huge digits I can
buy? Or maybe make the digits myself out of loads of LEDs? Any ideas?

http://www.petersparrots.com http://www.insanevideoclips.com

A man was sipping a drink in a bar when he noticed an attractive woman
seated beside him. His interest must have been obvious because the
bartender suddenly loomed over him and said, "Don't get any ideas about
that girl, bud. That's
my wife."
The fellow replied, "Who's getting ideas? I just came in for a piece of
hi, didntr silicon chip magazine do one ??
mark k
This clock uses 58 mm digits:

This scoreboard uses 130 mm digits made from individual 10 mm LEDs:

To read the entirity of either of these articles you have to be a SCM
subscriber or pay.
John English
On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 15:47:28 -0500, John Fields
<jfields@austininstruments.com> wrote:

On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 13:44:37 -0700, "Joel Kolstad"
JKolstad71HatesSpam@yahoo.com> wrote:

"gwhite" <rank@crank.com> wrote in message news:42BA0C35.102355C9@crank.com...
Ah, well TRANSMITTING on the police bands is another issue. That
certainly is
illegal (for your friend).
I believe true maydays are never illegal on any band.

Yes, I meant "transmitting on the police bands in general." Sorry for the

The point is that context itself can define criminality.

In general I agree with you, but I think that modifying a radio to transmit on
police bands -- and then using it to do so -- is a pretty cut and dry case of
breaking the law. :) Although I would say that, if the modification were
made on the spur of the moment (e.g., you're out in the middle of nowhere in a
cabin that happens to have a ham radio, you break your leg, and if somehow you
can't manage to bring up another ham :), you instead modify the radio to
transmit out of band), the violation would likely be overlooked.

But the radio would be confiscated!^)

The cops are not that bright. There would have to be an FCC guy hanging
around at the scene.
On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 22:11:12 GMT, "BruceR" <brNOSPAM@hawaii.com> wrote:

Please stop cross posting this thread in comp.home.automation. Thank

Please go find the original poster and piss and moan to him about his
posting methods. The respondents are not to blame for the stupidity of
original posters, and your complaints directed at responders does nothing
to curtail the actual cause of any perceived problem, which is the fault
of the O.P.

You should also learn the difference between Usenet and email. Top
posting is pretty lame in Usenet, and complaints generally fall on deaf
ears, because most are not correctly targeted, as is the case with your
hit and run nonsense.
On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 17:52:41 -0700, TheGlimmerMan
<justaglimmer@thebarattheendoftheuniverse.org> wrote:

No matter what nym you use, you're just a fucking scumbag!
On Thu, 23 Jun 2005 02:42:00 GMT, "BruceR" <brNOSPAM@hawaii.com> wrote:

Gentlemen, Please stop copying comp.home.automation on your
conversation. Thanks.
It is NOT email, you IDIOT. There is no "copy" to it!

AGAIN, go complain to the ORIGINAL POSTER, you top posting, Usenet

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