Paul Burridge
On Mon, 02 Feb 2004 10:37:34 -0800, Chris Carlen
<crcarle@BOGUS.sandia.gov> wrote:
situation clearly. Given the quality of the "contributors" present, I
simply couldn't be bothered.
The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.
<crcarle@BOGUS.sandia.gov> wrote:
Thanks, Chris. I'm grateful you went to the trouble of explaining theI have to agree with Paul on this instance. His point is that he'd
rather not be denigrated whether or not someone else has superior
knowledge. To assume that anyone including Paul *needs* help from
someone who is obnoxious is unfounded. There are plently of
knowledgeable *and* polite folks around to pick up the slack.
In my case, I come here to s.e.d to accelerate the finding of solutions
to problems. That I *need* anyone's help is usually false, as I can
figure things out for myself if I want. I have yet to fail at designing
*anything* I have set out to do, whether or not I sought help and
whether not I listened to help that was offered. Thus, I will promptly
ignore anyone who doesn't treat me with respect. Where I work, I am
respected. I don't have to go around groveling at the feet of giants to
get mentorship. Neither should Paul.
situation clearly. Given the quality of the "contributors" present, I
simply couldn't be bothered.
The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.