Old LCD-display control?


Jiri Kuukasjärvi


I have this old 640x480, 256 color LCD- display..
ALOIS VGA slim monitor to 256 color

Sun Up Computer Co.LTD
Model: LCD Display 640*480
Serial 000440
Made in Taiwan R.O.C
Size around 10" luokkaa (display area 20cm*15cm)
The connector is a 26-pin D, with three rows of pins.

Does anyone know, how to control this display?
Has it been used for computer w. some special display adapter?

I opened the display, and there´s a Hitachi LMG6123XUFC- panel inside.

- Jiri K.
A E wrote:

Jiri Kuukasjärvi wrote:


I have this old 640x480, 256 color LCD- display..
ALOIS VGA slim monitor to 256 color

Sun Up Computer Co.LTD
Model: LCD Display 640*480
Serial 000440
Made in Taiwan R.O.C
Size around 10" luokkaa (display area 20cm*15cm)
The connector is a 26-pin D, with three rows of pins.

Does anyone know, how to control this display?
Has it been used for computer w. some special display adapter?

Yes, quite possibly. Sounds like a CMOS interface from years and years ago. If
you're thinking on using this with a regular PC video card, you can do it with
external hardware. But it's going to be so expensive for so little result,
there's no point.
By that CMOS interface you mean something similar to Laptop computer
display interface these days?

Yes, building adapter for this is.. something I´m not even thinking
aboat. Before I opened the display´s case, I was thinking that maybe it
would be so smart board, that it takes some analog format video signal..
But no.

But since I have some industrial computer MOBO here, that has a LCD-
controller... That might be able to control the panel.

I just need the connector pinout (either the 26pin D, or the 20pin flat
cable that goes to the board.

- Jiri K.

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