On Wed, 02 Feb 2005 09:58:29 -0500, Chuck Harris
<cf-NO-SPAM-harris@erols.com> wrote:
How many years do you think it took him to get it
in the first place? Lots of work .....
lies. And huge deficits (taxpayer debt to be repaid later after the
free money is long gome) & gifts to special interests? Or faith-based
The WTO came out of this. NEITHER is run by the US.
What parts of "World" and "International" were unclear?
Someone is lying big time <G>.
<cf-NO-SPAM-harris@erols.com> wrote:
President Bush signed NAFTA in December 1992.Cliff wrote:
Fascinating! The NAFTA and GATT laws that made this possible were the
spawn of the Clinton administration.
Some neocons been whispering in your ear?
Bush-I did the first NAFTA, Bush-II expanded it.
"President Bush signed the NAFTA agreement on December 17, 1992"
"George W. Bush wants to expand NAFTA. He currently is negotiating a
Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement that will expand NAFTA to 34
Central and South American countries as soon as 2005.
GHW Bush started the process,
How many years do you think it took him to get it
in the first place? Lots of work .....
This would be the Rebublican controlled congress, right?Clinton pushed it through congress
As compared & contrasted with endless wars based on blatentand signed it into law:
"But Clintons real emphasis in foreign policy was on what could be
called economic globalism. He believed that the countrys
security and prosperity depended upon removing barriers to trade
with other nations and upon stabilizing nations with economic troubles.
lies. And huge deficits (taxpayer debt to be repaid later after the
free money is long gome) & gifts to special interests? Or faith-based
GATT was created in 1947.Despite opposition from members of his own party, Clinton pushed
two major trade agreements through Congress in his first term:
the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), in 1993, and,
the following year, a global trade agreement that created
the World Trade Organization." - MSN Encarta
The WTO came out of this. NEITHER is run by the US.
What parts of "World" and "International" were unclear?
Someone is lying big time <G>.
I'm not the one making claims about effects.The organization we call GATT has been around since the '40s, but the
treaty that did all of the damage was Clinton's.
Too many paid vacations?Etc., etc., etc.
Bush-II is the one wanting to import slave labor at very low wages
from Mexico as well.
Hillary won't be getting one. They are part of the presidential fleet.
Exactly my point <G>.
She may run for president in 2008, but she won't win.
Looks like the neocons will have worn out the old fleet
(going on all those taxpayer-paid vacations) so she will
need a new one.
You are making no sense!