Recently I reviewed my old Boy Scout knots, and could
only remember four. Contrary to Winston Churchill's
quip, it appears whiskey has taken more out me, than I've
taken out of whiskey -
So I'm looking for a list of recommended knots to learn
(or re-learn). Now you retort: why come here, just find
a book, sheesh!
The problem is, those books feature 50+ knots, many
of them redundant. It's called information overload.
What I need is a curator. I figure a dozen, I could
handle that. More specifically, for each knot, WHAT FOR,
what's the application?
Why am I asking this oddball question on this board?
Cuz the IQ of this group is 20 points above the rest
of the internet. Engineers know lots of useful stuff -
Any sailors/mountaineers/horsemen here?
only remember four. Contrary to Winston Churchill's
quip, it appears whiskey has taken more out me, than I've
taken out of whiskey -
So I'm looking for a list of recommended knots to learn
(or re-learn). Now you retort: why come here, just find
a book, sheesh!
The problem is, those books feature 50+ knots, many
of them redundant. It's called information overload.
What I need is a curator. I figure a dozen, I could
handle that. More specifically, for each knot, WHAT FOR,
what's the application?
Why am I asking this oddball question on this board?
Cuz the IQ of this group is 20 points above the rest
of the internet. Engineers know lots of useful stuff -
Any sailors/mountaineers/horsemen here?