NZ reverses ban on lamps

The Real Andy wrote:

Sorry ladies, I dont retain the exact figures in my head cause I
actually dont give two shits about it. I meant the claimed equivelent
output is nothing like an incandescent bulb.
Read the 'small print' and you will discover that CFLs are being compared to a 'softone' bulb which has lower light output than GLS. Philips
even quote some IEC spec.

In sort it's a fraud. CFLs are only about 4 x more efficient than GLS (general lighting service) NOT 5 x.

"Mr.T" wrote:

"The Real Andy" <> wrote

Regardless, when I can no
longer find incandescent bulbs I will be fitting arrays of quartz
halogens that will problaby draw 10 times the amount of power. In
fact, I am already doing that.

As long as you can afford the electricity costs, especially when carbon
taxes are introduced, otherwise you may regret it.
I doubt it will ever happen as AGW has about 2-3 years left in it befiore
the actual truth comes out.

You can also vote for an anti-AGW party.

On Jan 16, 4:43 pm, Eeyore <>
"Mr.T" wrote:
"The Real Andy" <> wrote

Regardless, when I can no
longer find incandescent bulbs I will be fitting arrays of quartz
halogens that will problaby draw 10 times the amount of power. In
fact, I am already doing that.

As long as you can afford the electricity costs, especially when carbon
taxes are introduced, otherwise you may regret it.

I doubt it will ever happen as AGW has about 2-3 years left in it befiore
the actual truth comes out.

You can also vote for an anti-AGW party.

As the internet is largely responsible for exposing more and more
bullshit - such as this - and ruining their plans, making governments
look the fools they are,
No wonder they are desperate to censor the net.
Eeyore <> wrote in message
fritz wrote:

Reducing the use of hot water would be a more effective aim.

How badly do you pong ?
not as badly as some do, eh ?
Do the sums, mate you will discover how energy-intensive a simple thing such as hot water really is....>


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