NiCad SpotWelder?

In article <9DI5c.37489$>,
"CWatters" <> wrote:

"Watson A.Name "Watt Sun - the Dark Remover"" <> wrote
in message news:c375r4$6blpb$

I soldered a wire onto a battery once. It caused the internal battery
contact to become intermittent. I'll _never_ do that again.

I've soldered more than 100 cells and never had a problem.
Me too! And it's prep, prep and prep!


There's never enough time to do it right the first time.......
"Al" <> wrote in message
In article <9DI5c.37489$>,
"CWatters" <> wrote:

"Watson A.Name "Watt Sun - the Dark Remover"" <
in message news:c375r4$6blpb$

I soldered a wire onto a battery once. It caused the internal battery
contact to become intermittent. I'll _never_ do that again.

I've soldered more than 100 cells and never had a problem.
Me too! And it's prep, prep and prep!
Finish this phrase: "Russian ________"
Watson A.Name \"Watt Sun - the Dark Remover\" wrote:
MikeM wrote:

Anybody build a welder capable of spot welding
tabs on batteries?

I came into a bunch of tabless NiCads, and would like to
attach tabs.


Google for microwave oven welder and you will come up with a homemade
spot welder that can weld even thicker metal than NiCad battery tabs.
Can you be just a wee bit more specific. Google for "microwave oven
welder" got one hit to a dead site. Without the quotes got 4620 hits
to all sorts of stuff. To which were you refering?
Thanks, mike

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Toshiba & Compaq LiIon Batteries, Test Equipment
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Yaesu FTV901R Transverter, 30pS pulser
Tektronix Concept Books, spot welding head...
On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 23:53:11 +0100 Oliver Betz <>

MikeM <> wrote:

Anybody build a welder capable of spot welding
tabs on batteries?

sorry, no. But another question:

Anybody who knows the material of these tabs?

Doesn't seem to be copper...
They are nickel. Reuse the old ones.

Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711 USA
Dave VanHorn wrote:
I just solder directly to the battery, I tin it first, then solder either
a tab (ie:
keystone makes all sorts of PCB mount tabs), but this all depends on how
many you need to

This is a very bad idea, though I know people do it all the time.
The cell makers cringe when they hear stuff like this.
If it's a choice between soldering the cell or throwing
it away, the "very bad idea" becomes a very good idea.

That doesn't change the fact that you can harm the cell
by soldering, but soldering a single cell into a 35
dollar pack is worth the chance to save the pack.
mike wrote:
Watson A.Name \"Watt Sun - the Dark Remover\" wrote:
MikeM wrote:

Anybody build a welder capable of spot welding
tabs on batteries?

I came into a bunch of tabless NiCads, and would like to
attach tabs.


Google for microwave oven welder and you will come up with a homemade
spot welder that can weld even thicker metal than NiCad battery tabs.

Can you be just a wee bit more specific. Google for "microwave oven
welder" got one hit to a dead site. Without the quotes got 4620 hits
to all sorts of stuff. To which were you refering?
Thanks, mike
I had no problem:

Return address is VALID.
Bunch of stuff For Sale and Wanted at the link below.
Toshiba & Compaq LiIon Batteries, Test Equipment
Honda CB-125S $800 in PDX
Yaesu FTV901R Transverter, 30pS pulser
Tektronix Concept Books, spot welding head... wrote:
mike wrote:

Watson A.Name \"Watt Sun - the Dark Remover\" wrote:

MikeM wrote:

Anybody build a welder capable of spot welding
tabs on batteries?

I came into a bunch of tabless NiCads, and would like to
attach tabs.


Google for microwave oven welder and you will come up with a homemade
spot welder that can weld even thicker metal than NiCad battery tabs.

Can you be just a wee bit more specific. Google for "microwave oven
welder" got one hit to a dead site. Without the quotes got 4620 hits
to all sorts of stuff. To which were you refering?
Thanks, mike

I had no problem:

Assuming that's the one.
I rejected it cause it didn't seem to meet the original statement that
it would weld "even thicker..." The author sez it will "just about weld
0.015" steel...effortlessly welds 0.007" steel"...well, assuming I
converted the metric to imperial correctly...I guess that does qualify
as thicker than 0.005".

Also turns out that it's significantly easier to weld when you have
electrodes on opposite sides of the material. With series welding, as
in battery tabs, you're making two welds and have significantly more
heat sinking of the weld. Pressure is more critical. There's a fine
line between blasting the nickel in half and not welding at all.

When you're using low voltage, tiny changes in resistance due to surface
prep, conductivity, pressure make MAJOR changes in the energy dumped
into the weld.

One trick that helps repeatability is to weld two strips of nickel,
one under each electrode. Forces most of the current to go into the
weld an not across the nickel.

With a higher voltage CD system, you get an energy dump that's
relatively forgiving. The Unitek 125 CD system claims to put 7V peak
into 1 mOhm. 80 Watt-Seconds seems to be about right for 0.005" nickel
battery tabs. YMMV


Return address is VALID.
Bunch of stuff For Sale and Wanted at the link below.
Toshiba & Compaq LiIon Batteries, Test Equipment
Honda CB-125S $800 in PDX
Yaesu FTV901R Transverter, 30pS pulser
Tektronix Concept Books, spot welding head... wrote:
Dave VanHorn wrote:

I just solder directly to the battery, I tin it first, then solder either

a tab (ie:

keystone makes all sorts of PCB mount tabs), but this all depends on how

many you need to


This is a very bad idea, though I know people do it all the time.
The cell makers cringe when they hear stuff like this.

If it's a choice between soldering the cell or throwing
it away, the "very bad idea" becomes a very good idea.

That doesn't change the fact that you can harm the cell
by soldering, but soldering a single cell into a 35
dollar pack is worth the chance to save the pack.
Under the heading, "Sounded like a good idea at the time"
One of my early attempts to rebuild a laptop battery pack
resulted in some sizzling noise coming from my computer.
I managed to get the battery out and into the front yard
before it exploded. Luckily, the cell went the other direction
and all I got was hot caustic goo on my safety glasses and some
minor facial burns.

So, how much is your laptop worth?
How about your kid's eyesight?
Make sure you include ALL the facts when making your decision.
If that soldering iron melts the safety vent shut, you're in for

ps Don't get me started on the perils of replacing one cell of
a multi-cell pack.

Return address is VALID.
Bunch of stuff For Sale and Wanted at the link below.
Toshiba & Compaq LiIon Batteries, Test Equipment
Honda CB-125S $800 in PDX
Yaesu FTV901R Transverter, 30pS pulser
Tektronix Concept Books, spot welding head...
"Dave VanHorn" <> wrote in message
"Al" <> wrote in message
In article <9DI5c.37489$>,
"CWatters" <> wrote:

"Watson A.Name "Watt Sun - the Dark Remover"" <
in message news:c375r4$6blpb$

I soldered a wire onto a battery once. It caused the internal
contact to become intermittent. I'll _never_ do that again.

I've soldered more than 100 cells and never had a problem.
Me too! And it's prep, prep and prep!

Finish this phrase: "Russian ________"
My brother-inlaw used oxygen to spray paint when his compressor died in the
middle of a job, some people are just very lucky ( laquer based car paint
"Pat Ford" <> wrote in message
"Dave VanHorn" <> wrote in message

"Al" <> wrote in message
In article <9DI5c.37489$>,
"CWatters" <> wrote:

"Watson A.Name "Watt Sun - the Dark Remover""
in message news:c375r4$6blpb$

I soldered a wire onto a battery once. It caused the internal
contact to become intermittent. I'll _never_ do that again.

I've soldered more than 100 cells and never had a problem.
Me too! And it's prep, prep and prep!

Finish this phrase: "Russian ________"

My brother-inlaw used oxygen to spray paint when his compressor died in
middle of a job, some people are just very lucky ( laquer based car paint

One teeny little static discharge and !!!BOOM!!!
This has been a very fortuitous thread, but hasn't helped a lot yet. I
am ALSO trying to spot weld, but I am trying to spot pure molybdenum
sheet, 0.2mm thick, to itself. Capacitor discharge seemed like the way
to go, but the top-of-the-head answers like "discharge a capacitor bank
into a microwave oven transformer" seem to ignore the leakage inductance
being monumental.

Our capacitor bank is 1300uF of 200V SMPSU caps, which make "satisfying"
holes in screwdrivers when charged, but, thus far, no welding action. :-(

ARE there are properly worked details for pulse discharge welders anywhere ?


Our capacitor bank is 1300uF of 200V SMPSU caps, which make "satisfying"
holes in screwdrivers when charged, but, thus far, no welding action. :-(
You may need to slow that discharge down a bit.
An inductor would be a relatively low loss way to rectangularize the pulse.
Dave VanHorn wrote:
You may need to slow that discharge down a bit.
An inductor would be a relatively low loss way to rectangularize the pulse.

Thanks Dave, but I rather thought that the several hundred millihenrys
of leakage inductance did that ?

Hi, your capacitor will work, but you need a small resistance in series to
limit the current and extend the discharge time.
S.M.Taylor wrote:
This has been a very fortuitous thread, but hasn't helped a lot yet. I
am ALSO trying to spot weld, but I am trying to spot pure molybdenum
sheet, 0.2mm thick, to itself. Capacitor discharge seemed like the way
to go, but the top-of-the-head answers like "discharge a capacitor
bank into a microwave oven transformer" seem to ignore the leakage
inductance being monumental.

Our capacitor bank is 1300uF of 200V SMPSU caps, which make
"satisfying" holes in screwdrivers when charged, but, thus far, no
welding action. :-(
Why not apply the bank more or less directly to the job, perhaps at a
much lower voltage?

Graham W PGM-FI page updated, Graphics Tutorial
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Change 'news' to 'sewn' in my Reply address to avoid my spam filter.
"S.M.Taylor" <> wrote in message
Dave VanHorn wrote:
You may need to slow that discharge down a bit.
An inductor would be a relatively low loss way to rectangularize the

Thanks Dave, but I rather thought that the several hundred millihenrys
of leakage inductance did that ?
I must have missed that. Where did you have the inductor? What's it's

All I saw was some numbers on a cap bank and that you were discharging it
and blowing satisfying holes in screwdrivers, indicating that you ought to
have enough joules for the job.
On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 21:30:52 -0000, "Graham W" <>

S.M.Taylor wrote:
This has been a very fortuitous thread, but hasn't helped a lot yet. I
am ALSO trying to spot weld, but I am trying to spot pure molybdenum
sheet, 0.2mm thick, to itself. Capacitor discharge seemed like the way
to go, but the top-of-the-head answers like "discharge a capacitor
bank into a microwave oven transformer" seem to ignore the leakage
inductance being monumental.

Our capacitor bank is 1300uF of 200V SMPSU caps, which make
"satisfying" holes in screwdrivers when charged, but, thus far, no
welding action. :-(

Why not apply the bank more or less directly to the job, perhaps at a
much lower voltage?
Shorting a cap with a screwdriver creates an arc that vaporizes some of it, but
what's needed here is to get the energy into the metals (MUCH more current, MUCH
less voltage). And even if you could find a multi-Farad cap, how would you
switch it? Like other posters, I would imagine that switching the HV caps into
the uwave xfmr primary should be workable (with a HV thyristor?). The
capacitance resonates with the transformer's leakage inductance (mainly), but
it's damped by the winding and load resistances.

Note the cap bank needs a reverse diode across it so the xfmr doesn't
reverse-bias it. Also, you still get more energy sending straight AC mains to
the xfmr for, say, 100ms, than you do from any single cap discharge, as the max
E.t product is still limited by xfmr saturation.

Tony (remove the "_" to reply by email)
Tony wrote:

Shorting a cap with a screwdriver creates an arc that vaporizes some of it, but
what's needed here is to get the energy into the metals (MUCH more current, MUCH
less voltage). And even if you could find a multi-Farad cap, how would you
switch it? Like other posters, I would imagine that switching the HV caps into
the uwave xfmr primary should be workable (with a HV thyristor?). The
capacitance resonates with the transformer's leakage inductance (mainly), but
it's damped by the winding and load resistances.
I "imagined" that what others have commented on about using a microwave
overn transformer might work- but I haven't seen any WORKED examples. I
can report from the field that it doesn't. What is needed is a high
current pulse transformer and I am not that familiar with transformer
design to do that at the moment, though I am getting very keen to try it.

I'll have to post a picture of the transformer we used, The construction
of it was such that the coupling of the primary and secondary was not
very good, and the leakage seemed too high to get the discharging bank
to blow a single 0.2mm strand of copper wire, certainly not welding

The resonance can be seen - we charged our cap bank via a 60W light bulb
which definitely showed a damped oscillation, periods about 1/4 sec,
duration maybe 1-1.5 seconds.

The problem with molybdenum is that if you don't use a minimal amount of
heat, it goes very brittle, so conventional spot welding seems to be out.

S.M.Taylor wrote:
This has been a very fortuitous thread, but hasn't helped a lot yet. I
am ALSO trying to spot weld, but I am trying to spot pure molybdenum
sheet, 0.2mm thick, to itself. Capacitor discharge seemed like the way
to go, but the top-of-the-head answers like "discharge a capacitor bank
into a microwave oven transformer" seem to ignore the leakage inductance
being monumental.

Our capacitor bank is 1300uF of 200V SMPSU caps, which make "satisfying"
holes in screwdrivers when charged, but, thus far, no welding action. :-(

ARE there are properly worked details for pulse discharge welders
anywhere ?


You need to try VERY hard to minimize leakage inductance in your
transformer. There are also satuation issues. A microwave oven
transformer is designed specifically for LOTS of leakage inductance,
then they put shunts in to make it higher still. Not a good starting
point for a CD welder. But makes an OK brute force 60 Hz. welder.

The Unitek 125 uses a simple SCR to fire upto 400V thru the transformer.
Here's their pix of the output waveform.

If you're doing serious welding, you need to make me an offer
on my small welding head. It's a Unitek model 32.
A good repeatable welding head is half the battle.

Return address is VALID.
Bunch of stuff For Sale and Wanted at the link below.
Toshiba & Compaq LiIon Batteries, Test Equipment
Honda CB-125S $800 in PDX
Yaesu FTV901R Transverter, 30pS pulser
Tektronix Concept Books, spot welding head...
mike wrote:

You need to try VERY hard to minimize leakage inductance in your
transformer. There are also satuation issues. A microwave oven
transformer is designed specifically for LOTS of leakage inductance,
then they put shunts in to make it higher still. Not a good starting
point for a CD welder. But makes an OK brute force 60 Hz. welder.
That's rather the conclusion I had come to as well !

If you're doing serious welding, you need to make me an offer
on my small welding head. It's a Unitek model 32.
A good repeatable welding head is half the battle.
Our head is an opposed pincer type thing, arranged a bit like a toggle

Thanks for tbe tips - so no-one has made a proper pulse discharge
welder, apart from the big guys ?


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