New Design Help Forum

"Max Hauser" <> wrote in message
"Hank Fenster" <> wrote in message

I actually got the response, "It's not a bug, it's a limitation" from
Microsoft once. I wonder what PR firm got paid millions to come up with
answer to complaints?

I worked for some time for a venerable firm, call it A, owned for years by
larger, older, more-venerated firm, B. To preserve customer recognition
"A" name was preserved and the firm was called B-A, for many years. Then
decision occurred, and internal people concerned with PR called together
employees and explained very carefully and indirectly, in fact it took
minutes for us to decrypt this from the oblique ways they expressed it,
the "B" name would delicately move into exclusivity. Didn't bother us
employees (rose by any other name, etc). But the whole thing seemed
strangely presented. "So in other words," said a plain-spoken senior
colleague of mine, "the `A' name is going away." "Well," the PR manager
replied, "I suppose you could put it that way."

The euphemistic are different from you and me.


(Copyright 2004)

If it was explained plainly then the PR people would be out of a job.

"Meindert Sprang" <> wrote in message news:<>...
"J. Petrella" <> wrote in message
I just wanted to mention that there is a new design forum at You can post requests for design help and reply
to intriguing design problems. Check it out!

What is it with all those guys who want to set up their own forum? Large
What is wrong with these newsgroups?
Some web-based forums actually work out pretty well while the Usenet
forums are empty. But I agree, usually it's the other way around,
newsgroups are quite effective.

Generally those who hang out on the web forums are those who are either
socially or technically unable to participate in the newsgroups. We
all know that the social bar isn't set high enough here, anyway :)

"Ken Taylor" <> wrote:
Max Hauser in
Didn't bother us
employees (rose by any other name, etc). But the whole thing seemed
strangely presented. "So in other words," said a plain-spoken senior
colleague of mine, "the `A' name is going away." "Well," the PR manager
replied, "I suppose you could put it that way."

The euphemistic are different from you and me. -- Max

If it was explained plainly then the PR people would be out of a job.

I disagree in the following sense. These PR employees were mainly busy
trying to prevent confusion by customers, distributors, etc., who would
continue to buy or seek firm A's products even after the name change. This
was a real issue and the customers shared a mutual interest in preserving
communication. That was why externally it had to be handled properly. But
we internal employees, who were just an incidental audience for the PR
people, were in no danger of forgetting where we worked, what our jobs were,
etc., due to an external brand change. So it seemed like the explanation
given to us obscured, rather than preserved, communication. A case of
Culture Clash.

On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 14:15:12 GMT, Fred Bloggs <>

Tom McAndrews wrote:
John Fields <> wrote in message news:<>...

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 18:34:39 -0700, Jim Thompson> wrote:

On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 17:20:39 -0800, "Walter Harley"> wrote:

"Jim Thompson" <> wrote in message

It had the smell of a scam to me... just that "Designing for Dollars"
title gave me bad vibes.

More of a "designing for sense" fellow, are you?

No. I'm in this game for the money, though I have a great deal of fun

But "Designing for Dollars" on a website has smell of mendacity about
it. Spend a week solving a posted problem and "win" $100...
whoooopeee !-)

But, spend 5 minutes on it and get $100? That's not so hard to take,

I agree with you, though. Their outfit bites and about 90% of the
designs are cookbook "courtesy of" and "published with the permission
of". Plus, they've shut down the "Designs for dollars" part of it, so
fuck them.

Actually, I just gave these guys a call and they were very helpful.
They explained to me that they are a group of entrepreneurs that just
acquired the website and are revamping it. I would not knock the
contest (which they say is coming back soon); I am a college student
that could really benefit from winning $100.00. They say that you
post original circuits for your peers to judge. These circuit will
then go into achieves for others to learn from. If enough people
participate, this could turn into an excellent knowledge base.

You are so full of bull! Just register your site with all the search
engines and you will soon be swamped with rude third world idiots
Rude idiots can be found all over the world.

- YD.

Remove HAT if replying by mail.
Generally those who hang out on the web forums are those who are either
socially or technically unable to participate in the newsgroups. We
all know that the social bar isn't set high enough here, anyway :)

That used to be a (partially) effective filter. However Deja, and to a much
greater extent Google, have yanked newsgroups into the realm of web forums.
Fortunately, the six-hour posting delay acts as a minor filter.

As far as web forums go, Yahoo! Groups I have found to be very useful. A lot
of intelligent users (at least on the ones I use), some nice features like a
group file storage area and image gallery, and the best feature: moderators.
It's very easy to start your own group on any given subject. That's where
these newsgroups have an advantage: there's only a few really popular groups
for electronics, so you have a more general forum. Yahoo! Groups tend to be
quite focused on one particular thing.

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