DJ Delorie
Mikko OH2HVJ <mikko.syrjalahti@nospam.fi> writes:
I understood. I don\'t want the high voltage side connected to the 5v
(not 3v3) bus at all, even through a 33k resistor, for both safety and
noise reasons.
A typo from me - I meant 40 (or 400) ohms to shunt non-GND-end and 3k3
(or 33k) to 3.3V so you\'re running roughly constant 1mA through. This
causes a small gain/offset error, but that\'s easy to compensate.
I understood. I don\'t want the high voltage side connected to the 5v
(not 3v3) bus at all, even through a 33k resistor, for both safety and
noise reasons.