Need to mod door bell

Brent wrote:

Hooked up new doorbell (still using original transformer) and took
some readings.
It also first showed as 3.2A. Next time it started as 3.14A, and got
down to 2.99A in 10 seconds. If it's dropping this quick, I would
need a fuse lower than this wouldn't I?
The voltage is showing about 13.5V (the new bell calls for a 16V 10W
transformer, old bell was 16V also I think).

Should I fuse it, or use a cap & resistor as someone suggested?
I would try a 1.5 amp slow blow. Maybe even a 1 amp, since the fuse
will lower the peak current just a bit just because of its
resistance. A momentary bump on the button will not blow it, but 10
seconds on the button should.

John Popelish

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