Thomas G. Marshall
On Mar 22, 2:52 pm, ehsjr <eh...@NOSPAMverizon.net> wrote:
OK! Lots of good tips here. Thanks all!
Thomas G. Marshall wrote:
I've noticed here and there that the people servicing my A/C and
Heating system as well as the power company guys all seem to show up
with this wizbang multi-meter that has an attachment that can just
collar an insulated wire and read it.
I honestly don't remember if they were testing nominal voltage, or
current flow, or if one or the other is impossible.
Are such things available inexpensively? There are many times when
working with house (and car!) wiring that I really would bennefit from
reading the characteristics of a line without breaking into it.
It's a $9.99 clamp on ampmeter/dvm
You CANNOT read (all) "the characteristics of a line" without
breaking into it. You CAN measure the current in the line
without breaking into it, and the meter in question works only
on AC current that way. For other measurements that this meter
can perform, you need to use the probes to contact uninsulated
ends of the line. And this meter does not measure everything
you might want to know. But if you want a cheap AC clamp meter,
it is probably worth the cost.
OK! Lots of good tips here. Thanks all!