"PčéJäy" <wiseguyatiinetnetau> wrote in message
Calculus thread that was on here
First of all....
this function is a dipole pattern function, specifically a Full Wave Dipole.
a = amplitude factor
x = angle from 0 to 360 degrees
The whole lot is squared but dont worry about that. (Its simply an intensity
calculation, hence the S)
Of course if you know this you know the shape is a figure 8 (for dipoles
under 1 lambda) and you also know the minimums are at 0 and 180 degrees.
So plot it by hand (Matlab or graph paper) - let a = whatever its not
important to shape.
Then if you want to solve its minimums quickly use an iterative method such
as the newton raphson method.
I'm laughing because the original Math test post from EW (prick) chastised
recent grads for often not knowing this type of stuff... and here we are...
In my experience, (I'm a mildly experienced PhD grad) I've sat in a heap of
interviews in this country and some of the half witted engineers and
managers makes me wonder how many of them are in business. If I sound like a
cheased off engineer its because I am.... basically I've been in the market
for a decent job in this country for over a year... guess what.. nada.. In
this time I've been offered several overseas... one just yesterday and
now.... since I'm running out of options (and money) am in the position
where I am either going to set up my own firm or leave our shores. I've
applied for bench tech jobs through to design roles..... The one recurring
theme in all of them is the lack of real know-how when it comes to design,
and their present hack and try mentality. Experience counts for little in my
opinion, you can either do it or you can't. Most talk about their 'unique
experience' but I've yet to meet one who can do it properly outside a
government lab.
So whats a guy like me to do? I may have less than 5 years work
experience, but I've been nibbling on the electronics teet for 20 years. I'm
the kid who was building quad arrays and living in the radio shed as a
kid.... I became a tech... then an engineer.. .and now a doc... and what do
I see? No jobs, underpaid jobs and a bunch of idiots in business.
To leave or not to leave...
Hahahahahahaha... I'm laughing my head off after the holier than thouHi all,
Could some kind soul point me in the right direction to solve or simplify
the following:
S = a ( cos(3pi/2 cos(x)) / sinx )^2
Need to solve for x. We never learnt this in maths and none of my books
to cover it either. It's in relation to finding the direction of maximum
radiation from a dipole antenna.
Calculus thread that was on here
First of all....
this function is a dipole pattern function, specifically a Full Wave Dipole.
a = amplitude factor
x = angle from 0 to 360 degrees
The whole lot is squared but dont worry about that. (Its simply an intensity
calculation, hence the S)
Of course if you know this you know the shape is a figure 8 (for dipoles
under 1 lambda) and you also know the minimums are at 0 and 180 degrees.
So plot it by hand (Matlab or graph paper) - let a = whatever its not
important to shape.
Then if you want to solve its minimums quickly use an iterative method such
as the newton raphson method.
I'm laughing because the original Math test post from EW (prick) chastised
recent grads for often not knowing this type of stuff... and here we are...
In my experience, (I'm a mildly experienced PhD grad) I've sat in a heap of
interviews in this country and some of the half witted engineers and
managers makes me wonder how many of them are in business. If I sound like a
cheased off engineer its because I am.... basically I've been in the market
for a decent job in this country for over a year... guess what.. nada.. In
this time I've been offered several overseas... one just yesterday and
now.... since I'm running out of options (and money) am in the position
where I am either going to set up my own firm or leave our shores. I've
applied for bench tech jobs through to design roles..... The one recurring
theme in all of them is the lack of real know-how when it comes to design,
and their present hack and try mentality. Experience counts for little in my
opinion, you can either do it or you can't. Most talk about their 'unique
experience' but I've yet to meet one who can do it properly outside a
government lab.
So whats a guy like me to do? I may have less than 5 years work
experience, but I've been nibbling on the electronics teet for 20 years. I'm
the kid who was building quad arrays and living in the radio shed as a
kid.... I became a tech... then an engineer.. .and now a doc... and what do
I see? No jobs, underpaid jobs and a bunch of idiots in business.
To leave or not to leave...