Kenneth J. Harris
Since the antenna is working (when bypassing the splitter), there are a
couple of things to look at. One possibility is that the splitter is
defective. Another is that the cable(or the connectors on the ends) from
the antenna to the splitter is defective. Try connecting the antenna to the
splitter with a different piece of cable, or with the 100 foot cable that
you know is good. If this gets the signal to your sets, then the cable was
the problem. If it still doesn't work, then I would say that the splitter
needs to be replaced.
<ymg200@excite.com> wrote in message
I just moved in to the new house. There is a 4-way coax splitter in
the attic, which has one input and four outputs (to different rooms).
I know that previous owners had a cable (from the cable company). It
looks like the cable was going into the same splitter in the attic,
and then routed to rooms downstairs.
I want to use the TV antenna in the attic.
I tried connecting the TV antenna to splitter's input absolutely no
signal is getting to TVs downstairs. I also connected the antenna to
each of splitters outputs (which go to TVs) exactly the same
outcome - not even a change in a static when I plug in the antenna.
I bought a TV signal inline amplifier from RadioShack absolutely no
However, if I drop a 100' coax cable directly from the antenna in the
attic to the TV downstairs (bypassing the splitter and all of the home
cable wiring), the picture is crisp and perfect.
Can I run some tests to ensure cable continuation (from the attic to
rooms downstairs).
Does anybody know how I can get the signal from the antenna in the
attic to TVs downstairs?
Thank you.
couple of things to look at. One possibility is that the splitter is
defective. Another is that the cable(or the connectors on the ends) from
the antenna to the splitter is defective. Try connecting the antenna to the
splitter with a different piece of cable, or with the 100 foot cable that
you know is good. If this gets the signal to your sets, then the cable was
the problem. If it still doesn't work, then I would say that the splitter
needs to be replaced.
<ymg200@excite.com> wrote in message
I just moved in to the new house. There is a 4-way coax splitter in
the attic, which has one input and four outputs (to different rooms).
I know that previous owners had a cable (from the cable company). It
looks like the cable was going into the same splitter in the attic,
and then routed to rooms downstairs.
I want to use the TV antenna in the attic.
I tried connecting the TV antenna to splitter's input absolutely no
signal is getting to TVs downstairs. I also connected the antenna to
each of splitters outputs (which go to TVs) exactly the same
outcome - not even a change in a static when I plug in the antenna.
I bought a TV signal inline amplifier from RadioShack absolutely no
However, if I drop a 100' coax cable directly from the antenna in the
attic to the TV downstairs (bypassing the splitter and all of the home
cable wiring), the picture is crisp and perfect.
Can I run some tests to ensure cable continuation (from the attic to
rooms downstairs).
Does anybody know how I can get the signal from the antenna in the
attic to TVs downstairs?
Thank you.