Lord Garth
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
cheep cheep."
I heard that as "... when asked their salary requirements, they replied,"Ken Taylor"
Clifford Heath wrote:
I used these principles four years ago in a science experiment
with my son where we measured the speed of sound and extrapolated
the temperature of absolute zero using an old fire extinguisher,
a couple of accurate orifices (1mm and 0.6mm), an old brass tap,
a pressure gauge, and a computer for timing. Oh, and a manual
pump. Bloody lot of work, pumping 11 litres of air to 150PSI. My
compressor was broken. Copies of our paper are available on
request, in case anyone cares to reproduce the experiment.
Yes, but did you fire any chickens?
Why the heck would he employ any chickens??
** Cos they work cheep.
cheep cheep."