My PC speakers are too soft

On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 13:12:22 -0600, John Fields
<> wrote:

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 18:50:44 -0700, Kitchen Man <

Naa... It just irks me when some mean-spirited little prick like you
starts beating people up unnecessarily.
I don't see where rational thought and supplying you with message IDs
have anything to do with each other. After all, it's not incumbent on
me to walk you over to where you took a dump and point it out to you.
Truth be told, I didn't notice it back then because I didn't read it
back then. I only noticed it when I read some nasty crack you made and
then went back and read the rest of your posts to find out what you
were about.
Forgive you? Fuck you, you snotty ass. To someone reading your post
with no clue as to what the color codes mean, your guess comes across
as a statement from someone more knowledgeable than they are, claiming
that such-and-such is true. In fact, it wasn't, and it would have
taken only a few minutes to find a URL, through Google, which you
could have referred the poster to for a definitive, objective answer.

Furthermore, guesses have no business on a technical forum when
factual information is what's asked for.
I can use MS Word, or not, as I see fit, my choice of browsers and,
indeed, operating systems is up to me, and I can pretty much run my
day at work the way _I_ want to, not the way I'm _told_ to, like you
It's really quite simple. The frustration comes about because of your
inability to do anything about changing what you don't like into what
you would like. That inability comes about because of lack of power,
and that lack of power is impotence.
It doesn't. After all, it's _your_ frustrating day at work, not mine,
By claiming that something is a rhetorical question, the
responsibility for the interpretation of the "real" meaning behind the
question falls on the receiver, thereby allowing the generator of the
question to dodge having to explain the question.
Why blame it on the crew? You haven't yet proven yourself to be some
great bard whose every line should be scrutinized for subtlety. Far
from it, with your admission that you didn't understand how
frustration indicates impotence, you've demonstrated that even though
your technical command of the language may be adequate, the finer
points of the emotional aspects of wielding it are beyond you.
Your statement was:

"Hmm. What's a "standard" PC?"

Which, due to its phrasing and punctuation and its use in the context
of the post preceding it seemed to me to neither drip sarcasm nor to
be ironic in any way.
You didn't note the rather obvious quotation marks then. It's pretty
obvious by the rest of your post that, even though I took a lot of time
and patiently responded to your insulting first post, that you only care
to respond to your very shallow first impression of me with repeated
insults based on nothing more than some obsessed inner hatred of people
who dare to express their opinions.

I have neither the desire nor the intention of going over every post
of yours, again, with the aim being to point out every offensive
statement you made.
If you have no intention of going over every post of mine, then why did
you do it in the first place? If you're going to obsess, then obsess
with gusto!

Yeah, you're a fuckin' saint...
You forgot to check your guns at the door on your way in.
One of us did. I gave it a chance, I responded to your insults with
rationality. You responded with more and increasingly bitter insults,
and no substance. It's pretty obvious which one of us is "mean

I'll continue to post as I wish here. You may continue to obsess, or
you may ignore. I really don't care one way or the other, people like
you aren't worth getting upset about. Life's too short for such
juvenile indulgences.

Al Brennan
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 02:35:13 GMT, "peterken" <>

Al, FYI :
- *anyone* being really involved in electronics (be it PC or otherwise)
*knows* the meaning of the coloured bands on components, so 'guessing'
is beside all professionalism as far as I see it...
This is a discussion forum. The question posed asked what the band
meant. I responded, "Tolerance." That's a correct answer. I then
posited a guess as to what tolerance it is. There's no shame in making
a mistake, especially when it is admitted up front that it's a guess.

- the point was SOUND CARD I/O, and not mobo's or whatever else, so I
don't see the point of getting those in to make your point since *most*
users only see what's outside a PC
- and since *most* of us are no guitarists, *most* of us (+/- 95% ?) have
"standard" sound card connections thus having *NO* line out
You're repeating a mistake. The bottom-dollar on-board sound will have
a line-out, not a speaker-out, as myself and others have stated. Now,
take a look at what you are saying here, and read your admonition in
your first paragraph about my misguided guess.

(ok, non standard things do exist I must admit, I even
*designed (=HW) AND programmed (=SW)* some of those as well in as out
of PC environment, but are those the point in
this 'generic' discussion ??)
- and for the definition of "line out", see my previous mailing
at news:c8nPd.9829$ so there's no
mixup in "line out" and "speaker out" to 'sarcasm' on ;-))
- and for the remark /quote/ "As a matter of fact, the "speaker out"
is the terminal that is most often missing from the simpler sound
configurations, as most speakers built for PC are powered" /end quote/:
*every* (even the simplest) sound card has a "speaker out" terminal,
it's where one connects the speakers. It's a normalized 'regulated
amplified output' capable of driving real low-impedance speakers.
Reading the definition of 'line out' makes clear they are not
interchangable and thus a "standard PC" has *NO* "line out".
But - "line out" is an indication that the signal requires
amplification. It does ill service to start throwing around terms too
loosely, redefining them at will. Again, read your first paragraph. If
you preach it, you should live it. Myself, I'm willing to cut breaks in
the hopes that the favor will be returned. We all make mistakes.

And oh by the way, thanks for not turning this into an insult fest.
FWIW, I suppose I was a little curt in previous statements, so I
apologize for that, and appreciate that we could communicate as adults.

Al Brennan

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