George Herold
On Jun 23, 7:32 pm, whit3rd <whit...@gmail.com> wrote:
George H.
You can get E-field emission from a sharp metal tip into vacuum.On Thursday, June 23, 2011 8:14:28 AM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
BTW, beam currents in a CRT indicate that a vacuum is a good conductor..
Bizarre. Vacuum is close to a perfect insulator.
Oh, yes, it has no charge carriers, so it's an insulator. And
it has no electrical resistivity, so it's a 'good conductor'.
It can also be argued that (somewhere up in the VERY
high field region, where electron-positron pairs get produced)
it's a photoconductor.
There's a story of a book,
_The Properties of the Null Set_,
to be released initially in three volumes, and expanded
as ongoing research reveals new information...
George H.