George Herold
On Aug 31, 11:51 pm, "Phil Allison" <phi...@tpg.com.au> wrote:
frequency of the 555? (Sorry it's been at least 15 years since I used
a 555 for anything.)
George H.
Nice simple circuit, Thanks for the link Phil. Does C1 set the"gearhead"
I read through most of the posts. I'll endorse those who made
statements to the effect that the drive frequency for a motor is so
low that a 555 will do just fine. You can run it around 1kHz,
ballpark, but anything from 100Hz to 10kHz would probably work.
I'd choose 400 Hz myself. Don't forget the freewheel diode.
A power Schottky is a good choice for this.
You can get the gearshift effect with a switch that has multiple taps
connected to a resistor network. That ought to be really fun. Use
12 volts, but have the top speed something less than 100%.
Experiment to find the best "governor" frequency.
The usual way of hooking up a 555 astable gives duty cycles only
between 50% and 100%, nothing less than 50%.
You can give it a full range of duty cycle by putting a diode across
pins 6 and 7 with the cathode at pin 6.
** The best arrangement is the one shown here.
C1 could be changed to 0.022 with advantage.
The OP will need about 4 x BUZ11s in parallel to be safe and use a 15 or 20
amp thermal breaker in the battery line
..... Phil
frequency of the 555? (Sorry it's been at least 15 years since I used
a 555 for anything.)
George H.