motion detector?

On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 07:16:21 -0700, Tristar500 wrote:

Hi Guys, I'm working on a project that is supposed to encourage kids to
ride a stationary bike for three minutes. The plan is to have the rider
hit a button when they get on the bike and that sets a series of timers
going each one triggering a light or embedded sound bit encouraging the
kid and perhaps announcing how much time is left.

Here's the part I'm having trouble with. The bike needs to detect
whether or not the kid is actually pedaling and it not reset itself. I
was thinking a hall sensor or a proximity sensor (the type used in
automation) or perhaps a reed switch mounted on the hub of the wheel
with a small weight on the trigger that would depress once centrifugal
force pushed it out.

In short, Kid gets on bike, hits start button, three minutes go by and
bells and whistles sound. If the kid stops pedaling at any time he has
to start over.

Any ideas? Simple if possible.
I've been following this with some interest, and frankly, it sounds
pretty disgusting. Why not put the on real bikes, at the park, where
there's stuff to see, and other people to talk to and play with?

Maybe set up a sort of designated path, with little check-in points,
with little flags that they collect?

Or, just sit them on the exercise bike, and stand over them with
a cat-o-nine-tails for "encouragement."

Good Luck!
HI Rich, I know, at first glance it's sounds pretty silly. I was the
roller-skating, running around screaming and hollering, fist fighting
type when I was that age. I didn't need any encouragement to get on a
bike and go skin my knees.

Truth is it's a low budget children's museum and they want to get
kids to exercise but make sure they don't get banged up or kill each
other along the way.

Personally, I think taking Darwin out of the equation might be a
mistake. Maybe the kid who eats too many marbles shouldn't contribute
to the gene pool? , but Hey, whadda I know?

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 15:58:04 -0700, Tristar500 wrote:

HI Rich, I know, at first glance it's sounds pretty silly. I was the
roller-skating, running around screaming and hollering, fist fighting type
when I was that age. I didn't need any encouragement to get on a bike and
go skin my knees.

Truth is it's a low budget children's museum and they want to get kids to
exercise but make sure they don't get banged up or kill each other along
the way.

Personally, I think taking Darwin out of the equation might be a mistake.
Maybe the kid who eats too many marbles shouldn't contribute to the gene
pool? , but Hey, whadda I know?
At the Science Museum in St. Paul, MN, there used to be an exhibit
where you could climb on an exercise bike and generate electricity.
(It might still be there - I haven't been there in ~20 years.)
There was a sort of panel on the handlebars, with a couple of meters,
some lights, and a TV. As long as you kept pedaling, you could watch
the TV. It was also kind of cool watching the meters respond. :)

Have Fun!

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