JC wrote:
little experimenting with another MB, I have come to the conclusion that
the Clock Generator (SLG8LP625TTR) is bad. My real question was if the
chip should be free running. In order to establish that, I found a MB
with a ICS 9250AF-23 and found it had the same number of pins as the
chip in question. It was not the same physical size, but I figured it
was probably very similar since it used the same value xtal. I removed
the processor chip on that MB and found that the clock generator was
free running, so I assume the SLG chip should also be. There ARE a
couple of outputs active on the SLG chip, but there are no CPU clk
pulses on the SLG chip and they are not grounded.
I am not going to attempt to repair this MB, since I do not have the
tools to replace the chip. It is nice however to arrive at a conclusion
based upon information rather than theory. Thanks.
I have been to the Mountain!!!! Thanks to the info you led me to, and aOn 12/4/2014 1:06 AM, stratus46@yahoo.com wrote:
On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:27:56 AM UTC-8, Ken wrote: <snip
Replaced the PS, a good thought however. This still leads me
back to a clock generator that is not showing any leads moving.
The processor cannot begin to function without a clock pulse. My
biggest problem is not being able to find any documentation for
the processor or the clock generator. Unlike days of old when
such info was available, the manufacturers only give it to those
purchasing (or about to purchase) a large number of their devices
Hi Ken,
There is a full schematic for your clock gen at
About 2/3 down the webpage there is a document Clock Gen Silego
SLG8LP625TTR, it shows bad on the web but if you save it and open it
its very clear to read
posters here may not realize this is a one piece computer and
probably worth repairing.
An image of the board is here :
little experimenting with another MB, I have come to the conclusion that
the Clock Generator (SLG8LP625TTR) is bad. My real question was if the
chip should be free running. In order to establish that, I found a MB
with a ICS 9250AF-23 and found it had the same number of pins as the
chip in question. It was not the same physical size, but I figured it
was probably very similar since it used the same value xtal. I removed
the processor chip on that MB and found that the clock generator was
free running, so I assume the SLG chip should also be. There ARE a
couple of outputs active on the SLG chip, but there are no CPU clk
pulses on the SLG chip and they are not grounded.
I am not going to attempt to repair this MB, since I do not have the
tools to replace the chip. It is nice however to arrive at a conclusion
based upon information rather than theory. Thanks.