Rich Grise
"Guy Macon" <http://www.guymacon.com> wrote in message
I realized that I should try that OCR S/W that came with the scanner.
The closest to a neural net I'm working on is hacking a couple of
joysticks into a keyboard controller.
Which, while I'm thinking about it, would give a potential ... lessee
- 18 (!) lines to one side of the matrix, 8 to the other, so more
than 128 inputs.
Of which any arbitratrary number could be used to make a jeopardy
board. Or a dartboard sensor.
Cool! I kinda have a project in mind, but while thinking about itRich Grise <null@example.net> says...
Would'nt a neural net be almost a natural for OCR? Or is it so obvious
that that's a stupid quiestion?
I worked on a project that used a neural network for optical character
recognition. It was scary how much better it was than other methods.
here is a place to get some code to get started with for those of the
microsoft/.bnet persuasion:
And here is one for Linux fans such as myself:
I realized that I should try that OCR S/W that came with the scanner.
The closest to a neural net I'm working on is hacking a couple of
joysticks into a keyboard controller.
Which, while I'm thinking about it, would give a potential ... lessee
- 18 (!) lines to one side of the matrix, 8 to the other, so more
than 128 inputs.
Of which any arbitratrary number could be used to make a jeopardy
board. Or a dartboard sensor.