Richard Wood
"Jon S Green" <jonsg@deadspam.com> wrote:
Yes the DTI did go round in their detector vans when the problem got out
of hand. Found out the people using, say, 500W 27MHz amps and hi-gain
antennas with SSB rigs.
Then normally told them to stop using it & get rid of it. Took gear off
them if it was causing interference to phones/TVs/radio.
I've never heard anyone get a fine. Never heard police involved. Police
didn't want to know if people reported severe interference to them.
Suspended jail sentence? Never heard of any.
RA/DTI are/were a bunch of lazy sods
Speaking from personal experience many years ago this just didn't happen.futureworlds <nobody@mail.futureworlds.it> wrote:
Even if they complained, would the police or even the UK
equivalent of the FCC be interested in expending the resources to
track down and prosecute a nut with a few mW transmitter?
Oh, yeah. Big time.
Operating a low-power illegal "normal" transmitter (like an unlicensed
CB set) is one thing - a minor offence under Part I (s.1) of the
Wireless Telegraphy Act; they'll just get the kit seized, and a Police
caution. Perhaps a small fine if it's worth a prosecution. Maybe even
a suspended jail sentence if it was shown to be interfering with
licensed equipment (by accident).
Yes the DTI did go round in their detector vans when the problem got out
of hand. Found out the people using, say, 500W 27MHz amps and hi-gain
antennas with SSB rigs.
Then normally told them to stop using it & get rid of it. Took gear off
them if it was causing interference to phones/TVs/radio.
I've never heard anyone get a fine. Never heard police involved. Police
didn't want to know if people reported severe interference to them.
Suspended jail sentence? Never heard of any.
Have you ever seen this happen? Seisure I can see, but nothing else. TheDeliberate jamming, on the other hand, is a Part II (s.13) offence, and
a whole different order of magnitude. The Radiocommunications Agency
(www.radio.gov.uk) will rain Hellfire on offenders: expect a jail term
and/or (probably 'and') a stiff fine. And seizure of anything, not just
txing equipment, that could be argued to be relevant to the offence.
RA/DTI are/were a bunch of lazy sods