Phil Allison
** Quote:
" LCD TV SMPS LV C vented electrolyte, "
What Low Voltage Cap was that - eh ??????
You fucking LIED to us - AGAIN !!!!!!
You FUCKING MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... Phil
I reckon the "electrolyte" is kitchen fat. I saked the owner if used in a
kitchen and he said no. But it was used in a caravan which was used for
cooking in. So tried tasting somer on the tip of my tongue and swilling
soon after. No sweetness , if anything cooking fat taste. Checked my taste
buds with some glycerin and distinct sweet taste. No problems with cracked
toor capacity with the removed and then replaced caps.
** Quote:
" LCD TV SMPS LV C vented electrolyte, "
What Low Voltage Cap was that - eh ??????
You fucking LIED to us - AGAIN !!!!!!
You FUCKING MORON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.... Phil