microwave magnetron power rating?



The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output
power-so which one you pick magnetron by in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)? Or perhaps catalogue mag
power=HVtransformer output power, or, catalogue mag
power=2*HVtransformer voltage*current?
(example catalogue http://www.wagner.net.au/catalogue/10_Microwave.pdf)
"KORISNIK" <tehit1@gmail.com> wrote in message
The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output
power-so which one you pick magnetron by in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)? Or perhaps catalogue mag
power=HVtransformer output power, or, catalogue mag
power=2*HVtransformer voltage*current?
(example catalogue http://www.wagner.net.au/catalogue/10_Microwave.pdf)
Simple answer = The one that fits (WES may have different third party brands
as well as the OEM part that will fit depending on what it is.)

The power output is a product of the power supply, not the magnetron. I take
it you've never replaced a magnetron in a microwave oven before? Make sure
you know what you're doing or you might not be posting here again in this


The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output
power-so which one you pick magnetron by in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)?
Not quite sure what you mean but all appliances are rated by active INPUT
power, not device power.

James wrote:

"KORISNIK" <tehit1@gmail.com> wrote in message
The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output
power-so which one you pick magnetron by in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)? Or perhaps catalogue mag
power=HVtransformer output power, or, catalogue mag
power=2*HVtransformer voltage*current?
(example catalogue http://www.wagner.net.au/catalogue/10_Microwave.pdf)

Simple answer = The one that fits (WES may have different third party brands
as well as the OEM part that will fit depending on what it is.)

The power output is a product of the power supply, not the magnetron. I take
it you've never replaced a magnetron in a microwave oven before? Make sure
you know what you're doing or you might not be posting here again in this
The story of the resonant cavity magnetron is very interesting. I'm privileged
to have a *hardback* copy of 'Radar Days' here that formerly belonged to a (UK)
Guardian newspaper Science Editor who himself was a flyer ( Hurricanes and
Spitfires ) and Commanding Officer RAF North Africa for a while.

Want a damn good technical and personal read of how electronics influenced WW2
and later times ? It's one of the best.

You'll NEVER regret buying it.

On Apr 24, 12:54 pm, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...@hotmail.com>
The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output
power-so which one you pickmagnetronby in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)?

Not quite sure what you mean but all appliances are rated by active INPUT
power, not device power.

for example sticker on the back of the oven specifies -grill
-microwave input power=1250w,microwave output power=650w;what is the
relation of those numbers to transformer power and , output of say 2kv
& 200-300ma and would you select mag from catalogue as 1250w or 650w
There is more than just the power rating when selecting a magnetron
replacment for a microwave oven. It is important to have a proper
match for the required voltage, heater current, and mechanical fit. If
there are any radiation leaks or if the power rating is not properly
matched there will be some very serious safety issues with the usage
of the oven.

I suggest that you make sure you have the proper part and it is
installed properly. After installation it is very important to do the
radiation measurements to make sure that there is no danger of
radiation leak.

Jerry G.

On Apr 23, 11:38 pm, KORISNIK <teh...@gmail.com> wrote:
The back of the oven gives microwave(non  grill) input and output
power-so which  one you pick magnetron by in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)? Or perhaps catalogue mag
power=HVtransformer output power, or, catalogue mag
power=2*HVtransformer voltage*current?
(example cataloguehttp://www.wagner.net.au/catalogue/10_Microwave.pdf)
"Jerry G." <jerryg50@hotmail.com> writes:

There is more than just the power rating when selecting a magnetron
replacment for a microwave oven. It is important to have a proper
match for the required voltage, heater current, and mechanical fit. If
there are any radiation leaks or if the power rating is not properly
matched there will be some very serious safety issues with the usage
of the oven.

I suggest that you make sure you have the proper part and it is
installed properly. After installation it is very important to do the
radiation measurements to make sure that there is no danger of
radiation leak.
There should be a part number on the old magnetron.

There are cross-reference lists available to check compatibility.

sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ: http://www.repairfaq.org/
Repair | Main Table of Contents: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ: http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm
| Mirror Sites: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_mirror.html

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above is
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 20:38:31 -0700, KORISNIK wrote:

The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output power-so
which one you pick magnetron by in catalogues(when not relying on mag
designaton number)? Or perhaps catalogue mag power=HVtransformer output
power, or, catalogue mag power=2*HVtransformer voltage*current? (example
catalogue http://www.wagner.net.au/catalogue/10_Microwave.pdf) thanks
Looking for something like this?

Have Fun!
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 17:32:35 -0700 (PDT), KORISNIK <tehit1@gmail.com>
put finger to keyboard and composed:

On Apr 24, 12:54 pm, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelati...@hotmail.com
The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output
power-so which one you pickmagnetronby in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)?

Not quite sure what you mean but all appliances are rated by active INPUT
power, not device power.


for example sticker on the back of the oven specifies -grill
-microwave input power=1250w,microwave output power=650w;what is the
relation of those numbers to transformer power and , output of say 2kv
& 200-300ma and would you select mag from catalogue as 1250w or 650w
Here's an example.

I have a Philips model LE31 microwave (rebadged Samsung).

The power consumption is 1150W and the maximum power output is 650W.

The magnetron is a Samsung 2M-204M3. This is substituted by a WES AWI
AM701 rated at 850W.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.
"Samuel M. Goldwasser" <sam@repairfaq.org> wrote in message
"Jerry G." <jerryg50@hotmail.com> writes:

There is more than just the power rating when selecting a magnetron
replacment for a microwave oven. It is important to have a proper
match for the required voltage, heater current, and mechanical fit. If
there are any radiation leaks or if the power rating is not properly
matched there will be some very serious safety issues with the usage
of the oven.

I suggest that you make sure you have the proper part and it is
installed properly. After installation it is very important to do the
radiation measurements to make sure that there is no danger of
radiation leak.

There should be a part number on the old magnetron.

There are cross-reference lists available to check compatibility.

sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ: http://www.repairfaq.org/
Repair | Main Table of Contents: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ: http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm
| Mirror Sites: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_mirror.html

Important: Anything sent to the email address in the message header above
ignored unless my full name AND either lasers or electronics is included
in the
subject line. Or, you can contact me via the Feedback Form in the FAQs.
here's a video to show how to get the part number off the magnetron:

In article <49F218EC.DAEA8605@hotmail.com>, Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations@hotmail.com> wrote:

The back of the oven gives microwave(non grill) input and output
power-so which one you pick magnetron by in catalogues(when not
relying on mag designaton number)?

Not quite sure what you mean but all appliances are rated by active INPUT
power, not device power.
Microwaves are rated by output power, except it seems the power ratings
are different at times. I got a Panasonic 1250 watt unit which is the most
powerfull unit I have ever had. Its also the lightest with inverter control.
Funny thing, I was comparing the commercial unit with more input power
about 1800 watts, and the commercial unit was rated less than my
regular version. I figured the commercial unit
also was an inverter since it was about the same size. Just cost $300 more.

I just replaced the diode and transformer in my brothers Samsung, at
about $150 with shipping and all. Figured the magnetron is also bad
at another $70 to mabe get it working. In the mean time my
brother bought another wall mounted hood unit for $220. Anybody need some
parts ?


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