Rich Webb
On 18 Jan 2005 08:52:52 -0800, tom@wattservices.com wrote:
Ahh, must be from Google. A reply to a thread six months dead and with
a broken References line. Yup, Google indeed.
From http://www.google.com/governance/conduct.html
Our informal corporate motto is "Don't be evil."
Which is slightly out of date. I'm guessing that the current motto is
"Maximize shareholder return."
It certainly isn't "Respect the wishes of the usenet community."
Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
I found EMAC <http://www.emacinc.com/> has several 8085 based
trainers. Any recommendation on these?
Elenco <http://www.elenco.com/> has one 8085 based trainer, it
to be a good value for the money. Opinions?
has 8051 based trainers with varying configurations.
Flite <http://www.flite.co.uk/micros.html> has quite a few trainers,
including Motorola based 68x trainers. If my nephew does well with
intel based trainers, I think he would be interested in these, but
other recommendations?
I am curious which one you went with. I am considering EMAC's as it
seems to be the most advanced for the cost as it is only slightly more
expensive then Elenco's if you assemble it yourself.
Ahh, must be from Google. A reply to a thread six months dead and with
a broken References line. Yup, Google indeed.
From http://www.google.com/governance/conduct.html
Our informal corporate motto is "Don't be evil."
Which is slightly out of date. I'm guessing that the current motto is
"Maximize shareholder return."
It certainly isn't "Respect the wishes of the usenet community."
Rich Webb Norfolk, VA