microprocessor 8086 HELP

  • Thread starter pchelpmanC@googlemail.com
  • Start date


hello guys.. i want a program which find the prime numbers from 1 to N
(N is given from keyboard) and result shown in the monitor.. please
help me..
<pchelpmanC@googlemail.com> wrote in message
hello guys.. i want a program which find the prime numbers from 1 to N
(N is given from keyboard) and result shown in the monitor.. please
help me..
IT'S Homework (you have to do it on your own) ... I can't do it either.
On Sat, 16 May 2009 16:01:45 -0700 (PDT), "pchelpmanC@googlemail.com"
<pchelpmanC@googlemail.com> wrote:

hello guys.. i want a program which find the prime numbers from 1 to N
(N is given from keyboard) and result shown in the monitor.. please
help me..
Look up prime number _sieve_. That should help, though you don't need
to go that far. Also, google will hand a version to you on a silver
platter. You don't need us. And if you already know what a prime
number is and you have even the most basic rudiments of programming
down, it isn't hard to write a short routine. Honestly, it's very,
very easy.

What class are you taking?

"pchelpmanC@googlemail.com" wrote:

hello guys.. i want a program which find the prime numbers from 1 to N
(N is given from keyboard) and result shown in the monitor.. please
help me..
We don't usually do your homework problems here.

WTF do you mean by a 'microprocessor 8086' anyway ? Does anyone still use
those ? Microprocessors don't have keyborards and monitors, those are
computers and I can't even recal when an 8086 was last used in a serious
one, way back in the 1980s somewhere.

Looks like you shouldn't have been asleep in class.

On May 16, 7:57 pm, Jon Kirwan <j...@infinitefactors.org> wrote:
On Sat, 16 May 2009 16:01:45 -0700 (PDT), "pchelpm...@googlemail.com"

pchelpm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
hello guys.. i want a program which find the prime numbers from 1 to N
(N is given from keyboard) and result shown in the monitor.. please
help me..

Look up prime number _sieve_.  That should help, though you don't need
to go that far.  Also, google will hand a version to you on a silver
platter.  You don't need us.  And if you already know what a prime
number is and you have even the most basic rudiments of programming
down, it isn't hard to write a short routine.  Honestly, it's very,
very easy.

What class are you taking?


Also good reading:

On 2009-05-16, pchelpmanC@googlemail.com <pchelpmanC@googlemail.com> wrote:
hello guys.. i want a program which find the prime numbers from 1 to N
(N is given from keyboard) and result shown in the monitor.. please
help me..
I've done this before (I used turboC)


just need to do it piecewise

hint: there's no point in packing 8 cells into a byte when it costs so much
to addresse the individual bytes.
On 2009-05-18, mrdarrett@gmail.com <mrdarrett@gmail.com> wrote:
On May 16, 7:57 pm, Jon Kirwan <j...@infinitefactors.org> wrote:
On Sat, 16 May 2009 16:01:45 -0700 (PDT), "pchelpm...@googlemail.com"

pchelpm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
hello guys.. i want a program which find the prime numbers from 1 to N
(N is given from keyboard) and result shown in the monitor.. please
help me..

Look up prime number _sieve_.  That should help, though you don't need
to go that far.  Also, google will hand a version to you on a silver
platter.  You don't need us.  And if you already know what a prime
number is and you have even the most basic rudiments of programming
down, it isn't hard to write a short routine.  Honestly, it's very,
very easy.

What class are you taking?


Also good reading:
that'll scare him off!

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