Hi all.
thanks for all the comments, very educational to this mainly digital guy.
I'd assumed the input impedance should match the source for maximum power
Seems this does not give the best quality.
Surprised to hear batteries are noisy. I had a decent decoupler.
using my TV.
No surprise there. Turning up the gain, I found I was picking up radio!
Sticking it in a crude faraday cage (okay, biscuit tin) didn't help either.
Sigh, more prototyping to do and more complex circuits.
JT> (1) Shunt feedback stage with a pot as the source impedance.
Hmm.. I thought "hello, that looks a bit odd"
JT> (2) CB input stage... barf.
I had to read up on why people used a transistor for unity gain, and found
that it was useful for buffering signals that need a low input impedance
(like 75R video) and avoiding the Miller effect.
Ban > You better use a specialized IC with your state of knowledge,
Ban > then you get at least some reference circuit and a
Ban > good result.
Yep, I'd be happy to buy a chip specifically designed for dynamic mic
I expected they would be pretty common, but haven't seen any.
Ban > Win made a proposition for a good Mic preamp last year
Thanks, I'll look for it.
Has it been tested and the performance measured?
thanks for all the comments, very educational to this mainly digital guy.
I'd assumed the input impedance should match the source for maximum power
Seems this does not give the best quality.
Surprised to hear batteries are noisy. I had a decent decoupler.
Never let the front-end transistor amplify flat out (grounded emitter)
I plugged the preamp into my good-quality hi-fi, and found far less hum thancrap circuit
using my TV.
No surprise there. Turning up the gain, I found I was picking up radio!
Sticking it in a crude faraday cage (okay, biscuit tin) didn't help either.
Sigh, more prototyping to do and more complex circuits.
JT> (1) Shunt feedback stage with a pot as the source impedance.
Hmm.. I thought "hello, that looks a bit odd"
JT> (2) CB input stage... barf.
I had to read up on why people used a transistor for unity gain, and found
that it was useful for buffering signals that need a low input impedance
(like 75R video) and avoiding the Miller effect.
Ban > You better use a specialized IC with your state of knowledge,
Ban > then you get at least some reference circuit and a
Ban > good result.
Yep, I'd be happy to buy a chip specifically designed for dynamic mic
I expected they would be pretty common, but haven't seen any.
Ban > Win made a proposition for a good Mic preamp last year
Thanks, I'll look for it.
Has it been tested and the performance measured?