MessageView 421F schematic

It this is too complicated for you, refer to
the children's book _If Everybody Did_, by Jo Ann Stover.
Charles R. Tenney

IMHO rude and uncalled for
Bob Stephens
or just a gentle jibe without a smiley? :cool:

IIRC I saw this book on Captain Kangaroo as a youngster.

Don't squeeze the cat.

This happen
This is would happen
This is what would happen if everybody did.
This is what would happen
This is would happen
This happen
Harvey Van Sickle wrote:
On 07 Nov 2003, Bob Stephens wrote


By the way, just to clear the air. My original question was just
that - a question. I was curious as to why people felt so strongly
that the bottom posting convention was the only acceptable
means of responding on USENET.

Agreed -- I'd extend that curiousity to the amazing degree to which so
many people seem to view *everything* in violent extremes: top/bottom
posting, Linux/MS, XNews/OE and the rest of it.

Some posters seem to get stroke-inducingly partisan about these issues:
it's as if one's whole moral character is supposed to be wrapped up in
the choice of some negligible piece of software (or a nice-but-not-
earth-shatteringly-critical bit of netiquette).
This top vs. bottom thing reminds me of the over/under war
on the proper way to hang the toilet paper (bathroom tissue)
roll. There can be practical reasons for either, butt in the
end, it all gets flushed.

There are definitely some clinically weird folks out there.....
From which I draw much comfort. Who wants to be the only data
point six sigma from the peak of the curve? Often it's the
weird folk who gave us the modern world of electricity, computers,
technology, etc. The "Norms" are boring and usually a waste
of resources. Wild rules while mild snores.
Peter Lowrie wrote:
The EFG 2210 sweep function generator shit itself and static component tests
proved back to a dicky dual FET with old, old packaging. The code on the
side of the FET is unreadable. After weeks and months of searching I must
resort to beggery here in this newgroup, perhance you have the servce
manual/circuit diagram, or could point me towards it.

Ever g8ful.
:) Peter Lowrie
If US made, my guess would be a dual jfet by Siliconics; they were
famous for making a decent array of well-matched dual jfets.
Do a little Sherlock to derive good guesstimate of operating point(s)
from supply voltage, resistors (source & drain) and maybe signal level.
That will help to find jfets with "good enough" characteristics; you
may even get away with discretes.
These daze, Fairchild is a good source of jfets; have not looked to
see if they have (matched?) duals.
Siliconics is now owned & run by Vishay.
Peter Lowrie wrote:
The EFG 2210 sweep function generator shit itself and static component tests
proved back to a dicky dual FET with old, old packaging. The code on the
side of the FET is unreadable. After weeks and months of searching I must
resort to beggery here in this newgroup, perhance you have the servce
manual/circuit diagram, or could point me towards it.

Ever g8ful.
:) Peter Lowrie
BTW, my server sez that alt.electronics does not exist!
Robert Baer wrote:

BTW, my server sez that alt.electronics does not exist!
Gee-willie-whiskers and here you are posting on it.

:)Peter Lowrie

Peter Lowrie wrote:
Robert Baer wrote:

BTW, my server sez that alt.electronics does not exist!

Gee-willie-whiskers and here you are posting on it.

:)Peter Lowrie

Incorrect! I posted on the NG only.
Exactly like i did now.
Robert Baer wrote:
Peter Lowrie wrote:

The EFG 2210 sweep function generator shit itself and static component tests
proved back to a dicky dual FET with old, old packaging. The code on the
side of the FET is unreadable. After weeks and months of searching I must
resort to beggery here in this newgroup, perhance you have the servce
manual/circuit diagram, or could point me towards it.

Ever g8ful.
:) Peter Lowrie

BTW, my server sez that alt.electronics does not exist!
That only means they don't carry that newsgroup. It is archived on
Google along with sci.electronics, and other low traffic newsgroups.
I say, the boy is so stupid that he tried to make a back up copy of his
hard drive on the Xerox machine!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Michael A. Terrell" wrote:
Robert Baer wrote:

Peter Lowrie wrote:

The EFG 2210 sweep function generator shit itself and static component tests
proved back to a dicky dual FET with old, old packaging. The code on the
side of the FET is unreadable. After weeks and months of searching I must
resort to beggery here in this newgroup, perhance you have the servce
manual/circuit diagram, or could point me towards it.

Ever g8ful.
:) Peter Lowrie

BTW, my server sez that alt.electronics does not exist!

That only means they don't carry that newsgroup. It is archived on
Google along with sci.electronics, and other low traffic newsgroups.
I say, the boy is so stupid that he tried to make a back up copy of his
hard drive on the Xerox machine!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
He must of forgotton to use the new electro-magnetic toner!
Robert Baer wrote:
He must of forgotten to use the new electro-magnetic toner!
Don't be silly. Everyone knows you put the hard drive into your
replicator to get an exact, atom for atom copy, right down to that bad
bearing! ;-)

I say, the boy is so stupid that he tried to make a back up copy of his
hard drive on the Xerox machine!

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Al <> wrote in news:no.spam-

In article <iWtyb.3073$>,
"ctsbillc" <> wrote:

I cannot remember an oscilloscope camera with a flash.

Why would you have a flash?

Older o'scopes had a light which would illuminate the etched in

ISTR that the flash 'pre-sensitized' the phosphor before the sweep for a
faster writing speed.Like when you shine a bright light on a TV screen,it
then glows softly in the dark.

Jim Yanik,NRA member
On Fri, 05 Dec 2003 19:02:03 -0800, in you

ams wrote:
Any one looking to buy PCB Design software, check out following website.

Demo can be downloaded from following link.


Or, for a really good one free.... for Eagle, 3 x 4 board size is free, other stuff costs,
from a little to a whole lot, depending on size (only restriction).


(only works with their board service, but they are very good)
"Harvey White" <> wrote in message for Eagle, 3 x 4 board size is free, other stuff costs,
from a little to a whole lot, depending on size (only restriction).

Eagle is *not* in general free. The size-limited version is free for
hobbyists only; if you sell the products you use it to make, it is not free.

Whether one chooses to abuse this policy is of course up to the individual.
On 6 Dec 2003 08:58:31 GMT, in you wrote:

"Harvey White" <> wrote in message for Eagle, 3 x 4 board size is free, other stuff costs,
from a little to a whole lot, depending on size (only restriction).

Eagle is *not* in general free. The size-limited version is free for
hobbyists only; if you sell the products you use it to make, it is not free.
That's true. I am not in a business of making PC boards, so I could
(when I feel a bit more rich) go for the "non-profit" category, since
I've got a few projects that the 4 inch max size limitation is rather
unpleasant (mostly front panel stuff).

I did think that the person who needed the information might read the
web page, but then again

Whether one chooses to abuse this policy is of course up to the individual.
Which is quite true.

I've been impressed with the program, the only gripe I have is that
the pads are far too small for my liking, on things like headers,
resistors and capacitors. Might work fine for plated through holes,
but for a single sided board, is not optimal, I think.

If you are going to make these boards for a living, then you bite the
bullet and pay for what you need.

"Harvey White" <> wrote in message
I've been impressed with the program, the only gripe I have is that
the pads are far too small for my liking, on things like headers,
resistors and capacitors. Might work fine for plated through holes,
but for a single sided board, is not optimal, I think.
But, you can change those, with a bit of work in the parts editor. You
could create a library of 'alternate' parts for single-sided boards, if you
On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 15:20:52 -0700, Jim Thompson
<invalid@invalid.invalid> wrote:

On Tue, 09 Dec 2003 22:09:09 GMT, "Mike" <> wrote:

every instinct tells me this is a virus.

especially, with the .SCR extention, almost insures its a virus

"underground" <> wrote in message
Christina Aguilera nude

Norton NAV says it's not a virus, but *I* certainly wouldn't test it.
I'd sooner take a chance on an unknown program than the singer
herself. From what I've seen of her pop videos, there's a far greater
chance of catching something nasty from the whore in question than
some downloaded piece of software bearing her name.

"I expect history will be kind to me, since I intend to write it."
- Winston Churchill
In article <>,
i have a sony kv27tw70 it runs great but the power relay does not engage on
the tv
the contacts i can manually close and it will stay closed. it is ry601 on
the board but i have no actual part number any source of replacement part.
any ideas if im proceeding in the wrong direction about why the tv is not
switching on.
any help is welcome
Post it to, _with_ a subject.

###Got a Question about ELECTRONICS? Check HERE First:###
My email address is whitelisted. *All* email sent to it
goes directly to the trash unless you add NOSPAM in the
Subject: line with other stuff. alondra101 <at>
Don't be ripped off by the big book dealers. Go to the URL
that will give you a choice and save you money(up to half). You'll be glad you did!
Just when you thought you had all this figured out, the gov't
changed it:
On 19 Jan 2004 11:43:50 -0800, (Alan Horowitz) wrote:

I want to make up my own custom test leads for my Fluke 87.

What item, sold in mass-distribution at consumer type retail outlets,
will work as a plug?

Alternatively, I could do a simple fabrication What shop item would
be a good starting point to modify from, to plug into the jacks on
this thing?
Shrouded 4mm plugs are available at any decent electronic parts supplier.
Unshrouded ones will also work.
Joerg Hau <> wrote in


I'm looking for a copy of the repair/maintenance manual, or at least
the circuit diagrams, for the Tektronix 475A/DM44 scope.

The trigger for channel A does not work; the corresponding LED (or is
that a lamp?)
You can use a LED with the proper dropping resistor.I would.

does not light up as it should. I can only obtain a
stable display if _all_ the four buttons of the HORIZ DISPLAY kerys
(to the right of the CRT) are out & I use the "B" trigger button to
adjust ... ?!
No,you need to have 'A' sweep selected.Check to see if external trigger
input works.Scope to see if the trigger signal picked off from the vertical
is getting to the input FETS on the trigger board.One or both of those FETs
could have failed(matched pair).You can swap the pair from B trigger.
The circuit uses TEK-made IC's which aren't available from TEK anymore,just
from parts scopes.(no longer made & stock depleted)

Also look to se if a wire from the trig level pot is broken or cut from
putting the cabinet on.(Saw a lot of that.)
Sometimes people also pulled a coax cable off the vertical assy when re-
installing the cabinet.Easy to bend the center 'pin' when reinserting the
Peltola connector,too.

It may only be a DC trigger level adjustment,or a trig sensitivity

Any idea what might be wrong here (better yet: how to fix it ?)
Well,getting the service manual is the first step.Read the circuit
description,it's very helpful in understanding how the scope works.

Jim Yanik
Hi Jim

Check to see if external trigger input works.
No, it doesn't.

Scope to see if the trigger signal picked off
from the vertical is getting to the input FETS on the trigger
board.One or both of those FETs could have failed(matched pair).You
can swap the pair from B trigger.
I will, but need to find the circuit diagrams first ;-)

The circuit uses TEK-made IC's which aren't available from TEK
anymore,just from parts scopes.(no longer made & stock depleted)
Argh. How do you spell "hope" ?

Also look to se if a wire from the trig level pot is broken or cut
from putting the cabinet on.(Saw a lot of that.)
Been there, everything fine. Pot "as such" is OK.

Sometimes people also pulled a coax cable off the vertical assy when
re- installing the cabinet.Easy to bend the center 'pin' when
reinserting the Peltola connector,too.
Verified, everything fine.

Well,getting the service manual is the first step.Read the circuit
description,it's very helpful in understanding how the scope works.
Thanks a lot for the help,
and have a nice day!

- Joerg

joerg dot hau at swissonline dot ch * Lausanne, Switzerland
"All standard disclaimers apply".
remove "nospam." from my address to reply
(this became necessary due to increasing SPAM)

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