Rod Speed
"BuckyBalls" <"The Pres"@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I was talking about the medion phone which I originally commented on.
Bet it doesnt do as well as the best of the smartphones like the iphone 6+
and the Galaxy S6. If course its a lot cheaper than those too but you have
to fart around with the separate physical camera too.
So do the best of the smartphones.
On 4/07/2015 2:38 AM, Rod Speed wrote:
"yaputya" <sir.leftlegin.to.U@gmale.com> wrote in message
On 2/07/2015 10:11 PM, Rod Speed wrote:
He's too jewish for that end of the market currently. Just got a
Galaxy S4.
Just changing the topic here...
How good is the Galaxy S4's camera?
Dunno yet, he just got it yesterday and rang me
about getting it authorised yesterday evening.
That is the main reason he got it, for the camera, they are
about to head back to Turkey for a couple of months and
need a decent camera for that.
I've got a cheap (around $60) 14Pixel Medion digital camera with 8x
optical zoom and 16Gb memory. Can the S4 really compete with the
superior optics?
Not on the 8x optical zoom alone.
That medion phone doesn't have much of a
camera, particularly in low light situations.
It's a pure camera, not a phone.
I was talking about the medion phone which I originally commented on.
It has a 14Mpixel sensor, 8x optical zoom and and optical image
stabiliser. Plus 16Gb solely devoted to image storage.
Low light is a weakness with cheap digital cameras, but in normal light
I'm pretty sure the $60 Medion camera can produce a better picture than a
fixed lens smartphone, which only has digital zoom to compose a picture.
Bet it doesnt do as well as the best of the smartphones like the iphone 6+
and the Galaxy S6. If course its a lot cheaper than those too but you have
to fart around with the separate physical camera too.
BTW I've got a Panasonic NV-DA1ENA digital video camera which dates back
to 1999. It has fantastic low-light performance, it produces excellent
video even in candlelight.
So do the best of the smartphones.
The main problem with it is that the DV tape format has become redundant.
It does store DVD-quality video though, with no losses due to compression.