Measuring VSWR in a Simulation?

Tom Bruhns wrote:

Oh dear. That was an invitation for me to get on my soapbox.

You should view Spice as an _ANALYSIS_ tool, NOT a "design" tool. I
think Spice is dangerous in the hands of folk who don't have a basic
understanding of the circuits they are trying to design.
Trivial and boring, no comment.

How does
that apply in this situation? Well, I would hope that you have a
pretty good idea about the source impedance of the circuit you are
dealing with, and the optimal load as well. Is it an output from a
feedback-controlled amplifier, or is it from something which is
open-loop? Is it from the emitter circuit or the collector circuit?
If you're trying to put a load on the oscillator itself, what will a
heavy load do? (Hint: it's generally NOT good for frequency
stability, because small percentage variations in the load can still
be significant.) Fairly often, the optimal load for a circuit is an
impedance which is far different from the circuit's output impedance:
"optimal" is NOT always maximum power transfer.

It's the philosophy of why you should do various things in the circuit
that Spice generally won't help with, unless you are exceptionally
observant about the simulation results, and try a wide range of

In addition, having a good basic "feel" for the circuit will help you
immeasurably in knowing when your simulation results are incorrect, as
they often can be. That can happen because of Spice limitations, and
because your model does not match reality sufficiently well.

I trust this won't open too big a can of worms...I hope instead it's
food for thought about the design process.

Thanks for this part.


Stutzer <> wrote in message news:<>...

Hi Tom,
As I see the problem seems to have become clear now.
I think your approach is surely correct but as you mentioned yourself it
could take a lot of time as I don't have a good "starting point" for
the "recursion".

If I just had to match this single circuit this would not be too much of
a problem. But I think I will come across this problem (of unknown
output impedance) many moore times in the future.

Thus I think there has to be some kind of "macro/script/test-load" that
automizes this procedure or something else that pops out the output
impedance (at best even for sevral freqs.)

Anyway, so far, thanks very much for directing the discussion into this
direction and for your ideas.
Best regards,
D. Stutzer


I really don't want to offend you, but are you sure about this?

I ask this, because this "natural approach" was my first as well. But it
did not seem to work with the (very few and simple) circuits I tried.

From a theoretical point of view: How can one distinguish between the
part of the voltage (or power) that is due to the "backwards" travelling
waves and the "foreward"-part when you have just one (infinitely small)
point (resp. part of the transmission line/wire) where you can measure
the (total) voltage? To me this seems impossible, in general.
But I can imagine to implement such a circuit in a way appropriate for
simulation, by use of "Transmission-Lines" to insert a delay.

Please correct me where I'm wrong

Yep, I'm sure...

There are basically two methods to "measure" VSWR. Both methods are
based upon so called "directional couplers" and do not measure VSWR directly
but rather measure a reflected wave and compute the VSWR as a function of
the ratio "rho" of the reflected wave to the incident wave. "rho" is the
coefficient and recall that rho = (reflected wave)/(incident wave) and...
VSWR = (1 - |rho|)/(1 + |rho|):

The first method [Which is usually not very broadbanded.] uses distributed
directional coupler technology [distributed throughout space] like slotted
etc... and is based upon the directional characteristics of "coupled
lines" which basically operate by "looking" at a travelling waveform spread
across many points in space. Such techniques do not work very well at low
frequencies, in fact they fail completely at DC! :)

I agree that these distributed techniques for measuring VSWR are difficult
to simulate with Spice.

The second method [Which is usually quite broadbanded.] computes the
refelected wave from two "measurements" at the same point in space
[one of current "i" and one of voltage "v"].

In modern times this latter technique has been called the Bruene technique
because of Warren Bruene's patent [Warren was/is a great radio Engineer
who worked for Collins Radio and the patent is ssigned to Collins Radio]
but Charles Wheatstone and Oliver Heaviside those great British
from the nineteenth century would roll over in their graves since they never
met Warren and Warren Bruene's invention is merely a subtle form of
Wheatstone's famous bridge circuit that was widely used to separate forward
and backward waves on single wire telegraph lines way back in the mid

Contrary to popular opinion Sam Morse was not the only inventor active in
telegraphy. And Wheatstone had his telegraph running in Britain before
got his going in the US.

The Wheatstone bridge was invented by Wheatstone to enable full duplex
telegraph transmission and it allowed old time telegraph operators to send
and recieve signals in both directions simultaneously on the same telegraph
i.e. the bridge separates the forward and reverse "waves". Today we do this
in literally millions of locations all day long with full duplex dial up
and we call it "echo cancelling".

In this latter "single point" measurement technique [Wheatstone/Bruene] for
determining VSWR two variables namely the current "i" and voltage "v" at
the measurement point on a transmission line are measured and the "incident
voltage wave", sometimes called "a" is [within a constant of
given by: a = v + ir and the "reflected voltage wave", sometimes called "b"
given by: b = v - ir. Recall that the reflection coefficient rho is simply
rho = b/a = (v - ir)/(v + ir) and VSWR is VSWR = (1 - |rho|)/(1 + |rho|).

A simple circuit analysis of a bridge circuit, an active Op Amp bridge
will do as well as a passive bridge, shows that the bridge output
voltage is "b" where b = v - ir. Where "r" is the "reference impedance".
Often the reference impedance "r" is simply 50 Ohms resistive, and is the
"known" element in the bridge while the transmission line impedance is the
unknown, but in general r can be a complex impedance say the complex
Zo of the transmission line, etc...

Both techniques, "coupled space distributed lines" or "point bridges", give
the same results for the reflected wave and for VSWR.

The coupled line techniques appear to be more intuitive, but suffer from
"bandwidth" effects which must be "corrected" for varying wavelengths much
more so than the point "bridge" techniques simply because the fixed physical
length of the sampling lines of such directional couplers results in
amplitude distortion of the results as the wavelength of the signal changes.
length of a space sampling line is physically fixed and so it's output
varies in amplitude with wavelength complicating the measurement of VSWR.]

This is because it is practically impossible to make a physical sampling
whose length changes automatically with the wavelength of the signal it is
And so since the sampling line is physically fixed in length the reflected
wave output of the
distributed line sampler changes with changing frequency. While
and Bruene's bridge measurement techniques can be made to work over many
decades of frequency and even down to DC!

What is more... the bridge technique can be simulated by Spice, while in
the coupled lines cannot because Spice is not a PDE solver!

This is exactly how I do VSWR and directional wave measurements in Spice all
the time...

I just simply model or simulate a bridge in Spice [Only takes a few (4-5)
components to do this!] and I place the bridge subcircuit in the Spice
circuit where
I want to measure the VSWR or forward and reflected waves. In fact I often
several, or even a whole bunch, of such directional couplers in many of my
Spice simulations.

I even use Spice simulations to help me with the direct analysis and design
VSWR bridges themselves!

These are fun analog design projects [Designing good VSWR bridges] and I've
a lot of these designs using Spice over the years... and put literally
millions of my bridges into
production. You are probably using them right now as you type, there are
at least two in every analog modem! I used to specialize in the design of
kinds of return loss bridges and I always use Spice when I do this.

In these cases the VSWR bridge subcircuits are not used to measure the VSWR
another Spice cirucuit rather they are the "whole" circuit that I am
simulating in Spice!

Wonderful! Wave simulation in Spice! [smile]

Once you have a "good" Spice simulation of a VSWR bridge, simply make it
into a subcircuit and use it as a component to plug into your other circuits
wherever you want a reflected wave or VSWR measurement.


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