Fred Bartoli
"John Larkin" <jjlarkin@highNOTlandTHIStechnologyPART.com> a écrit dans le
message de news:hgmga1tvc239t326qa672rmv5vah2cg1v2@4ax.com...
Brouilly there but I couldn't think of any recipe involving ants cooked in
We don't have creme bruillé, but I'm fond of the much better crčme brulée.
I prefer these freshly burned, with the top cream and caramel layers still
message de news:hgmga1tvc239t326qa672rmv5vah2cg1v2@4ax.com...
I was asking myself what "fourmi bruillé" could be. We have some niceWe buy the Safeway Select frozen creme bruillé and blast them with a
regular propane torch... very satisfying in many ways. Even The Brat
is getting pretty good at it, and it sure impresses her friends. Those
foodie-store toys are to laugh at... you have to refill them from a
ciggy-lighter butane thing every few desserts, and the show is much
less dramatic.
I had to explain to my French friend, who is very proud of his toy
blaster, that the butane is liquid so you have to point the thingie
*down* when you refill said toy. He was filling with gas and wasn't
getting through two cb's before he had to reload. But then, he makes
them from scratch from his grammy's recipe, so I'm not complaining
Brouilly there but I couldn't think of any recipe involving ants cooked in
We don't have creme bruillé, but I'm fond of the much better crčme brulée.
I prefer these freshly burned, with the top cream and caramel layers still