William Sommerwerck
I don't think that's true. European societies are different from American --As I've said many times, I'm very much in favor of Big Government
and highly intrusive legislation -- where it's appropriate.
Except that the "progressives" go way beyond "where appropriate".
More accurately,they are REgressives.
(it seems like every city and state they run are broke,in debt,and crime-
ridden.Just as in other nations.)
they have many more years of "tradition" which tends to level things.
The real problems occur when you have institutionalized differences in
social classes.
America without government interference would be even worse -- except "guysUS Gov't was meant to be "limited", not "Big".
(like in "Big Brother", rather appropriate...)
Guys like you are screwing that up, along with America.
like you" would consider it natural/normal, and therefore "good".
The current fracas over regulating money institutions is a good example.
They screw up, by doing stupid and immoral things they shouldn't have been
doing even if they hadn't been regulated -- and then they want to be left
alone, to continue effing-up the economy.