The Queen of Cans and Jar
John Popelish <jpopelish@rica.net> wrote:
also, not everyone has a microwave.Jim Thompson wrote:
On Thu, 06 May 2004 19:12:17 -0400, John Popelish <jpopelish@rica.net
Roasted sweet potato (45 minutes to an hour at 350 F with skin on,
oiled, then peeled with a bit of butter or cream added) is even
Absolutely! Even works well nuked for 5 minutes. (I oil mine, then
roll in Kosher salt, then nuke. And I use a damp paper towel over the
sweet potato to prevent getting a burned skin.)
But slow roasting in an oven caramelizes some of the sugars in a way
that is a very distinct and wonderful tasting, compared to the
microwaved versions. The texture is also much more velvety.