Marriage is under fire!! (tejas) wrote:

feel free for advise

You could use a spelling checker (english), to avoid expressions like
"Samlpe quastion".

Roger J.
"Clarence" <No@No.Com> wrote:

This web page is obviously not intended to show examples of faulty
circuits, so it is simply a mistake.

So I was too subtle?

Maybe just a bit too fast, from being wrong to being subtle.

Remember that we are writing in an international newsgroup, where you
cannot be too subtle without a big risk of being misunderstood. So we
need to establish what is right and wrong clearly first, and then you can
be subtle as much as you like.

Roger J.
and 'Contac me'

"Roger Johansson" <> wrote in message
news:Xns956BD7730382D86336@ (tejas) wrote:

feel free for advise

You could use a spelling checker (english), to avoid expressions like
"Samlpe quastion".

Roger J.
"AntronX" <> wrote in message
Where in _hell_ did you ever get this idea? If you think revoke your
ham license and throw you in jail is nothing...

revoke license maybe yes, but no one ever has been thrown in jail for that.

Hey maybe I exadurated some things but the concept is perfectly legal!
When I operate my FT-100 on just 100Watts with a dipole, my neighbors hear
me very nice and loud on their TV, living room stereo, and computer speakers
at the same time!!! They don't say anything to me because they are never
home when I am on the radio. I found out once when I was over at their house
and my OM was on 40 meters yabbling away... What I tried to say is that she
could set up a station at her house and transmit on some empty or tune-up
frequency, dead key CW, that would drive that crazy man even more nutzzzz...
Finding some one nearby who is willing to operate from her location is not
that hard...
Now, mr. GRISE please proove that it is illegal...

There is a very large difference between accidental interference, which the HAM
is obligated to fix or avoid, and "Deliberate" interference. Regulations
provide for loss of license, upto a $10,000 fine, and in extreme cases a year
in jail for each day of deliberate interference. Check out the regulations
your self. I wouldn't advise anyone to deliberately interfere with commercial
radio, that is also an offence.

By the way. A 40M tx would have to really have a broad (and poorly tuned)
signal to interfere with FM broadcast. It would likely jam every receiver for a
couple of miles. AM, FM, and TV. Easy to find!
"Roger Johansson" <> wrote in message
"Clarence" <No@No.Com> wrote:

This web page is obviously not intended to show examples of faulty
circuits, so it is simply a mistake.

So I was too subtle?

Maybe just a bit too fast, from being wrong to being subtle.

Remember that we are writing in an international newsgroup, where you
cannot be too subtle without a big risk of being misunderstood. So we
need to establish what is right and wrong clearly first, and then you can
be subtle as much as you like.
I was not wrong, the web site was!
Remember the diagram was NOT mine.
I did not refer to it other than to say it was connected as an "OR" which is
It has as you pointed out, a fatal flaw.
What I wrote was entirely correct.

Don't blame me if you didn't understand.
English IS the common language here.
All i want to do is just take a shot
from 3 meters away from tripod mamera.
Hi John,

Here is a simple circuit to pick a relay.

You have to scroll down to the last project. Before you do though, make sure
your software with your camera doesn't have it built in!! I have a Cannon A40
el cheapo, and to my suprise/delight, I can view, zoom, and release the shutter
from my laptop. Rigged up an extension cable, works like a charm!

"Rich Grise" <> wrote in message
On Monday 20 September 2004 10:37 pm, Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, the
Remover" did deign to grace us with the following:

"Glenn Gundlach" <> wrote in message

We used to call this MML or Mickey Mouse Logic. Handy for CMOS (no
loading) and slow signals like door open switches.

Didja hear that Michael Eisner is going to be leaving Disney?

Because it's a Mickey Mouse Operation. ;-)

I heard that Mickey wants to divorce Minnie on the grounds of
insanity because she's fucking Goofy.

Owww, you get a howler for that one!! </Harry Potter>
Subject: lightning control
From: (eYeLess)
Date: 9/21/2004 9:20 PM Central Daylight Time
Message-id: <

hi what do u guys recommend for home lightning control to use: solid
state relays, TRIAC, high power mosfet, igbt, thyristor????
For home lightning control, mount at least one lightning rod on the roof of the
house, and use cable to get a good earth ground.

For home lighting control of incandescents, most controls use triacs.

Good luck either way.
eYeLess says:
hi what do u guys recommend for home lightning control to use: solid
state relays, TRIAC, high power mosfet, igbt, thyristor????
Do you mean 'lighting'?
If yes, the TRIAC is the most common way.

Chaos MasterŽ, posting from Brazil.
"Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix. I don't think
that this is a coincidence."
-- Anonymous

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not" - Kurt Cobain

The Evanescen(t/ce) HP:
Why don't you just call the cops?

It'll save you the $10,000 the FCC will want to fine you.

"Nina" <> wrote in message
I would like to build a broad band frequency jammer for the FM
broadcast band. I have neighbors that like to play that damn music too
loud all day long. I figure if they turn it load and their station
goes off the air for a while they might get the message. ;-) :-D
If they keep the volume at a respectful level they will be allowed to
listen to their music as they wish as long as I don't have to listen
to it at uncomfortable levels.
I know this is entirely illegal and don't care about it. This is war
(!!!)and I plan on winning.
If you have plans for something that would help me achieve my goal I
would like to hear of it. My electronics skills are advanced (I've
used to build and design "bugs" for many years, I own a good equipped
lab, enough that I could build a project.
I have some experience with rf broadcast circuits.
The proximity of the offending radio's location to my house is quite
near so I don't believe a transmitter with an overly large
power...something between 3-5W
will be enough...LOL....
I'm "jamming" this neighbour with a 5W transmitter, but have to change
the frequency MANUALLY as soon as he changes the station, so I cannot
figure out how to do it automatically...
I'll be VERY THANKFUL for your help and ideas :)
A bit OT but this is something that could be done really easily with a
Microcontroller. And for basic thins like this you could try

BTW if you can program PICs (or AVRs etc) then just google for a blinking
LED routine for the cheapest PIC you can find (12Fxxx) and load the free
code to blink your leds


"Roy Conrad" <> wrote in message
I'm looking for a COB(chip on board) PCB with a blinking led. This can
be found in toys and electronic candles.
I need to find manufacturers or resellers which I think are mainly in
If the cob+led isn't available, I'll also be interested just in the
I've already seen some kits from kitsrus and some cob from Comedia but
they don't do what I need: 10Hz, 1/4 duty-cycle.

I'd appreciate any help you could give me, even if there are other
newsgroups that I could ask for.

Thanks in advance!
Nina wrote:

Right, my real objective is not to build a transmitter, but rather, to
the noise, you are right. So, I have 2 options: to continue hearing
the noise all day long, to be a prisoner in my own house (I wonder if
in prison the prisoners have to close their windows in their
cells...), or to go to a real prison to find it out....
It seems to me it's the same option, just changing the name.

Meantime, as I wrote, I'm using from time to time a mini-bug, very
What kind of area do you live in? There are people you can hire to take
care of this the old-fashioned way.
Effective protection is not possible by unplugging. First,
you are not available even one third of the day. Most of the
time is spent sleeping or out working, etc. Second, many of
those appliances cannot be always unplugged - ie answering
machine, phone, and that TV. Having spent many decades
learning this stuff, I now have equipment on during
thunderstorms - often following the storm in real time. No
damage because money was not wasted on grossly overpriced
protectors recommended by urban myth purveyors. Provided is
both the superior protection method AND the less expensive
method. It is called 'whole house' protector. So effective
that the phone company installs one for free in your phone
line premise interface.

Wires most often struck are wires highest on the pole. These
wires make a direct connection to every household appliance
without any earthed 'whole house' protector. Earthing the
direct strike is essential to protection. One minimally
acceptable 'whole house' protector is sold in Home Depot as
Intermatic IG1240RC. Many other responsible manufacturers
such as Leviton, Square D, Cutler Hammer, Erico, Polyphaser,
Furse, etc all sell these products. But still we have people
foolishly recommending plug-in protectors. When challenged,
we discover they have no basic electrical knowledge - which
explains why they did not even know the phone line protector
already exists. Then when those plug-in protectors fail, they
say nothing can protect from lightning - and recommend more of
those ineffective protectors.

One can never unplug for effective protection. The human is
not reliable enough nor available 24/7. But 'whole house'
protectors connected 'less than 10 feet' to earth ground are
that reliable.

Rich, you had to rearrange transistor leads because Japanese
use ECB configuration verses an American EBC configuration?

Rich Grise wrote:
An apartment I was living in once took a direct hit. It's pure dumb
luck that I had unplugged the modem - it took out the answering machine
and a desk phone. It also blew out a couple of exit lights - the
manager said there was a total of about $7,000 damage from that one

So, if it's actively lightninging, you're not being overly/unneccesarily
cautious to unplug stuff. It also took out the on/off transistor in
the TV, so the remote wouldn't turn it off any more. I had to get up
and walk to the TV, until I got it fixed, of course. I took it to
the shop, and asked how much a diagnosis was, which was about $35.00,
and the repair would have been about $85.00, so I just asked the tech
to mark the transistor so I could replace it myself. I had to rearrange
the leads on a plastic 2222, but it fixed it. :)

Best to use 'zero crossing' triacs. This will minimize
power dissipated in that triac.

Chaos Master wrote:
eYeLess says:
hi what do u guys recommend for home lightning control to use: solid
state relays, TRIAC, high power mosfet, igbt, thyristor????

Do you mean 'lighting'?
If yes, the TRIAC is the most common way.
In article <aLc4d.9965$>,
"Brian - KB9BVN" <> wrote:
Why don't you just call the cops?

It'll save you the $10,000 the FCC will want to fine you.
Learning to dislike kooks at an early age saves a lot of expense and
aggravation later in life.

Lady Chatterly

"OK, I know I've been away for a while, so maybe I missed something.
Is Lady Chatterly a bot?" -- oldami
While I never put it on the air, I did experiment with a wideband FM
transmitter coupled to an AVR chip generating a long fast PN sequence.
Worked pretty much as you'd expect.
Broadband jammers do take a lot of power to be effective.
Everything's permissable, as long as you don't radiate. :)

KC6ETE Dave's Engineering Page,
Microcontroller Consultant, specializing in Atmel AVR
Michael wrote:
I am performing a test to measure the impedance through electrode pads
placed on opposite parts of the human body. The protocol requires that
the measurement be made by maintaining an AC sine current of 200mArms,
sweeping the frequencies from 200kHz to 5MHz, and measuring the Vrms
between one electrode and a reference point on the body. The impedance
is to be calculated by dividing this voltage by the known 200mArms

How do I sweep frequencies while maintaining a constant 200mArms
current using a HP 33120A (waveform generator w/ 0-15MHz freq and
0-10V peak to peak) or a HP 4192A (impedance analyzer w/ 0-15MHz freq
and -1V-+1V peak to peak)? Can I construct a circuit external to one
of these units and accomplish the 200mArms sweep? If not, what
lowest-cost set-up could?
Hm, won't you need a high voltage to force that much current through the
body? I thought just a few mA could be lethal...
On 22 Sep 2004 14:41:17 -0700, (Michael) wrote:

I am performing a test to measure the impedance through electrode pads
placed on opposite parts of the human body. The protocol requires that
the measurement be made by maintaining an AC sine current of 200mArms,
sweeping the frequencies from 200kHz to 5MHz, and measuring the Vrms
between one electrode and a reference point on the body. The impedance
is to be calculated by dividing this voltage by the known 200mArms

How do I sweep frequencies while maintaining a constant 200mArms
current using a HP 33120A (waveform generator w/ 0-15MHz freq and
0-10V peak to peak) or a HP 4192A (impedance analyzer w/ 0-15MHz freq
and -1V-+1V peak to peak)? Can I construct a circuit external to one
of these units and accomplish the 200mArms sweep? If not, what
lowest-cost set-up could?
You're joking, right?

John Fields (Michael) wrote:

I am performing a test to measure the impedance through electrode pads
placed on opposite parts of the human body. The protocol requires that
the measurement be made by maintaining an AC sine current of 200mArms,
sweeping the frequencies from 200kHz to 5MHz, and measuring the Vrms
between one electrode and a reference point on the body. The impedance
is to be calculated by dividing this voltage by the known 200mArms
If you want to stop someone's heart it's much easier to stab or shoot

Guns Don’t Kill People, Rappers Do.
Tim Auton wrote: (Michael) wrote:

I am performing a test to measure the impedance through electrode pads
placed on opposite parts of the human body. The protocol requires that
the measurement be made by maintaining an AC sine current of 200mArms,
sweeping the frequencies from 200kHz to 5MHz, and measuring the Vrms
between one electrode and a reference point on the body. The impedance
is to be calculated by dividing this voltage by the known 200mArms

If you want to stop someone's heart it's much easier to stab or shoot

Maybe this circuit is for a cadaver lab. ;-)

Welcome to

