david eather
On 22/02/2020 4:42 am, Terry Pinnell wrote:
3 batteries? use 2 7660. My understanding is you cant trickle charge
NiMh at more than the c/100 rate without damage.
david eather <eathDELETEer@tpg.com.au> wrote:
Trickle charging for emergency lighting is usually around C/40. 300mA
for 16 hours is 4.8Ah, so they could be 4Ah cells, and C/40 for that is
100mA, so I'd increase the trickle. I'd put a Schottky diode across each
cell to minimise reverse charge damage should that ever happen.
rather than a diode you could use a icl7660 (or compatible) set up as a
voltage divider. If one cell's voltage rises higher than the other the
7660 will shunt current from the higher voltage cell to the lower
voltage one. Most data sheets show the voltage divider application
Thanks, but that might be tricky to implement, as the three batteries
are in a very cramped case. My design mistake back in 2004. And to be
honest, given that this circuit has worked well in the past, I hope I
can restore performance without such complications.
It's only been a day or so since I upped the trickle charge to 50 mA,
but I'm seeing some improvement already.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
3 batteries? use 2 7660. My understanding is you cant trickle charge
NiMh at more than the c/100 rate without damage.