Magazine subscription

"fritz is a lying prick "

Please teach the yanks how to pronounce 'solder'.
** Someone needs to teach a cunt like you a few lessons in good manners

They all seem to have been dropped at birth

** Well, that IS something YOU would know a whole lot about - ain't it


or some other
disaster has affected their speech ability -

** Do tell us, mr fritz, what disaster affected YOUR ability to function
as a normal member of society so badly ??

A massive genetic defect like ASD ??

Or did you step-dad inflict massive brain damage by slamming your head
against the wall over and over ??

...... Phil
"fritz is a lying pig "

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark.

** FYI = dickhead.

John Clark is a former staffer of EA magazine.

He was one of the defectors that left along with Leo Simpson and Greg Swain
to form the original SC staff.

That event precipitated the return of Jim Rowe to the editorship of EA

Mr Rowe did not consider the departure of the above three to be any great
loss at all.

..... Phil
On Jan 12, 8:56 am, "fritz" <> wrote:
"keithr" <> wrote in messagenews:4d2cd252$
On 11/01/2011 7:40 PM, David L. Jones wrote:
On Jan 11, 9:53 am, "fritz"<>  wrote:
"T.T."<>  wrote in messagenews:pjMWo.7471$
Today I realised that I haven't had a Silicon Chip for a while. It seems that my subscription ran out in April 2010 and nobody
told me. I guess that if I didn't notice it had stopped coming, I won't miss it if I don't re-subscribe. I have subscribed to
least one of the magazines since the 1950s, and before then I would buy Radio and Hobbies from the newsagent.
I won't miss Silicon Chip, but I do miss being as interested and aware as I used to be.

It took 8 months to realise SC wasn't in the letterbox ?
Maybe you need another interest - how about building a Stirling engine

Electronics is not what it used to be as a hobby, though. In the past the
electronics mags published projects that were usually either not available elsewhere
or were much cheaper to build yourself. These days there are so many
electronic gadgets available so cheaply that I fear the electronic hobbyist is a dying

It's not, in fact it's had a massive resurgence through the hacker/
modder/maker/hackerspace movements.
Even if it's not so much traditional "hardcore" hobby electronics, you
still have all these young kids buying multimeters and soldering irons
and doing some electronics. Even if it is just using an Arduino board
to flash their LED's etc.
Open source hardware is getting big too, and startup kit businesses
like Sparkfun, DIY Drones and Adafruit can be turning over $10M+
selling kits.


My argument with SC is that, in an age when so many projects are microprocessor based, they so rarely release the source code. One
of the great things in the "Old days" was that, if you aspired to do more than just solder a bunch of parts together, you could
modify the project to your hearts content. That should be even easier these days by playing with the software, but only if you
have the project source code to start with.

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark. AFAIK he has made the assembler listing
available for most of his projects. When an article is contributed, that is
it comes from outside of the SC staff, the software author does not always
make the assember listing available, probably because SC doesn't want to
pay extra.

There are others, Mauro Grassi for example seems to author a
significant number of uP projects.

Others are from 3rd parties that are not full time with silicon chip.

I agree it would be good if they did release the code, like Circuit
Cellar does.
Whether that happens or not is up to the designer and the mag I guess.

How many people would actually want it is another issue.
Most would probably be happy just to build the kit.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"fritz is a lying prick "

Please teach the yanks how to pronounce 'solder'.

** Someone needs to teach a cunt like you a few lessons in good manners first.
Coming from a foulmouthed fool like you, that is laughable.
David L. Jones wrote:

I'd be very surprised if there are many hackerspace members who don't
at least have an interest in building something.
Sigh, you'll learn.
800 mw laser past customs ????

i just got a few 300mw last week from overseas.... thing is customs
wouldnt even know what a laser is... the lasers i got look like old metal
can transistors...


"fritz" <> wrote in message
"David L. Jones" <> wrote in message
On Jan 11, 9:53 am, "fritz" <> wrote:
"T.T." <> wrote in
Today I realised that I haven't had a Silicon Chip for a while. It
seems that my subscription ran out in April 2010 and nobody
told me. I guess that if I didn't notice it had stopped coming, I won't
miss it if I don't re-subscribe. I have subscribed to at
least one of the magazines since the 1950s, and before then I would buy
Radio and Hobbies from the newsagent.
I won't miss Silicon Chip, but I do miss being as interested and aware
as I used to be.

It took 8 months to realise SC wasn't in the letterbox ?
Maybe you need another interest - how about building a Stirling engine

Electronics is not what it used to be as a hobby, though. In the past the
electronics mags published projects that were usually either not
available elsewhere
or were much cheaper to build yourself. These days there are so many
electronic gadgets available so cheaply that I fear the electronic
hobbyist is a dying

-It's not, in fact it's had a massive resurgence through the hacker/
-modder/maker/hackerspace movements.
-Even if it's not so much traditional "hardcore" hobby electronics, you
-still have all these young kids buying multimeters and soldering irons
-and doing some electronics. Even if it is just using an Arduino board
-to flash their LED's etc.
-Open source hardware is getting big too, and startup kit businesses
-like Sparkfun, DIY Drones and Adafruit can be turning over $10M+
-selling kits.


Hackers are far more into the software side - meaning they are more
than electronic hobbyists. I noticed you mentioned the 'hackability' of
the LCR meter
in your #137 blog...
Now that is fine to point out, but why would you want to mess around with
the software
in an LCR meter ? Maybe a specialist might have some need, but your
average hobbyist
will not want to risk stuffing up the accuracy. I think you mentioned that
it didn't come with
a calibration certificate - what's the use if you hack it ?

I still think that people who in the past would build electonic projects
from magazine
articles are more likely these days to spend their money on a pre-built
(I would love to get hold of an 800mW laser module, if I could get it past

Also, the trend to surface-mount and micro-sized components will
inevitably lead
to fewer people making their own pcbs and instead using stuff like the
Arduino board
for projects. Not that I think that is a bad thing, it saves a lot of time
but it seems to
be at a cost - pcb design skills.
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"fritz is a lying pig "
Yawn - that just shows how ignorant you are........and you always mount a
personal attack...because you are unable to conduct an intelligent debate.

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark.

** FYI = dickhead.

John Clark is a former staffer of EA magazine.
Are you on record stating that John Clarke (spell his name correctly, please) is
a dickhead ?

He was one of the defectors that left along with Leo Simpson and Greg Swain to form the original SC staff.
They formed SC because they saw big business (Federal Publishing) was going
to screw them.

That event precipitated the return of Jim Rowe to the editorship of EA magazine.
As an interim caretaker, Federal Publishing had already decided that EA was a goner.

Mr Rowe did not consider the departure of the above three to be any great loss at all.
Didn't stop Jim from joining Silicon Chip later, did it ?
You are so ignorant of the motivation of the people involved in setting up SC.
"fritz is a lying cunt head "

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark.

** FYI = dickhead.

John Clark is a former staffer of EA magazine.

Are you on record stating that John Clarke (spell his name correctly,

** How did YOU just spell it - eh ???

You lying cunt.

He was one of the defectors that left along with Leo Simpson and Greg
Swain to form the original SC staff.

That event precipitated the return of Jim Rowe to the editorship of EA
Mr Rowe did not consider the departure of the above three to be any
great loss at all.

Didn't stop Jim from joining Silicon Chip later, did it ?

** Completely irrelevant and Jim Rowe is not a staffer at SC anyhow.

You are so ignorant of the motivation of the people involved in setting up

** Not true at all and not simply not relevant to anything in my post.

Just like every single one of you asinine, fuckwit and completely retarded

Fake names, fake posts and fake thoughts are all psychopathic fuckwits like
you are any good for.

Go straight to hell.

..... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"fritz is a lying cunt head "

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark.

** FYI = dickhead.

John Clark is a former staffer of EA magazine.

Are you on record stating that John Clarke (spell his name correctly,

** How did YOU just spell it - eh ???

You lying cunt.

He was one of the defectors that left along with Leo Simpson and Greg
Swain to form the original SC staff.

That event precipitated the return of Jim Rowe to the editorship of EA
Mr Rowe did not consider the departure of the above three to be any
great loss at all.

Didn't stop Jim from joining Silicon Chip later, did it ?

** Completely irrelevant and Jim Rowe is not a staffer at SC anyhow.

You are so ignorant of the motivation of the people involved in setting
up SC.

** Not true at all and not simply not relevant to anything in my post.

Just like every single one of you asinine, fuckwit and completely retarded

Fake names, fake posts and fake thoughts are all psychopathic fuckwits
like you are any good for.

Go straight to hell.

.... Phil

I posted a gentle little memoir.
How could it have descended into a foul-mouthed, vituperative slanging
aus.electronics, that's how.
I posted a gentle little memoir.
How could it have descended into a foul-mouthed, vituperative slanging

** Cos the NG is now totally infested with psychopaths and trolls.

Like just about every other usenet group on the planet.

Where there is no law, you will find only the lawless.

...... Phil
On 12/01/2011 11:10 AM, David L. Jones wrote:
On Jan 12, 9:56 am, "fritz"<> wrote:
"keithr"<> wrote in messagenews:4d2cd252$
On 11/01/2011 7:40 PM, David L. Jones wrote:
On Jan 11, 9:53 am, "fritz"<> wrote:
"T.T."<> wrote in messagenews:pjMWo.7471$
Today I realised that I haven't had a Silicon Chip for a while. It seems that my subscription ran out in April 2010 and nobody
told me. I guess that if I didn't notice it had stopped coming, I won't miss it if I don't re-subscribe. I have subscribed to
least one of the magazines since the 1950s, and before then I would buy Radio and Hobbies from the newsagent.
I won't miss Silicon Chip, but I do miss being as interested and aware as I used to be.

It took 8 months to realise SC wasn't in the letterbox ?
Maybe you need another interest - how about building a Stirling engine

Electronics is not what it used to be as a hobby, though. In the past the
electronics mags published projects that were usually either not available elsewhere
or were much cheaper to build yourself. These days there are so many
electronic gadgets available so cheaply that I fear the electronic hobbyist is a dying

It's not, in fact it's had a massive resurgence through the hacker/
modder/maker/hackerspace movements.
Even if it's not so much traditional "hardcore" hobby electronics, you
still have all these young kids buying multimeters and soldering irons
and doing some electronics. Even if it is just using an Arduino board
to flash their LED's etc.
Open source hardware is getting big too, and startup kit businesses
like Sparkfun, DIY Drones and Adafruit can be turning over $10M+
selling kits.


My argument with SC is that, in an age when so many projects are microprocessor based, they so rarely release the source code. One
of the great things in the "Old days" was that, if you aspired to do more than just solder a bunch of parts together, you could
modify the project to your hearts content. That should be even easier these days by playing with the software, but only if you
have the project source code to start with.

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark. AFAIK he has made the assembler listing
available for most of his projects. When an article is contributed, that is
it comes from outside of the SC staff, the software author does not always
make the assember listing available, probably because SC doesn't want to
pay extra.

Authors shouldn't expect to get extra for source code, and SC don't
offer nor pay extra for it.
You get a flat rate of $100/page for an article, if you want to keep
the code to yourself then that's the authors choice, although it may
sometimes impact upon the decision by SC to publish or not.
Mauro Grassi and Nicholas Vinnen have been churning out some nice
micro based projects, and Jim Rowe has been doing some too.

Not supplying the source code to a microprocessor project is the same as
not supplying a circuit in a conventional project.
On 13/01/2011 10:16 AM, mark krawczuk wrote:
800 mw laser past customs ????

i just got a few 300mw last week from overseas.... thing is customs
wouldnt even know what a laser is... the lasers i got look like old metal
can transistors...


That is because it is not illegal to import lasers, only laser pointers.

"fritz"<> wrote in message

"David L. Jones"<> wrote in message
On Jan 11, 9:53 am, "fritz"<> wrote:
"T.T."<> wrote in
Today I realised that I haven't had a Silicon Chip for a while. It
seems that my subscription ran out in April 2010 and nobody
told me. I guess that if I didn't notice it had stopped coming, I won't
miss it if I don't re-subscribe. I have subscribed to at
least one of the magazines since the 1950s, and before then I would buy
Radio and Hobbies from the newsagent.
I won't miss Silicon Chip, but I do miss being as interested and aware
as I used to be.

It took 8 months to realise SC wasn't in the letterbox ?
Maybe you need another interest - how about building a Stirling engine

Electronics is not what it used to be as a hobby, though. In the past the
electronics mags published projects that were usually either not
available elsewhere
or were much cheaper to build yourself. These days there are so many
electronic gadgets available so cheaply that I fear the electronic
hobbyist is a dying

-It's not, in fact it's had a massive resurgence through the hacker/
-modder/maker/hackerspace movements.
-Even if it's not so much traditional "hardcore" hobby electronics, you
-still have all these young kids buying multimeters and soldering irons
-and doing some electronics. Even if it is just using an Arduino board
-to flash their LED's etc.
-Open source hardware is getting big too, and startup kit businesses
-like Sparkfun, DIY Drones and Adafruit can be turning over $10M+
-selling kits.


Hackers are far more into the software side - meaning they are more
than electronic hobbyists. I noticed you mentioned the 'hackability' of
the LCR meter
in your #137 blog...
Now that is fine to point out, but why would you want to mess around with
the software
in an LCR meter ? Maybe a specialist might have some need, but your
average hobbyist
will not want to risk stuffing up the accuracy. I think you mentioned that
it didn't come with
a calibration certificate - what's the use if you hack it ?

I still think that people who in the past would build electonic projects
from magazine
articles are more likely these days to spend their money on a pre-built
(I would love to get hold of an 800mW laser module, if I could get it past

Also, the trend to surface-mount and micro-sized components will
inevitably lead
to fewer people making their own pcbs and instead using stuff like the
Arduino board
for projects. Not that I think that is a bad thing, it saves a lot of time
but it seems to
be at a cost - pcb design skills.
On Jan 11, 11:35 am, kreed <> wrote:
On Jan 11, 9:08 am, "T.T." <> wrote:

Today I realised that I haven't had a Silicon Chip for a while. It seems
that my subscription ran out in April 2010 and nobody told me. I guess that
if I didn't notice it had stopped coming, I won't miss it if I don't
re-subscribe. I have subscribed to at least one of the magazines since the
1950s, and before then I would buy Radio and Hobbies from the newsagent..
I won't miss Silicon Chip, but I do miss being as interested and aware as I
used to be.

I still get it, and I don't mind reading it every month, but I do
think long and hard before resubscribing,
though have kept going mostly from force of habit and that there isn't
anything else in Aus any more.

EA was great in its heyday, but that's gone, and won't return.

Too many things now are too cheap to buy, rather than build would be
the main reason, though SC does produce some unique
projects that I haven't seen elsewhere commercially available, that I
find interesting, even though most I don't build.
Most readers do not build the projects, they just read the mag.
I could make an educated guess and pull a figure out of the hat, but
it wouldn't even reach a single digit percentage for probably the
majority of the projects.
There are of course occasional exceptions for the very popular
projects that find a real niche.
I always found it funny how SC turned down my uWatch project because
they thought "no one would build it". Turns out more people built it
than all my other published SC projects combined. Bad call.

Ironically, some of their more technically impressive and large
projects that takes ages to develop are likely the ones that would
turn out to be the least popular in terms of number of people building

It's a tough game coming up with good and interesting projects every
month to suit all tastes.

On Jan 13, 1:25 pm, "T.T." <> wrote:
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"fritz is a lying cunt head "

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark.

** FYI  = dickhead.

John Clark is a former staffer of EA magazine.

Are you on record stating that John Clarke (spell his name correctly,

** How did  YOU  just spell it  -  eh  ???

   You lying cunt.

He was one of the defectors that left along with Leo Simpson and Greg
Swain to form the original SC staff.

That event precipitated the return of Jim Rowe to the editorship of EA
Mr Rowe did not consider the departure of the above three to be any
great loss at all.

Didn't stop Jim from joining Silicon Chip later, did it ?

** Completely irrelevant and Jim Rowe is not a staffer at SC anyhow.

You are so ignorant of the motivation of the people involved in setting
up SC.

**  Not true at all and not simply not relevant to anything in my post.

Just like every single one of you asinine, fuckwit and completely retarded

Fake names, fake posts and fake thoughts are all psychopathic fuckwits
like you are any good for.

Go straight to hell.

....  Phil

I posted a gentle little memoir.
How could it have descended into a foul-mouthed, vituperative slanging
aus.electronics, that's how.

Don't worry, it will often find its way there of its own accord.

Mind you, its pretty tame compared to some of the behaviour I have
seen around
with the grocery shortages due to supplies being cut off by the flood.
Phil the dill changes the header to 'fritz is a lying cunthead'
and wonders why everybody in aus.electrononics thinks he is a pottymouthed schoolboy.

mindless verbal diarrhoea from Philthy Phil snipped....
"T.T." <> wrote in message news:eek:guXo.7428$
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message

"fritz is a lying cunt head "

Not sure about this, but most of the SC uP projects in the last decade
have been from a Mr. John Clark.

** FYI = dickhead.

John Clark is a former staffer of EA magazine.

Are you on record stating that John Clarke (spell his name correctly, please)

** How did YOU just spell it - eh ???

You lying cunt.

He was one of the defectors that left along with Leo Simpson and Greg Swain to form the original SC staff.

That event precipitated the return of Jim Rowe to the editorship of EA magazine.
Mr Rowe did not consider the departure of the above three to be any great loss at all.

Didn't stop Jim from joining Silicon Chip later, did it ?

** Completely irrelevant and Jim Rowe is not a staffer at SC anyhow.

You are so ignorant of the motivation of the people involved in setting up SC.

** Not true at all and not simply not relevant to anything in my post.

Just like every single one of you asinine, fuckwit and completely retarded replies.

Fake names, fake posts and fake thoughts are all psychopathic fuckwits like you are any good for.

Go straight to hell.

.... Phil

I posted a gentle little memoir.
Did you look at the Stirling engine link ?
How could it have descended into a foul-mouthed, vituperative slanging match?
aus.electronics, that's how.
You can put the blame on Phil Allison, he is the cancer of this NG.
He is the pottymouthed infant who always resorts to puerile insults,
it is quite clear from his history that he has been behaving this way for
a long time. Philthy always introduces words like 'fuckwit' 'cunthead'
etc. to the threads, in some deluded belief that he is impressing
someone by being childishly abusive. His language belongs in the
primary school yard, which is probably where his development halted.

If you look up his threads in aus.electronics you will find that pottymouth
Phil Allison is always the first to introduce insults - probably because
he is so insecure. Philthy will often change the subject line to something that
only his perverted brain thinks is clever - the rest of us see such pathetic
attempts as stupidity.

So don't blame aus.electronics just because an idiot called Phil the Dill
(or toaster boy) frequently contaminates the NG with his puerile posts.
There are many far more sensible people here, please ignore the
disgusting pottymouths like Phil Allison .
"T.T." <> wrote in message
Today I realised that I haven't had a Silicon Chip for a while. It seems
that my subscription ran out in April 2010 and nobody told me. I guess
that if I didn't notice it had stopped coming, I won't miss it if I don't
re-subscribe. I have subscribed to at least one of the magazines since the
1950s, and before then I would buy Radio and Hobbies from the newsagent.
I won't miss Silicon Chip, but I do miss being as interested and aware as
I used to be.

I declare Phil Allison should be President of this NG.

Welcome to

