On Thu, 10 Aug 2023 07:28:03 -0700 (PDT), Anthony William Sloman
<bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote:
<powering lunar colonies>
Active the reactor after it has been installed on the moon. Before
that the reactor is clean and the uranium isotopes have long half life
(i.e. very low radiation). A launch failure would be quite harmless.
However they launch RTGs that are very radioactive during launch and
decay in a few decades.
A launch failure would be quite severe. Apollo 13 ?
<bill.sloman@ieee.org> wrote:
<powering lunar colonies>
Alternatively use some nuclear power plants close to the colonies.
Launching the nuclear power plants from earth on rockets isn\'t going to be all that popular.
Active the reactor after it has been installed on the moon. Before
that the reactor is clean and the uranium isotopes have long half life
(i.e. very low radiation). A launch failure would be quite harmless.
However they launch RTGs that are very radioactive during launch and
decay in a few decades.
A launch failure would be quite severe. Apollo 13 ?