John Larkin
On Tue, 07 Mar 2023 06:09:11 +1100, \"Rod Speed\"
<rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote:
Yikes. That explains a lot!
All my women had pheremones.
Shop around a bit maybe. Some people, when single, latch onto the
first person they bump into. It\'s like electronic design, don\'t freeze
the architecture too soon.
But people change, so a good mate for life doesn\'t always happen.
The first AIDS cases around here had had an estimated 3000 sexual
partners. That\'s kinda extreme. Monogamy is, among other things,
preventive against STDs. That\'s probably the origin of many moral and
legal rules.
It\'s wonderful, about the only sport you can do all day and take your
mind far away from the routine. It\'s beautiful up in the mountains and
you can zoom around like a bird, or get a rum+coke at the bar.
<rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 07 Mar 2023 02:20:53 +1100, John Larkin
jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Mar 2023 06:41:42 +1100, \"Rod Speed\"
rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Mar 2023 04:38:42 +1100, John Larkin
jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:
On Mon, 06 Mar 2023 04:25:27 +1100, \"Rod Speed\"
rod.speed.aaa@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, 05 Mar 2023 22:15:03 +1100, Max Demian
On 04/03/2023 21:32, Rod Speed wrote:
On Sun, 05 Mar 2023 06:44:41 +1100, John Larkin
jlarkin@highlandsnipmetechnology.com> wrote:
Hunching over a screen and mousing all day is bad for the body and
Not convinced.
I make myself get some exercize every day (just got soaked and
froze) and that helps.
I don\'t get depression.
Yes, life really is pointless.
Your certainly is and isnt anything even remotely resembling a life
Women alone make life good.
Virtually all of my mates have ditched theirs with one on the verge of
doing that.
Are they going gay?
Nope. One of them has gone thru 3 now and was clearly
trying for a new one but when she told him what he should
be doing about the grandkids living in his house with his
druggy son, walked out the door at her place without saying
anything and never went back again and now appears to have
given up on finding another. He has always said they are
\'strange cattle\'.
Yikes. That explains a lot!
The previous one got involved with someone
else who is the same age as her oldest son, the druggy, and
has now married him after his dad encouraged him to do that.
I really believe that, for most men, women have chemicals that make us
happy. Pheremones.
Clearly not the case with you lot given that most
of you have gone thru more than one woman.
All my women had pheremones.
One crackpot theory (mine) is that gay guys are so
promiscuous because their partners aren\'t satisfying. They prowl and
poke all night; Real Men mate and fall asleep.
But hardly any stick with the same woman
for life even when the early ones don\'t die.
Shop around a bit maybe. Some people, when single, latch onto the
first person they bump into. It\'s like electronic design, don\'t freeze
the architecture too soon.
But people change, so a good mate for life doesn\'t always happen.
The first AIDS cases around here had had an estimated 3000 sexual
partners. That\'s kinda extreme. Monogamy is, among other things,
preventive against STDs. That\'s probably the origin of many moral and
legal rules.
Not to mention food, skiing, and
The skiing sucks.
Yep, always has, always will do.
It\'s wonderful, about the only sport you can do all day and take your
mind far away from the routine. It\'s beautiful up in the mountains and
you can zoom around like a bird, or get a rum+coke at the bar.