Klaus Vestergaard Kragelu
Getting fed up with all those posts about the upcoming election, I just
wanted to add an europeans appinion on this topic:
Bush or Kerry?
Bush is stupid, and he shows it
Kerry is equally stupid - but doesn't show it as much
My choice would be Bush as he doesn't keep changing his mind as Kerry does
and he isn't such a wimp. (just not so great with his ties to the church)
Many europeans actually find theese and the last elections very amusing. ow
can anyone of those two contenders be allowed to rule such a well
functioning country? Just look at the former VP Dan Quayle - isn't there an
minimum IQ to get into the government administration?
Getting fed up with all those posts about the upcoming election, I just
wanted to add an europeans appinion on this topic:
Bush or Kerry?
Bush is stupid, and he shows it
Kerry is equally stupid - but doesn't show it as much
My choice would be Bush as he doesn't keep changing his mind as Kerry does
and he isn't such a wimp. (just not so great with his ties to the church)
Many europeans actually find theese and the last elections very amusing. ow
can anyone of those two contenders be allowed to rule such a well
functioning country? Just look at the former VP Dan Quayle - isn't there an
minimum IQ to get into the government administration?