LM350K as a charger

"budgie" <me@privacy.net> wrote in message
On Sat, 22 Oct 2005 15:46:22 +1000, "Jason S" <jst3712@iprimus.com.au

Hi, I need someone who knows a little about LM350 voltage regulators...

I'm referring to the data sheet on this website:
*** Page 10 - "12V Battery Charger" ***

Can anyone please explain to me briefly how the above circuit works?

I want to charge a small 12V SLA battery. I'm guessing this circuit
the battery's condition and perhaps controls the way the LM350 behaves,


If you really want to charge a SLA battery, I'd suggest using a smarter
circuit/device - have a look at the Unitrode (now TI) UC3906 at:


One more thing I need to check. I have a 18V DC 1.2A regulated adaptor,
I want to charge a 12V 1.3A battery (Jaycar part # SB-2480) .... would i
just need to increase the resistance of R7?

That adaptor would be quite suitable for a charger based on the UC3906.
was a ?SC kit using them - may still be around ay Jaycar, Altronics or

Thanks for your reply. I've had a look and the UC3906-based circuits look
interesting. I'll consider this in my design.

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Alan Rutlidge"


** Hey netstalker !

Say cheese.

............. Phil
Falling asleep reading your painfully boring posts doesn't constitute
net-stalking. Your hate posts however are.....
"Jason S"

Ok thanks Chris, I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for your


** Is is Jason an acronym ??

" Just Another Stinking Ononymous Nutcase "

.......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
"Jason S"

Ok thanks Chris, I'll take that into consideration. Thanks for your


** Is is Jason an acronym ??

" Just Another Stinking Ononymous Nutcase "

......... Phil
Don't you mean selective editing to place the discussion out of context so
any resemblance to the original post is purely co-incidental? Seems totally
in tune with your modus operandi Phil.

BTW, that Marist education didn't help you get the spelling right did it?
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

Trimming yourself right off UseNet would be a good move Phil.
** This is not ever going to stop:

The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit has **NEVER** told us how much money
the Thai pal he "imported" into Perth ripped off from his credit card and
bank accounts.

He has refused, over and over, to say why he never reported the crime his
Thai boy lover committed to his Bank or to the WA police.

** This post of his on " rec.travel asia " from 1997 explains the event:


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist after
he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

** I do not care how many of your vile, criminal colleagues you organise
to intimidate me.

It only makes you look so much WORSE !!!

......... Phil
** This is not ever going to stop:

The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit has **NEVER** told us how much money
the Thai pal he "imported" into Perth ripped off from his credit card and
bank accounts.

He has refused, over and over, to say why he never reported the crime his
Thai boy lover committed to his Bank or to the WA police.

** This post of his on " rec.travel asia " from 1997 explains the event:


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist after
he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

** I do not care how many of your vile, criminal colleagues you organise
to intimidate me.

It only makes you look so much WORSE !!!

......... Phil

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
** This is not ever going to stop:

The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit has **NEVER** told us how much money
the Thai pal he "imported" into Perth ripped off from his credit card and
bank accounts.

He has refused, over and over, to say why he never reported the crime his
Thai boy lover committed to his Bank or to the WA police.

** This post of his on " rec.travel asia " from 1997 explains the event:


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

** I do not care how many of your vile, criminal colleagues you organise
to intimidate me.

It only makes you look so much WORSE !!!

........ Phil

"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message
** This is not ever going to stop:

The Rutmaniac Arse Bandit has **NEVER** told us how much money
the Thai pal he "imported" into Perth ripped off from his credit card and
bank accounts.

He has refused, over and over, to say why he never reported the crime his
Thai boy lover committed to his Bank or to the WA police.

** This post of his on " rec.travel asia " from 1997 explains the event:


" WARNING - Tourism dangers for Gay Tourists in Thailand

In my case I was coerced into sponsoring a Thai into Australia. I was
lead down the garden path into a false sense of security about my
relationship with this person. His aim was clearly to get me to purswade
the Australian Embassy to grant him a visa. Once here I didn't exist
he drained my bank account and ran my credit card into overdraft.

Alan Rutlidge (Perth Western Australia) "

----------------------------- ------------------------------------

** The 1997 date pretty much co-incidences with the enactment of
Section 50 BA of the Commonwealth Crimes Act.

This is the law that finally made engaging in or promoting under age
sex tourism a criminal offence - max penalty 17 years in jail.


The age of consent for gay males in WA in 1997 was 21 years old.

Come on - Arse Bandit - we all need to know if you were being

** I do not care how many of your vile, criminal colleagues you organise
to intimidate me.

It only makes you look so much WORSE !!!

........ Phil

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