MarkMc wrote:
be 1.4V, which is too close to the 1.5V logic level output:
` NPN Darlington
` Ic| o C
` | |
` | |
` V |
` .--------o
` | |
` 1.4V |/ |
` o----| |
` B |> |
` ----> | |
` Ib | |
` | 0.7V |/
` '------|
` |>
` |
` 0V |
` |
` o E
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta www.tech-chat.de
Following the NPN (80uA base drive) with a PNP (1.2 mA or so) allows
current magnification that will lead to the second transistor being
completely on when it's on. That's important to limit power
dissipation (P = (Vc - Ve) * I) as well as other reliability issues.
Also, most relays are guaranteed to turn on with 75% to 80% of nominal
voltage. If there's too much voltage drop across the transistor, the
relay might not turn on (especially if your power supply is somewhat
I'm kind of glad in a way that you're holding off on the temp control
part of the circuit for a while -- possibly you can get what you have
working, and go from there. It might also help as far as getting a few
more bucks together for the effort, which might allow you a much better
Most of the time, in controlling a heater load with a long thermal time
constant, programmed pulse width modulation is used instead of phase
control of the line or attempting some kind of linear controller.
Here's how PWM works. Let's say it takes 5 minutes of full-on line
voltage for significant load heating to occur. The PIC programmer
would choose a period of, say, 10 seconds. Out of that 10 seconds, if
the heater is on for one second, that's the same equivalent heating as
10% of full line voltage power. If, every 10 seconds, the PIC turns
the heater on for 5 seconds, that's the same as 50% power. If it's on
for the full 10 seconds, that's 100% power, of course. Every 10
seconds the pulsed ON repeats. That's called PWM, and is easy to
program with a computer.
The only problem is that the repeated ON/OFF cycling tends to wear out
relay contacts. This type of thing is perfect for a Solid State Relay.
All you do is drive an optoisolator LED with 3 to 20 mA (depending on
the type of SSR), and the load turns on with triacs instead of relays.
Instead of 10,000 to 1,000,000 operations like a relay, an SSR can
operate virtually forever, if it's got a good heat sink to prevent
thermal cycling.
Unfortunately, having a PIC will not really help you with accuracy of
the temp controller. The error budget is mostly due to the kind of
simple method being used to read the thermistor resistance (this is a
guess based on what's implied in the docs). Having the PIC read the
serial output will just duplicate the action of the LOW output if you
do a straight bang-bang ON/OFF controller. I would guess that, unless
you've got a bit of experience in PICs as well as know a little control
theory, you're going to get kind of frustrated with a proportioning
controller program. However, there's quite a bit of help out there in
the PIC support groups, and there might be something out there that
will do the job.
The biggest problem with the PIC, though, is using it for a critical
application without having an ICE (In-Circuit Emulator) or having
experience in debugging real time control programs.
The thermistor is a variable resistor whose resistance is dependent on
the temperature it's sensing. Normally, if there's a long wire length,
the controller will have a 4-wire connection to the thermistor to
remove the effect of the resistance of the wires. Your FE33L doesn't
have that, so they say to keep the wires short. However, you'll still
need a thermistor, which is a separate purchase part. The problem is,
they make many different kinds (they're usually specified by room
temperature resistance and temperature coefficient in ohms per degree).
Maplin sells them with room temperature values from 4K7 to 150K.
Gotta buy it, not make it, and you've got to know the temperature
coefficient if you want it to work with your module. The FE33L is
built to work with a specific thermistor probe. If you want to use
something else, you'll have to figure out what the thermistor is. If
you can figure out a way to make the FE34 work, you can use a switch
setup like is shown in the appnote.
I'm not sure what an RCD is. I explained GFCI in the prior post, and I
believe that's what it's called on your side of the pond, too.
Possibly you should check in at a do-it-yourself hardware shop and ask
what they recommend to protect people from accidents with line voltage
and water in the bathroom or kitchen.
Best of luck to you.
A darlington transistor requires two Vbe drops to turn on -- that wouldHi Chris
I did once get the .pdf from Maplin that you refer to. It's just a
scan of the instructions which come with the module - assuming you have
the same file. Perhaps I'm learning some of this electronics lark as I
too came to the conclusion that I wouldn't be able to drive my relay
from the tiny current available from the module.
I assumed that a Darlington pair would help me out here. Is there any
reason why you suggest the NPN-PNP cct in particular?
The temperature control is definitely a luxury thing, and by the look
of things is best left until version 2 of this setup which is already
tring to achieve a lot.
The heating side of things I can see getting used in two ways -
1.) To perform stepped mashes - only for a tiny proportion of brews
2.) To keep the wort at a set temperature when recirculating - losses
may occur at the pump and in the pipework.
I have heard about homebrew systems existing called RIMS (RecIrculating
Mash System) and HERMS (HEated Recirculating Mash System), and they
rely recirculating the wort and for HERMS, heating it at the same time,
so it must be possible.
The pump will be pumping the liquid at all times when the heater is on,
so the liquid shouldn't be in contact with the heater element for any
length of time, so the liquid temperature level should be rising very
slowly and steadily with any luck, but perhaps you're right, manual
control and a normal glass thermometer may well be a better solution.
But it's not very geeky, is it!
There's two things which need to happen heat wise;
1). The heat of the liquid in the container must *never* go over 70-75C
(well, not for long) as enzymes in the wort, which are performing the
starch conversion of the grain, can de-nature and become useless for
the mash and render the brew unfermentable - not desirable! This limit
may be even lower (say 60C) at some stages for stepped mashing.
2). Heating and pumping/recirculating must stop when the temperature in
the mash tun (not the underback where we'll be heating the wort and
pumping from) is at the desired step temperature, say 66C
So thinking about it, an even more custom solution is required with not
one, but two temperature probes.
I was wondering - I have PIC microcontrollers 16F628A at home, with
necessary programming hardware and software development tools.
I could make something to perform a controlled level out to the heating
element, using the reference voltage generator of the 16F628A rather
than simply turning the heater on and off. Of course the problem here
is that I don't know how to scale up a 0-5v variable range to what's
required for the heater element running on mains voltage. i.e. do I
need to vary the current/resistance or the voltage peak-to-peak of the
heater element, I'm not sure how to achieve either.
Hmmm, maybe on/off is ok for the <= 70C part, but that still leaves me
wondering how to physically measure the temperature. I don't mind
making my own sensor out of stainless steel rod (somehow?) and
performing the calibration etc, and using a cct/PIC microcontroller to
act on the levels and perhaps drive an LCD display for the underback
and the mash tun.
From reading the FE33L manual, they suggest any probe will work as long
as it has a resistance < 30 ohms and that the shorter the wire, the
more accurate it will be. Any suggestions on making a probe form
stainless steel rod?
I take it a GFCI is different to an RCD? I was always planning on
using an RCD in the 240v cct.
Thanks once again,
be 1.4V, which is too close to the 1.5V logic level output:
` NPN Darlington
` Ic| o C
` | |
` | |
` V |
` .--------o
` | |
` 1.4V |/ |
` o----| |
` B |> |
` ----> | |
` Ib | |
` | 0.7V |/
` '------|
` |>
` |
` 0V |
` |
` o E
created by Andy´s ASCII-Circuit v1.24.140803 Beta www.tech-chat.de
Following the NPN (80uA base drive) with a PNP (1.2 mA or so) allows
current magnification that will lead to the second transistor being
completely on when it's on. That's important to limit power
dissipation (P = (Vc - Ve) * I) as well as other reliability issues.
Also, most relays are guaranteed to turn on with 75% to 80% of nominal
voltage. If there's too much voltage drop across the transistor, the
relay might not turn on (especially if your power supply is somewhat
I'm kind of glad in a way that you're holding off on the temp control
part of the circuit for a while -- possibly you can get what you have
working, and go from there. It might also help as far as getting a few
more bucks together for the effort, which might allow you a much better
Most of the time, in controlling a heater load with a long thermal time
constant, programmed pulse width modulation is used instead of phase
control of the line or attempting some kind of linear controller.
Here's how PWM works. Let's say it takes 5 minutes of full-on line
voltage for significant load heating to occur. The PIC programmer
would choose a period of, say, 10 seconds. Out of that 10 seconds, if
the heater is on for one second, that's the same equivalent heating as
10% of full line voltage power. If, every 10 seconds, the PIC turns
the heater on for 5 seconds, that's the same as 50% power. If it's on
for the full 10 seconds, that's 100% power, of course. Every 10
seconds the pulsed ON repeats. That's called PWM, and is easy to
program with a computer.
The only problem is that the repeated ON/OFF cycling tends to wear out
relay contacts. This type of thing is perfect for a Solid State Relay.
All you do is drive an optoisolator LED with 3 to 20 mA (depending on
the type of SSR), and the load turns on with triacs instead of relays.
Instead of 10,000 to 1,000,000 operations like a relay, an SSR can
operate virtually forever, if it's got a good heat sink to prevent
thermal cycling.
Unfortunately, having a PIC will not really help you with accuracy of
the temp controller. The error budget is mostly due to the kind of
simple method being used to read the thermistor resistance (this is a
guess based on what's implied in the docs). Having the PIC read the
serial output will just duplicate the action of the LOW output if you
do a straight bang-bang ON/OFF controller. I would guess that, unless
you've got a bit of experience in PICs as well as know a little control
theory, you're going to get kind of frustrated with a proportioning
controller program. However, there's quite a bit of help out there in
the PIC support groups, and there might be something out there that
will do the job.
The biggest problem with the PIC, though, is using it for a critical
application without having an ICE (In-Circuit Emulator) or having
experience in debugging real time control programs.
The thermistor is a variable resistor whose resistance is dependent on
the temperature it's sensing. Normally, if there's a long wire length,
the controller will have a 4-wire connection to the thermistor to
remove the effect of the resistance of the wires. Your FE33L doesn't
have that, so they say to keep the wires short. However, you'll still
need a thermistor, which is a separate purchase part. The problem is,
they make many different kinds (they're usually specified by room
temperature resistance and temperature coefficient in ohms per degree).
Maplin sells them with room temperature values from 4K7 to 150K.
Gotta buy it, not make it, and you've got to know the temperature
coefficient if you want it to work with your module. The FE33L is
built to work with a specific thermistor probe. If you want to use
something else, you'll have to figure out what the thermistor is. If
you can figure out a way to make the FE34 work, you can use a switch
setup like is shown in the appnote.
I'm not sure what an RCD is. I explained GFCI in the prior post, and I
believe that's what it's called on your side of the pond, too.
Possibly you should check in at a do-it-yourself hardware shop and ask
what they recommend to protect people from accidents with line voltage
and water in the bathroom or kitchen.
Best of luck to you.