Light bulb question

On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 16:49:15 +1100, Phil Allison wrote:

" Don Klipstein = a 100% Fucking Stupid Old Fart "

**Regular fluoros are simply NOT the issue.

So SHUT THE FUCK UP about them !!!!

Those who know NOTHING about a problem ought to have the sense to


Does it take a bullet in the head to shut you up ?

IGNORANCE cannot be used as KNOWLEDGE !!

You fucking stupid autistic pig.
Now Phil, do you really think that pigs can _be_ autistic? I'm willing
to bet that it's an affliction that's unique to humans, or at least

But if you can cite some animal models for it, I'd certainly like to hear.

Really -- those who know nothing about a problem ought to have the sense
to keep their mouths shut. Perhaps you should stop trying to comment on
autism. After all, ignorance cannot be used as knowledge.

And -- take your meds.

On Oct 4, 11:23 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
In article <>, Phil Allison wrote:

" Don Klipstein =  Fucking Stupid Old Fart "

** Regular fluoros are simply NOT  the issue.

My biggest problem was ones with glow switch starters ..

** CFLs do not have them.

 "PL" types such as F13TT, F13DTT and F26DTT do.

** Those are still regular  INSTALLED  fluoros  -  you imbecile.

  I have seen plenty of screw-in adapters to use F13TT/"PL-13",
F13DTT/"PLC-13", F9TT/"PL-9", and a few for F7TT/"PL-7" and F5TT/"PL-5".
Ones for the last one are still being used in part of the front lobby area
of my apartment building.

  I even used those somewhat heavily during the 1990's before spiral
CFLs became common.  I continued using some of them until at least
2002.  After 2002, I used spirals in my bathroom with 100% satisfaction..

 Colors are still not quite the same.

**  Piss off -  you PITA old fool.

I have heard of the humidity issue before,

** Not humidity  -  but  CONDENSATION  from steam in a bathroom.

This shows the insides of a typical CFL.

Many CLFs have ventilation holes that allow moisture inside.

Switching 240 volts AC ( =340 volts DC) onto a wet PCB =  BANG.

 I have used choke ballasted and electronic-ballasted CFLs in my bathroom
since 1991 without this problem occurring even once.

** Then YOU have no idea what the problem is and so have NOTHING to say
about it.

  Except that if that particular problem was a really serious one, then I
expect that I would have run into it at least once while using exclusively
CFLs in my bathroom, and ones with electronic ballasts and circuit boards
since 2002.

Message to Don:

Those who know NOTHING about a problem ought to have the sense to


 - Don Klipstein ( Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -
Hi Don, It's possible I have a cheap variety of 'swirly' CFL's in the
bathroom. (Sorry I'm not up on all the numbers.) Oh this is the
bathroom with the shower so it does get steamy. As the old
incandesants started to fail I replaced them with the CFL's. (This
started perhaps a year ago.) I then found that I was losing the new
CFL's faster than the incandesants. A few weeks ago I repalced the
last of the old incandesants.. and I have 'burned' through several
of the CFL's. So I'm putting the swrily CFL's in the 1/2 bahtroom that
has no shower and have bought new incandesants for the 'steamy'
bathroom. BTW I mentioned this to my brother and he also has been
losing CFL's in this bathroom faster than in other areas. I'll have
to wait to see if moving the CFL's to the non-steamy bathroom will
allow them to last longer.

George H.
In <>,
George Herold wrote:

On Oct 4, 11:23 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
<SNIP what has already been said enough>

<In short, whether or not CFLs have problems with condensation from
humidity in bathrooms)

Hi Don, It's possible I have a cheap variety of 'swirly' CFL's in the
bathroom. (Sorry I'm not up on all the numbers.) Oh this is the
bathroom with the shower so it does get steamy. As the old
incandesants started to fail I replaced them with the CFL's. (This
started perhaps a year ago.) I then found that I was losing the new
CFL's faster than the incandesants. A few weeks ago I repalced the
last of the old incandesants.. and I have 'burned' through several
of the CFL's. So I'm putting the swrily CFL's in the 1/2 bahtroom that
has no shower and have bought new incandesants for the 'steamy'
bathroom. BTW I mentioned this to my brother and he also has been
losing CFL's in this bathroom faster than in other areas. I'll have
to wait to see if moving the CFL's to the non-steamy bathroom will
allow them to last longer.
I suspect that the CFLs in my batroom are getting hot enough to
avoid condensation. It appears to me that getting much warmer than the
air temperature should be sufficient. At least this should be the case
for vanity lights - and my bathroom has no others.

If you have a light affected more by steam than a vanity light, then the
situation could be worse than mine.

- Don Klipstein (
On Oct 5, 3:28 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:
In <>,

George Herold wrote:
On Oct 4, 11:23 pm, (Don Klipstein) wrote:

SNIP what has already been said enough

In short, whether or not CFLs have problems with condensation from
humidity in bathrooms)

Hi Don,  It's possible I have a cheap variety of 'swirly' CFL's in the
bathroom. (Sorry I'm not up on all the numbers.)  Oh this is the
bathroom with the shower so it does get steamy.  As the old
incandesants started to fail I replaced them with the CFL's.  (This
started perhaps a year ago.)  I then found that I was losing the new
CFL's faster than the incandesants.  A few weeks ago I repalced the
last of the old incandesants.. and   I have 'burned' through several
of the CFL's. So I'm putting the swrily CFL's in the 1/2 bahtroom that
has no shower and have bought new incandesants for the 'steamy'
bathroom.  BTW I mentioned this to my brother and he also has been
losing CFL's in this bathroom faster than in other areas.   I'll have
to wait to see if moving the CFL's to the non-steamy bathroom will
allow them to last longer.

  I suspect that the CFLs in my batroom are getting hot enough to
avoid condensation.  It appears to me that getting much warmer than the
air temperature should be sufficient.  At least this should be the case
for vanity lights - and my bathroom has no others.

  If you have a light affected more by steam than a vanity light, then the
situation could be worse than mine.

 - Don Klipstein (
Yeah, but imagine if I turn on the shower first, and then turn on the
lights. Sure it usually works the other way. (lights first then
water.) But I don't want to be a slave to my lights.

George H.
"Tim Wescott"

You fucking stupid autistic pig.

Now Phil, do you really think that pigs can _be_ autistic?

** Such absurd literalism in interpretation is a characteristic of all

You just branded yourself as one - fuckwit.

Really -- those who know nothing about a problem ought to have the sense
to keep their mouths shut.
** Advice that YOU need to follow too - fuckwit.

Perhaps you should stop trying to comment on autism.

** Upsets you a lot - cos you know that YOU are one.

...... Phil

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