LED wiring Series or Parallel 110 or 12v (for Power Efficien

and I've been able to back down to 15 from the 18 sets so it's now...

15 - 30mA IF 3.8VF
15 - 30mA IF 1.7VF
9 - 30mA IF 2.2VF
9 - 30mA IF 3.3

total 48 LEDs per fixture
It would seem the solution would be 2 LM317s diving up two series of
LEDs set to the specific needs of that string with very small or no
resistors. I read that the LM317 heat up with to big of a V drop
though so this would make dropping to 75V or less with one would be
smokin! IDK really.

I guess I could release these in Europe and Australia with only one
LM317 since they are running on 220. But again if they heat up with V
drop I'd be in the home fire business. No thanks.
Simple basic LED series with resistors hooked up to rated (meant for
laptop) power supplies. At this point is still looking really good.

This seems like a good way to start. Of course get the UL done on my
side of things, whatever legal is needed is a given for me. Really
don't wanna buy houses for people cause I sold some lights.
On Tue, 3 Jan 2012 07:30:39 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton
<personalgrowthnow@yahoo.com> wrote:

It would seem the solution would be 2 LM317s diving up two series of
LEDs set to the specific needs of that string with very small or no
resistors. I read that the LM317 heat up with to big of a V drop
though so this would make dropping to 75V or less with one would be
smokin! IDK really.

Without looking at the data sheet... dropping 75 volts is probably out
of the question - the absolute maximum standoff is ~36 volts if my
memory serves me.

For heat - you can always add a series resistor and dissipate most of
the heat in the resistor and just enough to regulate current in the
LEDs in the 317.

I guess I could release these in Europe and Australia with only one
LM317 since they are running on 220. But again if they heat up with V
drop I'd be in the home fire business. No thanks.
I've been going crazy with these warm white LED strip light thingees.
I bought 5 meters of the stuff (~$30) and mounted one meter over the
kitchen sink - since I already had a 12V power supply nearby.

On high, it is a lot of light so I added a dropping resistor and SPDT
switch so I have a night light as well as enough to do dishes. So far
it is great. Built in resistors for each three leds in series and the
leds and resistors are spread out so there are no hot spots.

My wife doesn't like it because she associates the lights with
Christmas. She'll adapt...

Having 4 meters leftover... I mounted some in test tubes small ones
are 12 leds each and larger 24 per tube then added a mosfet
transistor, and photo transistor, to switch them on at dusk. I have
five of them to light a path.

Now what to do with the remaining 2-3 meters?
On Jan 3, 3:56 pm, Chris Carlton <personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Are you telling me that I need to change the current/mA settings in my
spreadsheet to lower than the manufacutrer suggestion of typical mA/
current??? I don't want to loose anything if I don't have to.
Given the manufacturing tolerances of
LEDs, resistors, etc., it's possible that
if you design for 'perfect' components you
might end up a bit too too high on some
LEDs. It won't be much ... but it's worth
designing 5-10% under spec, just in case.

If you look at the datasheet for your LEDs
you'll see the light output vs. input current
is a curve, not a straight line. Designing
for 5-10% less current will hardly affect the
output at all.
On Jan 3, 4:30 pm, Chris Carlton <personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:
It would seem the solution would be 2 LM317s diving up two series of
LEDs set to the specific needs of that string with very small or no
You could also use an LM3914 - it can
do current limiting on up to 10 strings of
LEDs with just a couple of external
On Tue, 3 Jan 2012 09:36:12 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton
<personalgrowthnow@yahoo.com> wrote:

from what I can tell these tapes can be custom made also. If I can get
the LUX, beam angles and nm correct this way I'm sure it will be worth
testing against my old school LED design.
The beam angle is very wide - fully half the light on my kitchen sink
goes out the window... A polished aluminum channel or angle would
have been better to maximize the indoor lighting - and lots easier to

The stuff is peel off sticky on one side, but it is hard to get it
pulled taut when working close to the ceiling and trying to span a
meter in length. The adhesive on mine is by 3M and pretty aggressive
stuff - that test will come in summer...
from what I can tell these tapes can be custom made also. If I can get
the LUX, beam angles and nm correct this way I'm sure it will be worth
testing against my old school LED design.
I'm at 132V total now. I don't see how I can use LM317s without one of
them having a huge drop. I must be missing something.
On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 18:02:49 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton
<personalgrowthnow@yahoo.com> wrote:

On Jan 2, 7:39 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 14:33:04 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton

personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Thanks to every response. I don't feel nearly as insane as I did a few
short days ago.

I guess to be sensible, I'll start out simple (LEDs with correct/safe
resistors) and then also experiment with LED drivers, droppers and
regulators for possible energy savings over my 1st design. It's always
nice to have "improvements" in those areas to market if I get that
chance. :)

If what you're looking for is minimum power waste, then you should
implement series strings running at high voltages.

For example, if you ran the 30 mA strings you described earlier, you'd
have 18 LEDs dropping 3.8V each for a total drop of 68.4V, 18 LEDs
dropping 1.7V each for a total of 30.6V and 9 LEDs dropping 2.2V each
for a total of 19.8V.

Putting all of those 30mA LEDs in series would result in a total drop
of 68.4V + 30.6V + 19.8V ~ 119V, which is very close to nominal mains
voltage in the US, suggesting that you could full-wave rectify the
mains and run the LEDs without a current limiting resistor.

You'd need some kind of spike protection in order to protect the
string from transients, but we can address that later, if you're

My fixtures energy draw is pretty low now at less than 3.5w. Seems
great when I compare it to what it is replacing. However I can easily
see running 20-50 of these at once so it will add up.

Oh and I found some more LEDs with 30mA to replace the ones I have
that are 20mA so I would not have to mess with it and leave me cleaner
wiring in my series chains which are long because my LEDs are 3-4"
apart in most cases. Also I trying an experiment where I mixed the
20mA with some LEDs that are 40mA in a series. I averaged the mA based
on the number of each type LED. I did my resistor calculation based on
this average. So far it lights up! we'll see if it blows up! :)

If you run the 20mA LEDs at higher than 20mA, then their life will be

Oh I was thinking of using laptop power supplies for this projects
future. They give 19V which makes for longer LED series strings and
they are dirt cheap ($5-10) to buy because of their popularity. What I
don't know is how reliable they are for power output??? Can I trust
them??? If I make the jump to drivers that guarantee my voltage this
may be the way to go! (LED power supplies are like $70.)

My suggestion is that you tailor your strings so that you can run them
directly off the mains using a full-wave bridge to drive the LEDs and
a small resistor and a Zener TVS to quell the spikes.

Would you like a schematic?


Hey JF!!!

I may be a noobie but I was so sure that this is where I was heading.
(Resistors just seemed to be against everything I was trying to do. It
even seemed like adding another LED would be better than a resistor,
because that way all the power is being used to make light no matter
what. ???? wasn't sure if this was true.)

I found some more 30mA LEDs so they all match now, but was already
calculating things to run at reg mains. USA 110V because of the new
30mAs I have over my 110V @ 132V and wasn't sure what to do with the
extra 20V because a resistor was a billion ohms or something.

Yes I would LOVE a schematic!

Would you like a piece of my new company? :) Hell Yeah!! I love folks
who help get things done!

My new specs are...
3.8Fv 3.3Fv 2.2Fv 1.7Fv
30mA 30mA 30mA 30mA
15LEDs 9LEDs 9LEDs 15LEDs
57V + 29.7V + 19.8V + 25.5V = 132V

US mains are 120VRMS nominal, +/- 10%, which means that the input to
your string could be anywhere between 108 and 132 volts.

It seems like since your string drops 132V with 30mA through it all
would be well since the maximum mains voltage would be 132 and all
that would happen if the mains voltage dropped would be that the
string would dim a little.

In truth though, there is some tolerance to the LEDs' Vf, and that
needs to be taken into consideration.

Do you have links to the LEDs' data sheets?

BTW, as others have posted, working with mains voltages is dangerous
even if you know what you're doing, and if you don't you could easily
kill yourself or someone else or burn someone's house or place of
business down.

With that in mind, you might want to proceed like this: (View with a
fixed-pitch font)

First, set up three strings like this:

3.8Fv 3.3Fv 2.2Fv 1.7Fv

Each string will then drop about 44V, so if you connect them up in
parallel, like this:

| |
+----+ | |
MAINS>-----P||S---|~ +|--+--[STRING3>]--+
R||E | | |
MAINS>-----I||C---|~ -|-----------------+

you'll have 44V across and 30 mA through each string for a total of

You'll drop about 1.5V across the bridge, so the transformer will have
to put out about 46V with a 90mA load, which is 4.14VA

Hammond makes a transformer, a 164F48, which has a 115V primary and
two 24V secondaries rated for 125mA that can be connected in series to
get 48V and Mouser has 3 of them in stock for USD 8.68 QTY 1.

Hammond rates their output voltages with 115V in, so instead of 48V,
with 120V in it'll be about 50V out.

With the 10% variation in US mains voltage, we'll have:

MAINS Vin Vout
LOW 108 45
NOM 120 50
HIGH 132 55

On top of that, small transformers like this typically regulate at
about 30% from no load to full load, so for this one that would be 48V
out with a 125 mA load and 62.4V with no load, which is about

Then, since we'll only be presenting a 90mA load, that'll be a
decrease of 30mA from full load, so we can expect the output voltage
to rise to about 49V for low mains, 54V for nominal, and 59V for high

So now, since we only want 44V across the strings and we want to
protect against the high mains, we'll have to drop the extra 15V with
resistors, like this:

| |
+----+ | |
MAINS>-----P||S---|~ +|--+--[R]--[STRING3>]--+
R||E | | |
MAINS>-----I||C---|~ -|----------------------+

Since we want to drop 15V across each resistor and the current through
each one will be 30mA, Ohm's law says:

E 15V
R = --- = ------- ~ 500 ohms
I 0.03A

510 ohms is a standard 5% value and recalculating the current into the
string gives:

E 15V
I = --- = ------ ~ 29mA
R 510R

Then, the power it'll dissipate will be:

P = I˛R = 0.029A˛ * 510 ~ 429 milliwatts,

so a good choice would be a 510 ohm +/- 5%, 1/2 watt carbon film

Now there's only one thing left to do, and that's to protect the LEDs
from spikes. We can do that by placing a 68V 1500W transzorb


across the output of the bridge, like this:

| |
+----+ | |
MAINS>-----+ +---|~ +|--+--[R]--[STRING3>]--+
P||S | | |K |
R||E | |[TVS] |
I||C | | |1.5SMC68AT3 |
MAINS>-----+ +---|~ -|--+-------------------+

Just for grins, at low line the output of the bridge is going to be
49V, so with a string dropping 44V there'll be 5V across the resistor,
so it'll only allow:

E 5V
I = --- = ------ = 9.8mA
R 510R

into the string.

At nominal mains, there'll be 54V coming out of the bridge, so that
translates to about 19.6mA into each string.

Anyway, that's basically how to do it passively at a safe voltage and
how to protect the LEDs.

It can be done actively so that the illumination from the LEDs remains
essentially constant over the +/- 10% range of mains voltage
variation, but it gets more wasteful of power and more expensive.

On Tue, 3 Jan 2012 09:40:13 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton
<personalgrowthnow@yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm at 132V total now. I don't see how I can use LM317s without one of
them having a huge drop. I must be missing something.
While it is theoretically possible to run a string of Leds into
hundreds of volts, there may be practical reasons not to.

I've never researched it, so I don't know. I do notice that traffic
lights using many leds. 6 series strings on the ones I looked up, and
that's only ~30 volts a string. Perhaps there's something (some good
reason) I'm not aware of that makes it desirable to limit the voltage.
(like - hypothesizing here - junction capacitance being unequal might
dump too much voltage across one led on the instant power is applied).
Or maybe something as innocent as worried about water condensation
across the circuit boards.

Anyhow. For the small sacrifice in efficiency (and bragging rights)
low voltage has a lot of good reasons to use it. Like not having to
meet the same stringent electrical codes, safety, etc..

I'm running ~26 gauge flat two wire "telephone" wire out to individual
led modules - even the 1 meter strip (which uses ~12 watts) I just
tucked the wire behind a piece of molding around the window to hide it
- and put a "solid state fuse" in series to protect it.
On Tue, 3 Jan 2012 10:16:11 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton
<personalgrowthnow@yahoo.com> wrote:

On Jan 3, 11:54 am, fungus <to...@artlum.com> wrote:
On Jan 3, 4:30 pm, Chris Carlton <personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:

It would seem the solution would be 2 LM317s diving up two series of
LEDs set to the specific needs of that string with very small or no

You could also use an LM3914 - it can
do current limiting on up to 10 strings of
LEDs with just a couple of external

it seems I also saw some regulators with like 10 Vout pins. But I got
no clue on that stuff yet. I wonder if it will turn out to be as
simple as the rest of this is.

Thanks for the 3914 reference I'll look at that since I've got less
than 10 strings per fixture going at the moment.

What about voltage drop with these I've only got 132V total as soon as
I split it I'll be dropping a lot from 110V. surely with 10 series
capacity these will be able to have more drop tollerence or maybe I'll
figure out just how much power I will lose by keeping a LM3914 cool
and find out it's nothing.

The idea of using an LM3914 is ingenious, and an "off label" use.

You'd have to watch the total "package" power dissipation to stay
safe. Each output may be able to safely supply a certain maximum
current - but the whole chip may overheat if ALL outputs are dropping
voltage and current (dissipating watts of heat) at the same time.
On Jan 3, 11:54 am, fungus <to...@artlum.com> wrote:
On Jan 3, 4:30 pm, Chris Carlton <personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:

It would seem the solution would be 2 LM317s diving up two series of
LEDs set to the specific needs of that string with very small or no

You could also use an LM3914 - it can
do current limiting on up to 10 strings of
LEDs with just a couple of external
it seems I also saw some regulators with like 10 Vout pins. But I got
no clue on that stuff yet. I wonder if it will turn out to be as
simple as the rest of this is.

Thanks for the 3914 reference I'll look at that since I've got less
than 10 strings per fixture going at the moment.

What about voltage drop with these I've only got 132V total as soon as
I split it I'll be dropping a lot from 110V. surely with 10 series
capacity these will be able to have more drop tollerence or maybe I'll
figure out just how much power I will lose by keeping a LM3914 cool
and find out it's nothing.
On Jan 3, 1:43 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 18:02:49 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton

personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:
On Jan 2, 7:39 pm, John Fields <jfie...@austininstruments.com> wrote:
On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 14:33:04 -0800 (PST), Chris Carlton

personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Thanks to every response. I don't feel nearly as insane as I did a few
short days ago.

I guess to be sensible, I'll start out simple (LEDs with correct/safe
resistors) and then also experiment with LED drivers, droppers and
regulators for possible energy savings over my 1st design. It's always
nice to have "improvements" in those areas to market if I get that
chance. :)

If what you're looking for is minimum power waste, then you should
implement series strings running at high voltages.

For example, if you ran the 30 mA strings you described earlier, you'd
have 18 LEDs dropping 3.8V each for a total drop of 68.4V, 18 LEDs
dropping 1.7V each for a total of 30.6V and 9 LEDs dropping 2.2V each
for a total of 19.8V.

Putting all of those 30mA LEDs in series would result in a total drop
of 68.4V + 30.6V + 19.8V ~ 119V, which is very close to nominal mains
voltage in the US, suggesting that you could full-wave rectify the
mains and run the LEDs without a current limiting resistor.

You'd need some kind of spike protection in order to protect the
string from transients, but we can address that later, if you're

My fixtures energy draw is pretty low now at less than 3.5w. Seems
great when I compare it to what it is replacing. However I can easily
see running 20-50 of these at once so it will add up.

Oh and I found some more LEDs with 30mA to replace the ones I have
that are 20mA so I would not have to mess with it and leave me cleaner
wiring in my series chains which are long because my LEDs are 3-4"
apart in most cases. Also I trying an experiment where I mixed the
20mA with some LEDs that are 40mA in a series. I averaged the mA based
on the number of each type LED. I did my resistor calculation based on
this average. So far it lights up! we'll see if it blows up! :)

If you run the 20mA LEDs at higher than 20mA, then their life will be

Oh I was thinking of using laptop power supplies for this projects
future. They give 19V which makes for longer LED series strings and
they are dirt cheap ($5-10) to buy because of their popularity. What I
don't know is how reliable they are for power output??? Can I trust
them??? If I make the jump to drivers that guarantee my voltage this
may be the way to go! (LED power supplies are like $70.)

My suggestion is that you tailor your strings so that you can run them
directly off the mains using a full-wave bridge to drive the LEDs and
a small resistor and a Zener TVS to quell the spikes.

Would you like a schematic?


Hey JF!!!

I may be a noobie but I was so sure that this is where I was heading.
(Resistors just seemed to be against everything I was trying to do. It
even seemed like adding another LED would be better than a resistor,
because that way all the power is being used to make light no matter
what. ???? wasn't sure if this was true.)

I found some more 30mA LEDs so they all match now, but was already
calculating things to run at reg mains. USA 110V because of the new
30mAs I have over my 110V @ 132V and wasn't sure what to do with the
extra 20V because a resistor was a billion ohms or something.

Yes I would LOVE a schematic!

Would you like a piece of my new company? :) Hell Yeah!! I love folks
who help get things done!

My new specs are...
3.8Fv       3.3Fv   2.2Fv   1.7Fv
30mA        30mA    30mA    30mA
15LEDs      9LEDs   9LEDs   15LEDs

 57V  + 29.7V + 19.8V + 25.5V =  132V

US mains are 120VRMS nominal, +/- 10%, which means that the input to
your string could be anywhere between 108 and 132 volts.

It seems like since your string drops 132V with 30mA through it all
would be well since the maximum mains voltage would be 132 and all
that would happen if the mains voltage dropped would be that the
string would dim a little.

In truth though, there is some tolerance to the LEDs' Vf, and that
needs to be taken into consideration.

Do you have links to the LEDs' data sheets?

BTW, as others have posted, working with mains voltages is dangerous
even if you know what you're doing, and if you don't you could easily
kill yourself or someone else or burn someone's house or place of
business down.

With that in mind, you might want to proceed like this: (View with a
fixed-pitch font)

First, set up three strings like this:

    3.8Fv      3.3Fv      2.2Fv      1.7Fv

Each string will then drop about 44V, so if you connect them up in
parallel, like this:

                          |              |
                  +----+  |              |
MAINS>-----P||S---|~  +|--+--[STRING3>]--+
           R||E   |    |                 |
MAINS>-----I||C---|~  -|-----------------+

you'll have 44V across and 30 mA through each string for a total of

You'll drop about 1.5V across the bridge, so the transformer will have
to put out about 46V with a 90mA load, which is 4.14VA

Hammond makes a transformer, a 164F48, which has a 115V primary and
two 24V secondaries rated for 125mA that can be connected in series to
get 48V and Mouser has 3 of them in stock for USD 8.68 QTY 1.

Hammond rates their output voltages with 115V in, so instead of 48V,
with 120V in it'll be about 50V out.

With the 10% variation in US mains voltage, we'll have:

MAINS  Vin   Vout
 LOW   108    45
 NOM   120    50
 HIGH  132    55

On top of that, small transformers like this typically regulate at
about 30% from no load to full load, so for this one that would be 48V
out with a 125 mA load and 62.4V with no load, which is about

Then, since we'll only be presenting a 90mA load, that'll be a
decrease of 30mA from full load, so we can expect the output voltage
to rise to about 49V for low mains, 54V for nominal, and 59V for high

So now, since we only want 44V across the strings and we want to
protect against the high mains, we'll have to drop the extra 15V with
resistors, like this:

                          |                   |
                  +----+  |                   |
MAINS>-----P||S---|~  +|--+--[R]--[STRING3>]--+
           R||E   |    |                      |
MAINS>-----I||C---|~  -|----------------------+

Since we want to drop 15V across each resistor and the current through
each one will be 30mA, Ohm's law says:

          E      15V
     R = --- = ------- ~ 500 ohms
          I     0.03A

510 ohms is a standard 5% value and recalculating the current into the
string gives:

          E     15V
     I = --- = ------ ~ 29mA
          R     510R

Then, the power it'll dissipate will be:

     P = I˛R = 0.029A˛ * 510 ~ 429 milliwatts,

so a good choice would be a 510 ohm +/- 5%, 1/2 watt carbon film

Now there's only one thing left to do, and that's to protect the LEDs
from spikes. We can do that by placing a 68V 1500W transzorb


across the output of the bridge, like this:

                          |                   |
                  +----+  |                   |
MAINS>-----+  +---|~  +|--+--[R]--[STRING3>]--+
           P||S   |    |  |K                  |
           R||E   |    |[TVS]                 |
           I||C   |    |  |1.5SMC68AT3        |
MAINS>-----+  +---|~  -|--+-------------------+

Just for grins, at low line the output of the bridge is going to be
49V, so with a string dropping 44V there'll be 5V across the resistor,
so it'll only allow:

         E      5V
    I = --- = ------ = 9.8mA
         R     510R

into the string.

At nominal mains, there'll be 54V coming out of the bridge, so that
translates to about 19.6mA into each string.

Anyway, that's basically how to do it passively at a safe voltage and
how to protect the LEDs.

It can be done actively so that the illumination from the LEDs remains
essentially constant over the +/- 10% range of mains voltage
variation, but it gets more wasteful of power and more expensive.

Thanks JF

I do have links but also a little fear to give away some itelectual
property for example the specific nm of my LEDs would give a lit away.

Thank You very much for the plans. I'll study them well. :)
hard to believe that 48 little LEDs made for such a good thread!

Cheers to all the great input!!

Thanks again!!
Chris Carlton wrote:
I'm at 132V total now. I don't see how I can use LM317s without one of
them having a huge drop. I must be missing something.
An LM317 has a maximum rating of ~37 volts difference between
input and output. So, if you had say 168 volts on the input,
and the output was connected to the series string of LEDs, the
output pin would be at 132 volts. Therefore the 36V difference
between input and output would be just within the rating.
If you configured the LM317 to provide a constant current of
18 mA, and put a 1000 ohm resistor in series between the
168 volt source and the input pin, the resistor would drop
18 volts, so the input pin of the LM317 would be at 150 volts,
and the difference voltage would be 18 volts instead of 36.

You configure the LM317 as a constant current source by
connecting a resistor from its output pin to its adjust
pin, and connecting the load to the adjust pin. The formula
to determine the resistance or current is 1.25/R = I

For example, to get ~ 18 mA:

----- 68 ohms
+ ----|LM317|---/\/\/---+
----- R |
| |
- -------------------------------+

1.25/68 = ~.018

In a like manner, if R was 1 ohm, I would be 1.25,
if R was 10 ohms, I would be .125, if R was 100 ohms,
I would be .0125 and so forth.

You should also check the power dissipated in the LM317. Power
is the LM317 input - output voltage difference times the current.

On Wed, 04 Jan 2012 02:14:38 -0500, ehsjr <ehsjr@nospamverizon.net>

Chris Carlton wrote:
I'm at 132V total now. I don't see how I can use LM317s without one of
them having a huge drop. I must be missing something.

An LM317 has a maximum rating of ~37 volts difference between
input and output. So, if you had say 168 volts on the input,
and the output was connected to the series string of LEDs, the
output pin would be at 132 volts. Therefore the 36V difference
between input and output would be just within the rating.
If you configured the LM317 to provide a constant current of
18 mA, and put a 1000 ohm resistor in series between the
168 volt source and the input pin, the resistor would drop
18 volts, so the input pin of the LM317 would be at 150 volts,
and the difference voltage would be 18 volts instead of 36.

You configure the LM317 as a constant current source by
connecting a resistor from its output pin to its adjust
pin, and connecting the load to the adjust pin. The formula
to determine the resistance or current is 1.25/R = I

For example, to get ~ 18 mA:

----- 68 ohms
+ ----|LM317|---/\/\/---+
----- R |
| |
- -------------------------------+

1.25/68 = ~.018

In a like manner, if R was 1 ohm, I would be 1.25,
if R was 10 ohms, I would be .125, if R was 100 ohms,
I would be .0125 and so forth.

You should also check the power dissipated in the LM317. Power
is the LM317 input - output voltage difference times the current.

Nice. :)

sorry Ed, I must be too thick in the head like Dad used to say...

If I start with 110V from the wall and my fixture is 132V total then I
will have to split my LEDs into a minimum of two strings.
As soon as I split up the 48 LEDs up the smaller individual strings
total V would be greater than the drop limit of 36V for a LM317.

If I split them evenly.
132 / 2 = 66V per string
110 - 66 = 54V drop
In my mind I keep coming back to the comments about the reliability of
power past a laptop charger is very good.
and the comments about not running the LEDs at their full ratings.

This gives me a clean reliable 19V

Also everyone is saying to under drive me LEDs

I could build strings that are around 20.5V without resistors.

Even if my LEDs won't run at MAX brightness (which is not good anyway
apparently) at least all power would be being used to make light and
none being wasted in resistors or 317s or anything else. (Unless I am
a retard which is very possible. This is pretty new stuff for me) 19V
is also pretty low so even if it shorts it would not be a fire
starter. Running at 110V is a bit scary.
On Jan 4, 12:57 pm, Chris Carlton <personalgrowth...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Running at 110V is a bit scary.
Yep. You seem to be hinting at selling
this to the public. I don't know if that
requires certification where you live, but
it's likely (and for good reasons!).

If any part of whatever it is your selling
has mains A/C wires inside it then it
had better be rock-solidly built.

Laptop power supplies have already been
through the certification process and they
mean that no part of your gizmo has
potentially lethal wires inside it.

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