On Sat, 19 May 2012 11:55:04 -0700 Jeff Liebermann <jeffl@cruzio.com>
wrote in Message id: <gkqfr7tifijlt1n4l7frdrb5pumccv7tad@4ax.com>:
Get this while it lasts for $135:
I almost went for one of those, but instead decided on this:
Not quite as accurate as the thunderbolt, but good enough for my bench.
wrote in Message id: <gkqfr7tifijlt1n4l7frdrb5pumccv7tad@4ax.com>:
Too expensive.On Sat, 19 May 2012 18:24:04 +0000 (UTC), "Geoffrey S. Mendelson"
gsm@mendelson.com> wrote:
It's because the US is trying to get rid of those broadcasts. With GPS they
are obsolete.
I beg to differ. The cost of a GPS disciplined oscillator or clock in
a consumer product is prohibitive. Running continuously, GPS is a
major power drain. GPS doesn't work well indoors. There are huge
number of products that currently use 60KHz time sync that will go
dark if the US pulls the plug on WWVH and WWVB. That's not going to
happen. Quite the contrary, there are plans to add a US east coast
transmitter. See:
under "Service Improvement Plans".
Incidentally, I'm building my own 10MHz GPSDO for running my test
eqipment and ham junk. It's NOT a trivial or inexpensive exercise:
Get this while it lasts for $135:
I almost went for one of those, but instead decided on this:
Not quite as accurate as the thunderbolt, but good enough for my bench.