Terry Given
"Gregory L. Hansen" <glhansen@steel.ucs.indiana.edu> wrote in message
[snip cos its long]
done - even an idea from someone I despise
gain-to-output transfer function(s) to ensure a step change in gain doesnt
do anything nasty (usually its OK, but stuff you dont check always bites
you - just ask NASA). I have done quite a bit of gain scheduling. I have
also applied first-order thermal models to predictively model changes in
resistance of filter inductors etc - which is really just another form of
gain scheduling. It all boils down to my earlier comment - giving your
controller as much help as possible.
The great thing about varying such parameters is that it doesnt matter if
you dont get it quite right - the controller treats it as a disturbance, and
will regulate around it. Just dont get it too wrong!
PS I didnt learn jack shit about control loops at uni (incl. ME control
papers). I learned from building them, screwing them up and fixing them. And
from smart people who had already made a lot of mistakes.
[snip cos its long]
As an engineer, I'm not proud - I'll use anything that helps me get the joba balanced three-phase power system can be converted to an equivalent
2-phase (quadrature) system - because the angles between the three phases
are constant, the 3-phase system is over-determined. This quadrature
is really just a cartesian representation of a vector rotating at the
angular frequency w = 2pi*50Hz (60Hz), V = Vpeak*e^(jwt). This is a real
pain to control. If I multiply it by e^(-jw1t), and w1 = w then the
disappears - in other words, if my controller co-ordinate system rotates
the same speed as the vector, the vector looks stationary.
That seems quite clever. Linearizing the system? Seems almost more like
physicist talk than engineering talk.
done - even an idea from someone I despise
[ditto snip]If my controller
co-ordinates are aligned to the vector, then one axis of my rotating
coordinate system (by definition) is zero. So I measure the three-phase
supply, convert to two-phase (just a scalar transformation as the angles
0 and +/- 120 degrees, so numbers like 1/sqrt(3) pop up) then do a vector
rotation e^(-jtheta) (theta = w1t) to get Vd, Vq. If w1 = w then Vd = 0,
I PI-control Vd with a setpoint of zero. The output of my PI controller
w1, which I integrate to get theta. Regardless of what w1, theta start
as, the PI controller rapidly forces w1 = w, and theta = wt. So even
the system was "non-linear" (ie riddled with sin(x)) my linear controller
works beautifully. And the PI controller, in conjunction with the theta
integrator, did a great job of regulating out my ratshit sin(theta) calc
(used in the e^(-jw1t) vector rotation).
This is in fact a PLL, but its kind of hiding in the maths. If my Vd
setpoint is non-zero, I can dial up any arbitrary phase angle between me
the national grid - this is how active power factor compensators work
Its kind of a fancy digital stroboscope
the poncy control term is "gain scheduling." You just need to check theSeems more true to a modularity philosophy, too. I don't actually have
anything built into the loop that depends on voltages and things, but
control parameters are set that way. So I might have a gain of 10^6
relates an error signal of nanovolts to an output signal of volts. And
every time some little thing changes, the run parameters have to
*CLONK* - the sound of a nail being hit squarely on the head.
systems are generally a pain in the arse for this reason :}
Heh! I've learned enough now that I can calculate corrections for some
things. The temperature is measured by an AC bridge with the thermometer
and reference resistor at the cold end, and a ratio transformer at the
other. The run temperature is determined by setting the transformer. But
the ratio^2 figures into dV/dT, so that also changes the gain of my
sensor. But changes it predictably, so I think I can save some work from
that, at least.
"Things should be made as simple as possible -- but no simpler."
-- Albert Einstein
gain-to-output transfer function(s) to ensure a step change in gain doesnt
do anything nasty (usually its OK, but stuff you dont check always bites
you - just ask NASA). I have done quite a bit of gain scheduling. I have
also applied first-order thermal models to predictively model changes in
resistance of filter inductors etc - which is really just another form of
gain scheduling. It all boils down to my earlier comment - giving your
controller as much help as possible.
The great thing about varying such parameters is that it doesnt matter if
you dont get it quite right - the controller treats it as a disturbance, and
will regulate around it. Just dont get it too wrong!
PS I didnt learn jack shit about control loops at uni (incl. ME control
papers). I learned from building them, screwing them up and fixing them. And
from smart people who had already made a lot of mistakes.